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CHAPTER 15-10THE STATE BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION15-10-01.State board of higher education - Institutions administered by board.The state board of higher education shall have the control and administration of the following
state educational institutions:1.The state university and the school of mines at Grand Forks, with their substations.2.The North Dakota state university of agriculture and applied science and the
agricultural experiment station at Fargo, with their substations or centers.3.The school of science at Wahpeton.4.The Valley City state university, Mayville state university, Minot state university, and
Dickinson state university.5.The following colleges: Bismarck state college, Dakota college at Bottineau, Lake
Region state college, and Williston state college.6.And such other state institutions of higher education as may be established.15-10-01.1. Board of higher education to assume jurisdiction over junior collegesand off-campus educational centers. Repealed by S.L. 1999, ch. 154,