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CHAPTER 15-20.2AREA CAREER AND TECHNOLOGY CENTERS15-20.2-01. Area centers - Definition of terms. In this chapter, unless the contextotherwise requires:1."Area career and technology center" means a program of career and technical
education conducted at one or more attendance centers by three or more
participating public school districts.2."Center board" means the governing board of an area career and technology center.3."Participating district" means a public school district whose students are attending an
area career and technology center.4."School board" means a participating public school district board.5."State board" means the state board for career and technical education.15-20.2-02. Submission of plan for area center - Approval by state board. Theschool boards of three or more school districts may submit to the state board a proposed plan to
establish an area career and technology center. Such proposal must be consistent with the state
plan for career and technical education and meet the requirements, rules, standards, and
procedures as adopted by the state board. The state board upon receipt of a proposed plan to
establish an area career and technology center shall examine such plan and receive testimony
for the purpose of examining supporting and nonsupporting evidence submitted therewith. The
state board shall process the proposed plan according to procedures consistent with the state
plan. Nothing in this chapter may be interpreted to prohibit school districts from entering into
other kinds of administrative structures for career and technology centers approved by the state
board pursuant to other provisions of law.15-20.2-03. Agreement of participation in area center - Resolution of agreement.After approval of a plan pursuant to this chapter, all participating school districts of an area career
and technology center shall enter into an agreement of participation which must receive a vote of
approval of the school board of each participating school district. Prior to the effective date of an
approved plan, a resolution of agreement must be adopted by a majority vote of each
participating school board and such resolution must be published once in the official newspaper
of each county or counties of the participating school districts.15-20.2-04. Center boards - Appointment of members - Terms - Compensation -Vacancies. An area career and technology center must be operated by a center board of not
less than five members nor more than a total of one member for each participating district;
provided, however, that each participating school district with three hundred or more high school
students must be allowed one member for each three hundred high school students or fraction
thereof with a limitation of not more than three members from any one school district. Center
board members must be members of the school boards. The terms of office of the members of
center boards must be for at least one year and terminate upon the expiration of their terms on
their respective school boards. Members are eligible for reappointment to center boards. Center
board members shall receive the same compensation and expenses for attending center board
meetings or for otherwise engaging in official business for the center as provided in section
15.1-09-06 for members of school boards.Compensation and expenses of center boardmembers must be paid out of center funds.Vacancies on a center board must be filled by the school board whose representationwas lost when the vacancy occurred.15-20.2-05.Special board plan for small center.If four or fewer school districtscomprise an area career and technology center and if enrollment within such school district isPage No. 1insufficient to provide five members in accordance with section 15-20.2-04, the boards of such
school district shall agree upon the number and manner of selection of members of the center
board and shall submit their plan of selection for approval by the state board pursuant to section
15-20.2-02.15-20.2-06. Meetings of center boards - Election of officers - Quorum. The initialorganizational meeting of a center board must be called and conducted by the chairman of the
state board, and thereafter a center board shall meet monthly. At the next meeting following the
annual meeting of the school boards, the officers of a center board for the current school year
must be selected. The officers of a center board must be a chairman and a vice chairman, who
may not be from the same school district. The chairman shall preside at all meetings of a center
board and in the chairman's absence the vice chairman shall preside.Each center boardmember is entitled to one vote. A majority of the members of a center board constitutes a
quorum. Any motion or resolution may be adopted only by a majority vote of the members of the
center board.15-20.2-07. Powers and duties of center boards. The powers and duties of a centerboard are as follows:1.To supervise, manage, and control an area career and technology center
established by the cooperating school districts pursuant to this chapter.2.To provide career and technical education programs approved by the state board.3.To contract with, employ, and pay personnel to administer the affairs and to teach in
the area career and technology center, and to remove for cause any personnel when
the interests of the area career and technology center may require it; provided, that
personnel employed by a center board shall have the same statutory rights as
provided by law for personnel employed by public school districts.4.To lease, acquire, or purchase career and technical education equipment for an area
career and technology center.5.To lease, acquire, purchase, or sell career and technical education facilities,
including real property, for an area career and technology center; provided, that any
purchase or sale of real property must first be approved by two-thirds of the school
boards of the participating school districts.6.To receive and administer any private, local, state, or federal funds provided for the
operation and maintenance of an area career and technology center.7.To enter into contracts consistent with the other powers and duties provided for by
this chapter.8.To accept real or personal property available for distribution by the United States or
any of its departments or agencies and also to accept federal grants that may be
made available in the field of career and technical education.15-20.2-08. Assessment of participating districts for proportionate share of centerexpenses - Allocation of students - Civil penalty for failure to remit payment. A center
board shall, for the purpose of paying any administrative, planning, operating, or capital
expenses incurred or to be incurred, assess each participating school district its proportionate
share based upon its high school enrollment as compared to the total high school enrollment of
all participating school districts in the area career and technology center and shall assess each
nonparticipating school district receiving services its proportionate share based upon its utilization
of programs. A center board shall, as nearly as possible, allocate the number of students from
each participating district to be served in an area career and technology center on the same
proportionate basis as is used for the assessment of expenses.Page No. 2A center board utilizing mobile units solely shall, for the purpose of paying anyadministrative, planning, operating, or capital expenses incurred or to be incurred, assess each
participating school district its proportionate share based upon its utilization of programs as
compared to total program utilization of all participating school districts in such center. A center
board utilizing mobile units solely shall, as nearly as possible, determine the program utilization
of each participating school district to be served based upon its high school enrollment as
compared to the total high school enrollment of all participating school districts in such center and
the school's accessibility to those programs.Each participating school district shall remit payment of the assessment of its share ofexpenses to the center board promptly after receipt of the assessment notice, or within a period
of time determined by the center board, but no later than sixty days after the official date of
receipt as noted on the assessment notice. A civil penalty of one percent per month must accrue
on all assessments not paid when due.15-20.2-09.Distribution of state funds to area centers - Rules and regulations.Funds which may be made available to the state board for distribution to area career and
technology centers must be apportioned and distributed by the state board to the area career and
technology centers to assist such centers in defraying the cost involved in maintaining and
operating such centers. The use of such funds is subject to such rules and regulations as may
be prescribed by the state board and must be in accordance with the approved state plan for
career and technical education.15-20.2-10.Appropriated and federal funds used for distribution.The fundsdistributed to the area career and technology centers under the provisions of section 15-20.2-09
must be paid out of moneys appropriated to the state board for career and technical education,
including federal funds allotted to the state to promote and attain the purposes of state and
federal legislation on career and technical education.15-20.2-11. District becoming participant in established center - Procedure. Afteran area career and technology center has been established, any other school district may
become a participant in the center and may be governed by the provisions of this chapter upon
following a process similar to that pursued by the school districts originally forming the center,
including approval of the vote of the district board, the center board, and the state board
according to the procedure set forth in sections 15-20.2-12 and 15-20.2-13.15-20.2-12.District board resolution to participate in established center -Publication. A school district board may request that the state board and the center board
approve such school district as a participating district in an established area career and
technology center upon approval of a resolution by the school district board.When suchresolution has been adopted by the school district board, it must be published once in the official
newspaper of the county or counties in which the district is located.15-20.2-13. Referendum on district participation in area center - Majority requiredfor approval. A school district board may not proceed to obtain approval as a participating
district in an area career and technology center if a petition for referendum of the question of said
school district participating in an area career and technology center signed by twenty percent of
the qualified electors of said school district voting at the last annual school election is filed with
the school board within sixty days of the publication of the resolution provided for in section
15-20.2-12.When such petition is filed, the school board may not obtain approval as aparticipating district in an area career and technology center until the question of whether the
district shall enter into an area career and technology center has been submitted to the qualified
electors of the district. If a majority of the total number of votes cast on the question within the
school district is in favor of the question, the school board may proceed to obtain approval as a
participating district in an area career and technology center.15-20.2-14.Withdrawal of district from participation in center - Submission tovoters - Effect of withdrawals. The procedure for withdrawal is the same as for joining as
provided for in sections 15-20.2-11 through 15-20.2-13, except that when a participating district isPage No. 3unable to obtain an approval of withdrawal from the center board, or the state board, or both, the
participating district may submit the question to withdraw from the area career and technology
center to the voters of the school district. If a majority of the total number of votes cast on the
question is in favor of withdrawal, the participating school district must be released from the area
career and technology center. Such withdrawal may become effective at the end of the next
school year or on such a date as determined by the state board, but such withdrawal does not
affect the liability of the withdrawing school district for obligations incurred during its participation.15-20.2-15.Dissolution of established center.An established area career andtechnology center may be dissolved in accordance with rules and procedures adopted by the
state board.15-20.2-16. Rules, regulations, and standards for area centers. The state board isauthorized and empowered to establish and adopt rules, regulations, standards, and procedures
set forth in the state plan pertaining to the creation, operation, control, supervision, and approval
of area career and technology centers.Page No. 4Document Outlinechapter 15-20.2 area career and technology centers