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CHAPTER 15.1-08SCHOOL DISTRICTS FOR MILITARY INSTALLATIONS15.1-08-01. Military installation - School district formation. The state board of publicschool education may form a school district on a military installation provided:1.The state board is requested to do so by the base commander of the installation;2.The state board schedules and holds a public hearing after publishing notice of the
hearing in the official newspaper of the county in which the proposed school district
is to be located, at least fourteen days before the date of the hearing; and3.The boundaries of the district are coterminous with all lands over which the
installation has exclusive concurrent or proprietary jurisdiction.15.1-08-02.Military installation - School board members - Terms of office -Qualifications - Vacancies. The board of a school district formed under this chapter consists of
five members. The superintendent of public instruction shall adopt rules providing appointment
procedures.The superintendent, after consultation with the base commander and with theapproval of the state board of public school education, shall appoint board members in April of
each year.The board members must reside on the military installation.The school boardmembers shall serve three-year terms except that the superintendent of public instruction shall
designate two of the members initially appointed to serve two-year terms and two of the
members initially appointed to serve one-year terms. If a vacancy occurs, the school board shall
appoint an individual to serve for the remainder of the unexpired term.15.1-08-03.Military installation - Organization of school board - Meetings.Amajority of the military installation school board constitutes a quorum. The assent of a majority of
the members present is necessary for the transaction of any business. The annual meeting of
the school board must be held during the month of July following the appointment to the board,
on a date called by the president and convenient to the rest of the members. At the annual
meeting in July, the board members shall elect one member to serve as president for a one-year
term. Notice of any regular or special meeting must be given, in writing, to each member of the
board; provided that the attendance at any meeting, without objection, by any board member
constitutes a waiver of the notice required to be given to the member. The board must hold
regular meetings for transacting business. Special meetings may be called by the president or
by any two members of the board.15.1-08-04. Military installation - School board - Duties. A school board establishedunder this chapter shall:1.Give primary consideration to the education and social well-being of the students
residing in the school district.2.Respect the wishes of the students' parents regarding the provision of education to
the students.3.Contract for the provision of education to the students residing in the district.4.Conduct all board meetings as required by section 44-04-19.15.1-08-05. Military installation - School board - Business manager. A school boardestablished under this chapter may employ and compensate a business manager. The individual
employed as a business manager may not be a member of the school board. The school board
may dismiss or suspend the business manager without notice for serious cause.In otherinstances, the board may dismiss the business manager upon thirty days' written notice.15.1-08-06. Military installation - School districts - Application of other laws.Page No. 11.The duties set forth in section 15.1-09-28 are applicable to the president of a school
board governing a military installation school district established under this chapter.2.The duties set forth in sections 15.1-09-33 and 15.1-09-35 are applicable to a school
board governing a military installation school district established under this chapter
unless other agreements have been reached.3.The duties set forth in sections 15.1-07-21, 15.1-07-23, and 15.1-07-24 are
applicable to the business manager of a military installation school district
established under this chapter.4.The compensation and expense reimbursement levels set forth in section
15.1-09-06 are applicable to members of a school board governing a military
installation school district established under this chapter.5.Sections 15.1-07-10 through 15.1-07-13 and section 15.1-07-25 are applicable to
military installation school districts established under this chapter.15.1-08-07. School district agreements.1.This chapter does not affect any agreement entered before March 28, 1989,
between the Emerado elementary public school district and the Grand Forks public
school district. Any agreement entered between those school districts continues
under the terms provided in the agreement or for as long as both school districts
continue to operate and the Grand Forks air force base contracts for full educational
services from the Grand Forks public school district.2.Before the state board of public school education requests that a school district be
established pursuant to this chapter on the Minot air force base, the Glenburn public
school district and the Minot public school district must enter into an agreement
regarding the provision of education to the students residing on the air force base.
The agreement must be approved by the state board of public school education.
The Minot public school district and the Glenburn public school district, in entering
into an agreement, must take into consideration current and potential revenues,
including current and potential revenues from property taxes, in lieu of property
taxes, and federal and state funds that are distributed to school districts based on
census, and losses that may occur as a result of the agreement. The state board of
public school education must receive approval from the United States secretary of
education prior to the formation of the proposed school district.3.Before the state board of public school education requests that a school district be
established on a military installation other than the Grand Forks air force base and
the Minot air force base pursuant to this chapter:a.The school districts providing education to students residing on a military
installation must enter into an agreement regarding the provision of education
to those students. The agreement must be approved by the state board of
public school education. School districts entering into the agreement must take
into consideration current and potential revenues and losses that may occur as
the result of the agreement; andb.The state board of public school education must receive approval from the
United States secretary of education regarding the formation of the proposed
school district.15.1-08-08. Military installation - Open enrollment - Participation. Notwithstandingany other provisions of law, a student whose school district of residence is a military installation
school district may participate in open enrollment under chapter 15.1-31.Page No. 2Document Outlinechapter 15.1-08 school districts for military installations