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CHAPTER 16.1-03PARTY COMMITTEE ORGANIZATION16.1-03-01. Precinct caucus to elect precinct committeemen - Time and manner ofholding - Caucus call - Notice.1.On or before May fifteenth following the last preceding general election, a party
caucus must be held by every election precinct at a site within or reasonably close to
the precinct in the manner provided in sections 16.1-03-01 through 16.1-03-03.2.The legislative district chairman of each party shall issue the call for the precinct
caucus at least twenty days before the time set for holding the caucus and the call
must contain the following:a.Name of party.b.Precinct number or name.c.Date of caucus.d.Place of caucus.e.Hours of caucus.f.A statement of the business to be conducted, including the election of precinct
committeemen and such other persons as may be provided by state law and
party rules.g.The name of the district chairman issuing the call.3.The district chairman shall provide ten days' published notice in the official
newspaper in circulation within each precinct in the district.The notices mustcontain that information set forth in subsection 2. The district chairman may include
the information required by this section for all precincts in the district in one notice for
publishing purposes.16.1-03-02. Who may participate in and vote at caucus.1.Only those persons who are qualified electors pursuant to section 16.1-01-04 may
vote or be elected as committeemen or officers at the precinct caucus.2.Only those persons who either voted or affiliated with the party at the last general
election or intend to vote or affiliate with the party at the next general election may
vote at the precinct caucus.3.In case the right of a person to participate at the caucus is challenged, the question
of the person's right to participate must be decided by a vote of the whole caucus. A
person so challenged may not vote on the question of the person's right to
participate in the caucus, and a two-thirds vote of the whole caucus is required to
exclude a person from participation.4.No person may vote or participate at more than one precinct caucus in any one year.16.1-03-03.Caucus business and elections - Political parties entitled to electcommitteemen.1.Each precinct caucus shall elect a chairman, committeemen as provided in
subsection 3, and other officers as may be provided by party rules. The caucus mayPage No. 1also discuss party policies, candidates, and any other business as prescribed by
party rules.2.No political organization is entitled to elect a precinct committeeman at its precinct
caucus unless:a.The organization nominated and had printed on the ballot at the last preceding
general election the names of a set of presidential electors pledged to the
election of the party's candidates for president and vice president or a
candidate for governor, attorney general, or secretary of state; andb.The candidates provided for in subdivision a received at least five percent of the
total vote cast for presidential electors or for governor, attorney general, or
secretary of state within this state at that election.3.Each political party in each voting precinct of this state, otherwise qualifying under
subsection 2, is entitled to elect one precinct committeeman for each two hundred
fifty votes, or fraction thereof, cast for the party's presidential electors, governor,
attorney general, or secretary of state in the precinct in the last general election.
Each precinct is entitled to at least one precinct committeeman for each party which
qualifies under subsection 2. Each precinct committeeman must be an elector of the
precinct in which the committeeman resides and must be elected for a two-year
term.16.1-03-04. Candidates elected at caucus - Tie vote - Canvassing vote. Repealed byS.L. 1997, ch. 189,