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16.1-08.1 Campaign Contribution Statements

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CHAPTER 16.1-08.1CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS16.1-08.1-01.Definitions.As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwiserequires:1."Association"meansanyclub,association,union,brotherhood,fraternity,organization, or group of any kind of two or more persons, including labor unions,
trade associations, professional associations, or governmental associations, which is
united for any purpose, business, or object and which assesses any dues,
membership fees, or license fees in any amount, or which maintains a treasury fund
in any amount. The term does not include corporations, cooperative corporations,
limited liability companies, political committees, or political parties.2."Candidate" means an individual who seeks nomination for election or election to
public office, and includes:a.A person holding public office;b.A person who has publicly declared that person's candidacy for nomination for
election or election to public office or has filed or accepted a nomination for
public office;c.A person who has formed a campaign or other committee for that person's
candidacy for public office;d.A person who has circulated a nominating petition to have that person's name
placed on the ballot; ande.A person who has, in any manner, solicited or received a contribution for that
person's candidacy for public office, whether before or after the election for that
office.3."Contribution" means a gift, transfer, conveyance, provision, receipt, subscription,
loan, advance, deposit of money, or anything of value, made for the purpose of
influencing the nomination for election, or election, of any person to public office or
aiding or opposing the circulation or passage of a statewide initiative or referendum
petition or measure.The term also means a contract, promise, or agreement,express or implied, whether or not legally enforceable, to make a contribution for any
of the above purposes. The term includes funds received by a candidate for public
office or a political party or committee which are transferred or signed over to that
candidate, party, or committee from another candidate, party, or political committee
or other source. The term "anything of value" includes any good or service of more
than a nominal value. The term "nominal value" means the cost, price, or worth of
the good or service is trivial, token, or of no appreciable value.The term"contribution" does not include:a.A loan of money from a bank or other lending institution made in the regular
course of business.b.Time spent by volunteer campaign or political party workers.c.Money spent by a candidate on the candidate's own behalf.d.Money or anything of value received for commercial transactions, including
rents, advertising, or sponsorships made as a part of a fair market value
bargained-for exchange.Page No. 1e.Money or anything of value received by a candidate in that person's personal
capacity, including pursuant to a contract or agreement made for personal or
private employment purposes, and not received for a political purpose or to
influence the performance of that person's official duty.f.Contributions of products or services for which the actual cost or fair market
value are reimbursed by a payment of money.4."Cooperative corporations", "corporations", and "limited liability companies" are as
defined in this code, and for purposes of this chapter "corporations" includes
nonprofit corporations.5."Expenditure" means a gift, transfer, conveyance, provision, loan, advance,
payment, distribution, disbursement, outlay, or deposit of money or anything of
value, except a loan of money from a bank or other lending institution made in the
regular course of business, made for the direct purpose of influencing the passage
or defeat of a measure or the nomination for election, or election, of any individual to
office. The term also means a contract, promise, or agreement, express or implied,
whether or not legally enforceable, to make any expenditure and includes the
transfer of funds by a political committee to another political committee.6."Patron" means a person who owns equity interest in the form of stock, shares, or
membership or maintains similar financial rights in a cooperative corporation.7."Person" means an individual, partnership, political committee, association,
corporation, cooperative corporation, limited liability company, or other organization
or group of persons.8."Political committee" means any committee, club, association, or other group of
persons which receives contributions or makes expenditures for political purposes
and includes the following:a.A political action committee, derived from a corporation, cooperative
corporation, limited liability company, or an association that is prohibited from
making direct contributions for political purposes under section 16.1-08.1-03.3,
and which solicits or receives contributions or makes expenditures for political
purposes;b.A candidate committee, established to support an individual candidate seeking
statewide office, that solicits or receives contributions for political purposes;c.An organization governed by section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code
[26 U.S.C. 527], which solicits or receives contributions or makes expenditures
for political purposes;d.A multicandidate political committee, established to support multiple groups or
slates of candidates seeking public office, that solicits or receives contributions
for political purposes; ande.A measure committee that solicits or receives contributions for the purpose of
aiding or opposing a measure to be voted upon by the voters of the state.9."Political party" means any association, committee, or organization which nominates
a candidate for election to any office which may be filled by a vote of the electors of
this state or any of its political subdivisions and whose name appears on the election
ballot as the candidate of such association, committee, or organization.10."Political purpose" means any activity undertaken in support of or in opposition to the
election or nomination of a candidate to public office and includes using "vote for",Page No. 2"oppose", or any similar support or opposition language in any advertisement
whether the activity is undertaken by a candidate, a political committee, a political
party, or any person. In the period thirty days before a primary election and sixty
days before a special or general election, "political purpose" also means any activity
in which a candidate's name, office, district, or any term meaning the same as
"incumbent" or "challenger" is used in support of or in opposition to the election or
nomination of a candidate to public office.The term does not include activitiesundertaken in the performance of a duty of a state office or any position taken in any
bona fide news story, commentary, or editorial.11."Public office" means every office to which persons can be elected by vote of the
people under the laws of this state.16.1-08.1-02.Contributionsstatementrequiredofcandidatecommittees,candidates, and candidates for legislative office.1.Any candidate committee, as described in section 16.1-08.1-01, or candidate for
statewide office who does not have a candidate committee, and any candidate for
legislative office soliciting or accepting contributions for any political purpose shall
make and file a statement in accordance with this section.2.The candidate committee, or candidate for statewide office who does not have a
candidate committee, and any candidate for legislative office shall include in the
statement the name and mailing address of all contributors who contributed in
excess of two hundred dollars in the aggregate during the reporting period to the
candidate committee, or candidate for statewide office who does not have a
candidate committee, and any candidate for legislative office, the aggregated
amount of the reportable contributions from each contributor and the date the last
reportable contribution from each contributor was received.3.The candidate committee, or candidate for statewide office who does not have a
candidate committee, and any candidate for legislative office shall file the statement
in the office of the secretary of state no later than the twelfth day before the date of
the election in which the candidate's name appears on the ballot or in which the
candidate seeks election through write-in votes complete from the beginning of that
calendar year through the twentieth day before the date of the election.Everycandidate committee, or candidate for statewide office who does not have a
candidate committee, and every candidate for legislative office shall file a complete
statement for each calendar year no later than the thirty-first day of January of the
following year, regardless of whether the candidate sought election during that
calendar year.4.Even if the candidate committee, or candidate for statewide office who does not
have a candidate committee, or the candidate for legislative office has not received
any contributions in excess of two hundred dollars during the reporting period, the
candidate committee, or candidate for statewide office who does not have a
candidate committee, or the candidate for legislative office shall file a statement as
required by this chapter. A statement filed according to this section by a candidate
committee or candidate for statewide office who does not have a candidate
committee during the reporting period must show the following:a.The gross total of all contributions received in excess of two hundred dollars;b.The gross total of all contributions received of two hundred dollars, or less; andc.The cash on hand in the filer's account at the start and close of the reporting
period.Page No. 35.A candidate committee, or candidate for statewide office who does not have a
candidate committee, and any candidate for legislative office shall report the
occupation, employer, and principal place of business of each person, or the political
committee if not already registered according to state or federal law, who contributed
five thousand dollars or more in the aggregate during the reporting period.16.1-08.1-02.1.State political party convention revenue and expense statementrequired.1.State political parties shall establish separate and segregated accounts for the
management of state nominating conventions.All revenue obtained andexpenditures made for the planning and running of a state convention must be
accounted for in these accounts.2.A postconvention statement must be filed with the secretary of state sixty days after
the close of the state nominating convention.The reporting period for thepostconvention statement begins on the first day of January of the reporting year
and ends thirty days after the close of the state nominating convention.3.A year-end statement covering the entire calendar year must be filed with the
secretary of state no later than the thirty-first day of January of the following year
even if no convention revenue was received or expenditures made within the
calendar year.4.The statement filed according to this section must show the following:a.The cash on hand in the filer's convention accounts at the start and close of the
reporting period;b.The gross total of all revenue received and expenditures made of two hundred
dollars, or less;c.The gross total of all revenue received and expenditures made in excess of two
hundred dollars;d.The aggregated totals of all revenue received from a single person or entity in
excess of two hundred dollars, the name of each person or entity, the mailing
address of each person or entity, the date of the most recent receipt of revenue
from each person or entity, and the purpose or purposes for which the
aggregated revenue total was received from each person or entity;e.The aggregated totals of all expenditures made to a single person or entity in
excess of two hundred dollars, the name of each person or entity, the mailing
address of each person or entity, the date of the most recent expense made to
each person or entity, and the purpose or purposes for which the aggregated
expenditure total was disbursed to each person or entity; andf.A political party shall report the occupation, employer, and principal place of
business of each person from whom five thousand dollars or more of revenue
was received in the aggregate during the reporting period.5.For the purposes of this section, the term entity is defined as any group consisting of
or representing more than one person.6.If a net gain from the convention is transferred to the accounts established for the
support of the nomination or election of candidates, the total transferred must be
reported as a contribution in the statements required by section 16.1-08.1-03.Page No. 47.If a net loss from the convention is covered by a transfer from the accounts
established for the support of the nomination or election of candidates, the total
transferred must be reported as an expenditure in the statements required by
section 16.1-08.1-03.16.1-08.1-03. Contributions statement required of political parties.1.Any political party that receives contributions in excess of two hundred dollars in the
aggregate during the reporting period shall file a statement containing the
aggregated total of all contributions received from a person or political committee
which exceed two hundred dollars in amount. The statement must include the name
and mailing address of all contributors listed.For each contributor listed, thestatement must include the aggregated amount of the reportable contributions and
the date the last reportable contribution was received. For a state political party, the
statement must include a list of the name and mailing address of each recipient of
an expenditure exceeding two hundred dollars in the aggregate.For eachexpenditure recipient listed, the list must include the aggregated amount of the
reportable expenditures and the date the last expenditure was made.2.A year-end statement covering the entire calendar year must be filed with the
secretary of state no later than the thirty-first day of January of the following year. A
preelection statement must be filed no later than the twelfth day before any election
at which the party has endorsed or will nominate a candidate and must be complete
from the beginning of that calendar year through the twentieth day before the
election.3.Even if the political party has not received any contributions in excess of two
hundred dollars during the reporting period, the political party shall file a statement
as required by this chapter. A statement filed by a state political party according to
this section during the reporting period must show the following:a.The gross total of all contributions received and expenditures made in excess
of two hundred dollars;b.The gross total of all contributions received and expenditures made of two
hundred dollars, or less; andc.The cash on hand in the filer's account at the start and close of the reporting
period.4.A political party shall report the occupation, employer, and principal place of
business of each person, or the political committee if not already registered
according to state or federal law, who contributed five thousand dollars or more in
the aggregate during the reporting period.16.1-08.1-03.1.Contributions statement required of persons and measurecommittees promoting passage or defeat of initiated or referred measure.1.Any person or measure committee, as described in section 16.1-08.1-01, who is
soliciting or accepting a contribution for the purpose of aiding or opposing the
circulation or passage of a statewide initiative or referendum petition or measure
placed upon a statewide ballot by action of the legislative assembly at any election
shall file a statement in accordance with this section if the person has received any
contributions from a person in excess of one hundred dollars. The statement must
include the name and mailing address of all contributors who contributed in excess
of one hundred dollars to the person, the amount of each reportable contribution,
and the date each reportable contribution was received. The statement must include
the name and mailing address of each recipient of an expenditure exceeding onePage No. 5hundred dollars in the aggregate, the amount of each reportable expenditure, and
the date the expenditure was made.2.A person or measure committee who is soliciting or accepting a contribution for the
purpose of aiding or opposing the circulation or passage of a statewide initiative or
referendum petition or measure placed upon a statewide ballot by action of the
legislative assembly may not accept a contribution of more than one hundred dollars
from a person who does not reside in this state or from an out-of-state political
committee unless the contribution is accompanied by a certified statement from the
contributor listing the name, address, and amount contributed by each person who
contributed more than one hundred dollars of the contribution. The statement must
indicate if no individual person contributed in excess of one hundred dollars of the
out-of-state person's or political committee's overall contribution.The certifiedstatement must also list the occupation, employer, and principal place of business
for each person who contributed more than one hundred dollars of the contribution.
The person soliciting or accepting a contribution for the purpose of aiding the
circulation of a statewide initiative or referendum petition or of promoting passage or
defeat of a statewide initiated or referred measure must include this statement with
the contribution statement required to be filed under subsection 1.3.The statement required of a person or measure committee under subsection 1 must
be filed with the secretary of state no later than the twelfth day prior to the date of the
election in which the measure appears or would have appeared on the ballot
complete from the beginning of that calendar year through the twentieth day prior to
the date of the election. A complete statement for the entire calendar year must be
filed no later than the thirty-first day of January of the following year. Even if a
person required to report according to this section has not received any contributions
in excess of one hundred dollars during the reporting period, the person shall file a
statement as required by this chapter. A statement filed according to this section
during the reporting period must show the following:a.The gross total of all contributions received and expenditures made in excess
of one hundred dollars;b.The gross total of all contributions received and expenditures made of one
hundred dollars, or less; andc.The cash on hand in the filer's account at the start and close of the reporting
period.16.1-08.1-03.2.Political committee registration.A statewide candidate or politicalcommittee as defined in section 16.1-08.1-01 shall register its name, address, and its agent's
name and address with the secretary of state each calendar year in which it receives any
contribution. The registration must be completed within fifteen business days of the receipt of
any contribution or expenditure made and must be submitted with a registration fee of twenty-five
dollars. A political committee that organizes and registers according to federal law and makes a
disbursement in excess of two hundred dollars to a nonfederal candidate seeking public office, a
political party, or political committee in this state is not required to register as a political
committee according to this section if the political committee reports according to
section 16.1-08.1-03.7. Registration under this section does not reserve the name for exclusive
use nor does it constitute registration of a trade name under chapter 47-25.16.1-08.1-03.3. Campaign contributions by corporations, cooperative corporations,limited liability companies, and associations prohibited - Violation - Penalty - Political
action committees authorized.1.A corporation, cooperative corporation, limited liability company, or association may
not make a direct contribution:Page No. 6a.To aid any political party, political committee, or organization.b.To aid any corporation, limited liability company, or association organized or
maintained for political purposes.c.To aid any candidate for public office or for nomination to public office.d.For any political purpose or the reimbursement or indemnification of any person
for money or property so used.e.For the influencing of any measure before the legislative assembly, except in
accordance with chapter 54-05.1.2.This section does not prohibit the establishment, administration, and solicitation of
contributions to a separate and segregated fund to be utilized for political purposes
by a corporation, cooperative corporation, limited liability company, or association. It
is unlawful for:a.The person or persons controlling the fund to make contributions or
expenditures utilizing money or anything of value secured by physical force, job
discrimination, financial reprisals, or the threat of them; or utilize money from
dues, fees, treasury funds, or other money required as a condition of
membership in an association, or as a condition of employment; or utilize
money obtained in any commercial transaction.Moneys from fees, dues,treasury funds, or money obtained in a commercial transaction may, however,
be used to pay costs of administration of the fund.b.Any person soliciting an employee, stockholder, patron, or member for a
contribution to the fund to fail to inform the employee or member of the political
purposes of the fund at the time of the solicitation or of the general political
philosophy intended to be advanced through committee activities.c.Any person soliciting an employee or member for a contribution to the fund to
fail to inform the employee or member at the time of the solicitation of the right
to refuse to contribute without any reprisal.d.Any contribution to be accepted without keeping an accurate record of the
contributor and amount contributed and of amounts expended for political
purposes.e.Any contribution to be accepted from any person who is not an employee,
stockholder, patron, or member of the corporation, cooperative corporation,
limited liability company, or association maintaining the political action
committee.f.Any expenditure made for political purposes to be reported under this section
before control of the expenditure has been released by the political action
committee except if there is a contract, promise, or agreement, expressed or
implied, to make such expenditure.3.All political action committees, as described in section 16.1-08.1-01, formed for the
purpose of administering the segregated fund provided for in this section shall file a
statement showing the name and mailing address of each contributor of an amount
in excess of two hundred dollars in the aggregate for the reporting period and a
listing of all expenditures of an amount in excess of two hundred dollars in the
aggregate made for political purposes with the secretary of state. The statement
must include the amount of each reportable contribution and the date it was received
and the amount of each reportable expenditure and the date it was made.Ayear-end statement covering the entire calendar year must be filed no later than thePage No. 7thirty-first day of January of the following year. A preelection statement must be filed
no later than the twelfth day before any primary, special, or general election and
must be complete from the beginning of the calendar year through the twentieth day
before the election.Even if a political action committee has not received anycontributions or made any expenditures in excess of two hundred dollars during the
reporting period, the political action committee shall file a statement as required by
this chapter. A statement filed according to this section during the reporting period
must show the following:a.The gross total of all contributions received and expenditures made in excess
of two hundred dollars;b.The gross total of all contributions received and expenditures made of two
hundred dollars, or less; andc.The cash on hand in the filer's account at the start and close of the reporting
period.4.A political action committee shall report the occupation, employer, and principal
place of business of each person, or the political committee if not already registered
according to state or federal law, who contributed five thousand dollars or more in
the aggregate during the reporting period.5.A person may not make a payment of that person's money or of another person's
money to any other person for a political purpose in any name other than that of the
person who supplies the money and a person may not knowingly receive the
payment nor enter nor cause the payment to be entered in that person's account or
record in any name other than that of the person by whom it actually was furnished.6.If an officer, employee, agent, attorney, or other representative of a corporation,
cooperative corporation, limited liability company, or association makes any
contribution prohibited by this section out of corporate, cooperative corporation,
limited liability company, or association funds or otherwise violates this section, it is
prima facie evidence of a violation by the corporation, cooperative corporation,
limited liability company, or association.7.A violation of this section may be prosecuted in the county where the contribution is
made or in any county in which it has been paid or distributed.8.It is a class A misdemeanor for an officer, director, stockholder, manager, governor,
member, attorney, agent, or representative of any corporation, cooperative
corporation, limited liability company, or association to violate this section or to
counsel or consent to any violation. Any person who solicits or knowingly receives
any contribution in violation of this section is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.9.Any officer, director, stockholder, manager, governor, member, attorney, agent, or
representative who makes, counsels, or consents to the making of a contribution in
violation of this section is liable to the company, corporation, limited liability
company, or association for the amount so contributed.16.1-08.1-03.4. Person not excused from testifying as to violation - Prosecution orpenalty waived upon testifying. No person may be excused from attending and testifying or
producing any books, papers, or other documents before any court upon any investigation,
proceeding, or trial for a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, upon the grounds that
the testimony or evidence, documentary or otherwise, required of the person may tend to
incriminate or degrade the person. No person may be prosecuted nor subjected to any penalty
or forfeiture for or on account of any transaction, matter, or thing concerning which the person
may testify or produce evidence, documentary or otherwise, and no testimony so given or
produced may be used against the person in any criminal investigation or proceeding.Page No. 816.1-08.1-03.5.Direct expenditures - Passage or defeat of a measure or statepolitical party building funds - Report required.1.This chapter does not prohibit the exercise by corporations, cooperative
corporations, limited liability companies, and associations of the right to make
expenditures and contributions for the purpose of promoting passage or defeat of
initiated or referred measures, or for promoting any general political philosophy or
belief deemed in the best interest of the employees, stockholders, patrons, or
members of the corporation, cooperative corporation, limited liability company, or
association other than a "political purpose" as defined by this chapter.Anycorporation, cooperative corporation, limited liability company, or association that
receives contributions pursuant to section 16.1-08.1-03.1 or spends money for the
purpose of promoting passage or defeat of initiated or referred measures, other than
a contribution to another person or measure committee promoting passage or defeat
of an initiated or referred measure, shall file a statement pursuant to section
16.1-08.1-03.1 along with a statement listing the total amount of money spent for
that purpose. The statements filed pursuant to section 16.1-08.1-03.1 must be filed
with the secretary of state no later than the twelfth day before the date of the election
in which the measure appears or would have appeared on the ballot complete from
the beginning of that calendar year through the twentieth day before the date of the
election. Statements showing the total amount of money spent for the purpose of
promoting passage or defeat of initiated or referred measures must be filed with the
secretary of state through the end of the calendar year in which the measure
appeared on the ballot.2.A corporation, cooperative corporation, limited liability company, or association may
make a donation of property or money to a state political party or nonprofit entity
affiliated with or under the control of a state political party for deposit in a separate
and segregated fund. Money in the fund must be used exclusively by the state
political party or nonprofit entity affiliated with or under the control of a state political
party for purchasing, maintaining, or renovating a building and for the purchase of
fixtures for the building. A state political party or nonprofit entity affiliated with or
under the control of a state political party receiving a donation under this subsection
shall file a statement with the secretary of state no later than the thirty-first day of
January of each calendar year. The statement must include the name and mailing
address of each donor, the amount of each donation, the date each donation was
received, all expenditures made from the fund during the previous calendar year,
and cash on hand in the fund at the start and close of the reporting period. Any
income and financial gain generated from a building purchased, maintained, or
renovated from donations authorized under this subsection and not otherwise
authorized by law must be deposited in the building fund and must be reported when
the political party or nonprofit entity files the statement required under this
subsection.16.1-08.1-03.6. Contributions from federal campaign committee accounts or fromcontributions made to other candidates or former candidates limited.Repealed byS.L. 2001, ch. 202,

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