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CHAPTER 16.1-13GENERAL ELECTIONS16.1-13-01. Date of general election. The general election must be held in all theelection districts of this state on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each
even-numbered year.16.1-13-02. Officers to be elected at general election. All elective state, district, andcounty officers, and the United States senators, and the members of the United States house of
representatives, must be elected at the general election next preceding the expiration of the term
of each such officer. In a year when a president and vice president of the United States are to be
chosen, a number of presidential electors equal to the number of senators and representatives to
which this state is entitled in the Congress of the United States must be elected at such general
election.16.1-13-03. Secretary of state to give notice to county auditor of officers to beelected. Not later than seventy days prior to the date of election, the secretary of state shall
direct and cause to be delivered to the county auditor of each county a notice specifying each
officer to be chosen at the next general election. The publication of the sample ballot by the
county auditor constitutes the notice of the secretary of state in regard to the offices and
candidates to be voted upon at the general election.16.1-13-04.Candidates' names placed on official general election ballot.Thenames of all candidates of each political party or principle or no-party designation, who are
shown to have been nominated for the several offices in accordance with the certificates of
nomination filed in the secretary of state's office, must be placed by the secretary of state on the
official ballot to be voted for at the next general election.16.1-13-05. Notice of election - Contents - Publication with sample ballot. Notice ofall general elections must be published by the county auditor in the official county newspaper at
the same time as, and as a part of, the publication of the sample ballot preceding the election.
The notice must be substantially as follows:Notice is given that on Tuesday, November ______, ___, at the polling places in the
various precincts in the county of _______________, an election will be held for the
election of state, district, and county officers, which election will be opened at
________ a.m. and will continue open until ________ p.m. of that day with the following
Dated ______________, _______Signed _____________________________________County AuditorThe county auditor shall publish a copy of the sample ballot of the general election once each
week for two consecutive weeks before the election in the official county newspaper.If nonewspaper is published in the county, the publication must be in a newspaper published in an
adjoining county in the state. The form of the sample ballot as ordered and arranged by the
county auditor must conform in all respects to the form prescribed by the secretary of state for
the sample general election ballot. The county auditor shall publish the sample ballot in all forms
appropriate for the method or methods of voting in the county. Absentee voter ballots may not
be considered in determining which form of voting is used. Candidates from each legislative
district which falls within the boundaries of the county must be listed in a separate box or
category within the sample ballot by legislative district number to enable the voters in each
legislative district to ascertain the legislative candidates in their specific district. Sample ballots
used for publication purposes must be arranged using the rotation of the ballot in the precinct in
the county which cast the highest total vote for governor at the last general election at which thePage No. 1office of governor was filled. The notice must include a statement in substantially the following
format:The arrangement of candidate names appearing on ballots in your precinct may vary
from the published sample ballots, depending upon the precinct and legislative
district in which you reside.16.1-13-06. Defeated primary candidate ineligible to have name printed on generalballot - Exception. Except to fill a vacancy occurring on the ballot, an individual who was a
candidate for nomination by any party or a candidate for a no-party office at any primary election
in any year and who was defeated for the nomination may not have that individual's name printed
upon the official ballot at the ensuing general election for the same office.16.1-13-07.Preparation, printing, distributing, canvassing, and returning ofno-party ballot. The no-party ballot must be prepared, printed, distributed, canvassed, and
returned in the same manner provided for other general election ballots.16.1-13-08.Filling vacancy in office of United States senator.When a vacancyoccurs in the office of United States senator from this state, the governor shall issue a writ of
election to fill the vacancy at the next statewide primary or general election, whichever occurs
first, and that occurs at least ninety days after the vacancy. However, if the next primary or
general election at which the vacancy could be filled occurs in the year immediately preceding
the expiration of the term, then no election may be held. The governor, by appointment, may fill
the vacancy temporarily, but any person so appointed shall serve only until the vacancy is filled
by election or until the term expires if no election can be held.16.1-13-08.1.Special election to fill a vacancy in the United States House ofRepresentatives due to a catastrophic circumstance. If a vacancy occurs in the office of
representative in Congress due to a catastrophic circumstance in which one hundred or more
representatives across the United States are no longer able to serve and the next regular or
special election is more than seventy-five days in the future, the governor shall immediately issue
a writ of election calling a special election to fill the vacancy. The date of the election shall be
forty-nine days from the date of the proclamation and the following deadlines shall apply:1.Certificate of endorsement as described in section 16.1-11-09, affidavits of
candidacy described in section 16.1-11-10, and statements of interest described in
section 16.1-09-03 for those candidates nominated by political parties currently
established in the state shall be filed with the secretary of state by four p.m. on the
fortieth day before the election.2.If the election occurs in an election year, the precincts previously established by the
county shall be utilized.3.If the election occurs in a year without a scheduled election, the board of county
commissioners must establish the precinct boundaries by the fortieth day before the
election.4.The secretary of state shall certify to the county auditors the names of the
candidates for the election on the thirty-ninth day before the election.5.Absentee ballots shall be made available to qualified electors by the thirtieth day
before the election.16.1-13-09.Resignation of members of legislative assembly after certificate ofelection.Any person who receives a certificate of election as a member of the legislativeassembly may resign such office although the person may not have entered upon the execution
of the duties thereof nor taken the requisite oath of office.16.1-13-10. Vacancy existing in office of member of legislative assembly.Page No. 21.If a vacancy in the office of a member of the legislative assembly occurs, the county
auditor of the county in which the former member resides or resided shall notify the
chairman of the legislative management of the vacancy. The county auditor need
not notify the chairman of the legislative management of the resignation of a
member of the legislative assembly when the resignation was made under section
44-02-02. Upon receiving notification of a vacancy, the chairman of the legislative
management shall notify the district committee of the political party that the former
member represented in the district in which the vacancy exists.The districtcommittee shall hold a meeting within twenty-one days after receiving the
notification and select an individual to fill the vacancy. If the former member was
elected as an independent candidate or if the district committee does not make an
appointment within twenty-one days after receiving the notice from the chairman of
the legislative management, the chairman of the legislative management shall
appoint a resident of the district to fill the vacancy.Except as provided insubsection 2, if eight hundred twenty-eight days or more remain until the expiration
of the term of office for that office, the individual appointed to fill the vacancy shall
serve until a successor is elected at and qualified following the next general election
or special election called by the governor according to subsection 2 to serve for the
remainder of the term of office for that office.2.The qualified electors of a legislative district in which a vacancy in the legislative
assembly occurs may petition for a special election to be called by the governor to fill
the vacancy. The petition must include the signatures of qualified electors equal in
number to four percent of the resident population of the legislative district as
determined by the last federal decennial census and must be presented to the
secretary of state within thirty days following an appointment being made according
to subsection 1.If the secretary of state determines the petition contains therequired number of signatures of qualified electors of the affected legislative district,
the secretary of state shall notify the governor that a special election is required to
be called to fill the vacancy. Upon receiving such notice, the governor shall issue a
writ of election directed to the county auditor of each affected county commanding
the county auditor to hold a special election to fill the vacancy at a time designated
by the governor.A special election under this section must conform to theapplicable election deadlines found in this title and may be called to coincide with a
regularly scheduled primary or general election provided the special election is
called by the fifteenth day before the deadline for candidates to file for office before a
regularly scheduled primary or general election.A special election under thissection may not be scheduled to occur during the time from a general election
through eighty days following the adjournment of the next ensuing regular session of
the legislative assembly.3.The secretary of state must be notified of an appointment made by a district
committee or the chairman of the legislative management according to this section.
Upon notification, the secretary of state shall issue the appointee a certificate of
appointment and an oath of office for the appointee to complete and file with the
secretary of state.16.1-13-11.Vacancy occurring in legislative assembly during session - Duty ofgovernor. Repealed by S.L. 2001, ch. 209,