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16.1-14 Presidential Electors

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CHAPTER 16.1-14PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS16.1-14-01.Canvassing votes for presidential electors - Tie vote.The statecanvassing board in examining and making a statement of the votes for, and in determining and
certifying the persons chosen as, presidential electors shall proceed in the manner prescribed in
this title for the canvass of votes for state officers. The secretary of state likewise shall file and
record such statement and determination. In canvassing the returns for presidential electors, the
group of electors having the greatest number of votes is to be declared elected. If two or more
groups of electors are found to have an equal and the greatest number of votes, the election of
one group must be determined by a drawing of names, with the governor drawing the names in
the presence of the other members of the state canvassing board.16.1-14-02. Secretary of state to prepare certificates of election. The secretary ofstate shall prepare certificates of election for each presidential elector chosen at the election.
Each certificate must be signed by the governor and the secretary of state and the great seal of
the state must be affixed thereto. One certificate must be delivered to each of the electors
chosen.16.1-14-03. Proclamation of result by governor - Publishing - Certificate of election.Within ten days after the state canvassing board completes the canvass of the votes cast for
presidential electors, as certified by the auditors of the respective counties, the governor shall
declare by proclamation, to be printed in the official county newspaper printed and published at
the seat of government, the names of the persons who have received the highest number of
votes returned for such office. If the election of such persons has not been contested by notice of
contest having been filed with the governor within ten days after the date of such proclamation,
then such persons must be deemed elected, and the governor shall transmit to each person so
chosen a certificate of election.16.1-14-04.Meeting of presidential electors.Presidential electors shall meet atone p.m. in the office of the governor in the state capitol on the first Monday after the second
Wednesday in December next following their appointments by election for the purpose of casting
their ballots as members of the electoral college. The secretary of state shall notify the electors
of the date of the meeting.16.1-14-05. Filling of vacancy existing in office of presidential elector. If a vacancyexists in the office of an elector for any reason, the electors present at the meeting provided for in
section 16.1-14-04 shall first proceed to fill such vacancy by ballot by a plurality of the votes.
When all the electors appear, or the vacancies have been filled as provided in this section, they
shall proceed to perform the duties required of them by the constitution and laws of the United
States.16.1-14-06. Compensation of presidential electors. The electors provided for in thischapter shall receive the same per diem and the same mileage as members of the legislative
assembly.16.1-14-07. Board for trial of contest of presidential electors - How constituted -Oath. The board for the trial of contests of elections for presidential electors shall consist of the
chief justice of the supreme court, who must be president of the board, and two judges of the
district court designated by the governor. If the chief justice is unable to attend at such trial, the
next senior judge on the supreme court shall preside in place of the chief justice. The secretary
of state must be the clerk of the board, or in the secretary of state's absence or inability to act,
the clerk of the supreme court must be the clerk. Each member of the board, before entering
upon the discharge of the member's duties, shall take an oath, before the secretary of state or
some other officer qualified to administer oaths, that without fear, favor, affection, or hope of
reward, the member will, to the best of the member's knowledge and ability, administer justice
according to law and the facts of the case.Page No. 116.1-14-08. Contestant may apply to board. A group of electors appearing, by theproclamation of the governor, to have received not less than one-fifth of the votes cast at an
election for presidential electors, may apply to the board provided for in section 16.1-14-07 for a
declaration of election as presidential electors.16.1-14-09. Application to state grounds of contest. The application provided for insection 16.1-14-08 must be made by petition in writing to be filed in the office of the secretary of
state within ten days from the date of the proclamation provided for in section 16.1-14-03. The
petition, regardless of its mode of delivery, must be in the possession of the secretary of state
before four p.m. on the tenth day as provided in this section, and the secretary of state shall
convene the board forthwith.The petition must set forth the names of the persons whoseelection is contested and the ground for such contest. The petitioner, before any proceedings are
had upon the petition, except the convening of the board, shall file a bond to this state in a sum
and with such surety as the board shall order, conditioned for the payment of all costs incurred in
the prosecution of such contest in the case the contestants do not prevail.16.1-14-10. Notice to persons contested. Upon the filing of the petition and bond asprovided in section 16.1-14-09, the board for the trial of an election contest shall order written
notice of the petition to be given to the governor and to the persons whose election is contested.
Notice must also be published in a newspaper as the board shall order. Notices provided for by
this section must contain a concise statement of the facts alleged in the petition and a
designation of the time and place fixed by the board for the hearing, which must be not less than
three nor more than fifteen days from the filing of the petition.16.1-14-11. Appearance by parties to contest. At the time fixed for the hearing, thepetitioners shall appear and produce their evidence, and the persons whose election is contested
may appear and produce evidence in their behalf. Any party to the contest proceedings may
appear in person or by attorney, and no other person is entitled to be made a party to the
proceedings or to be heard personally or by counsel therein.If more than one petition ispending, the board, in its discretion, may order the contests to be heard together.16.1-14-12. Hearing - How conducted. The board shall hear the contest and decide allquestions of law and fact involved.The burden of proof in each case must be upon thepetitioners, and the hearing must be confined to the grounds stated in the petition, but the board
in its discretion may allow the petition to be amended. No ex parte affidavits shall be competent
evidence at the hearing. A person may not be excused from testifying or from producing papers
or documents at the hearing on the grounds that such testimony will tend to incriminate the
person, but no person so testifying may be subject to any suit or prosecution, civil or criminal, for
any matter or cause in respect to which the person is examined or to which the person's
testimony relates. The board has the same power to compel the attendance of witnesses as the
district courts of this state possess, and nothing contained in this chapter may be held to limit the
power of the board to make such regulations as to the conduct of the proceedings as it may
deem proper, not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter. The board has all powers
necessary to the complete performance of the duties and authority conferred upon it by this
chapter.16.1-14-13. Certification of determination of board. The board shall determine ineach case which of the parties to the proceedings are entitled to the office of elector, and shall
cause its determination to be entered of record in a manner and form as it shall direct, and shall
certify the same to the governor and secretary of state. The certified determination is final and
conclusive that the persons stated therein are duly elected. The governor shall transmit to such
persons their certificates of election, and every such certificate must recite that it is issued
pursuant to a determination under the provisions of this chapter.16.1-14-14. Failure of petitioners to appear - Effect. If any petitioners fail to appearand prosecute their petition against the persons who have been made respondents thereto,
according to the requirements of this chapter and of any rules made by the board, the board shall
determine that they have failed, and shall cause the determination to be entered of record in such
manner and form as it shall direct, and forthwith shall certify the determination to the governorPage No. 2and secretary of state.The determination is a final and conclusive bar to the claim of thepetitioners against such respondents as fully and completely as if the claim had been heard and
determined on its merits, and the governor shall issue certificates of election as provided in
section 16.1-14-13.16.1-14-15. Costs - Taxation. The costs of an election contest under the provisions ofthis chapter must be taxed under the direction of the board. If two or more cases are heard
together, the costs must be apportioned as the board shall direct. In each case in which the
petitioners do not prevail, the costs must be paid by them, and in each case in which the
petitioners prevail, the costs must be paid by the state. If the costs are required to be paid by the
state, the board shall certify the costs to the office of management and budget, which shall issue
a warrant upon the state treasurer in payment of the same.16.1-14-16. Determination of final hearing. The final hearing and determination underthe provisions of this chapter must be by a majority of the board, but any single member may
exercise any of the other powers given to the board by this chapter.16.1-14-17. Mileage and per diem of board members. The members of the boardtrying the presidential election contest must be compensated in the same manner as state
officers pursuant to sections 44-08-04 and 54-06-09.16.1-14-18. Eligibility of new residents to vote. Each citizen of the United States who,immediately prior to the citizen's removal to this state, was a citizen of another state and who has
been a resident of the precinct for less than thirty days prior to a presidential election, is entitled
to vote for presidential electors at that election, but for no other offices, if:1.The citizen otherwise possesses the substantive qualifications to vote in this state,
except requirement of residence; and2.The citizen complies with the provisions of sections 16.1-14-18 through 16.1-14-28.16.1-14-19. Eligibility of former residents to vote. Each citizen of the United Stateswho was a qualified elector in this state immediately prior to establishing residence in another
state and who has not qualified for voting purposes due to the residency requirement of that state
may vote in North Dakota for president and vice president only, by applying for a separate ballot
at least one day before the election in accordance with sections 16.1-14-20, 16.1-14-23,
16.1-14-24, 16.1-14-25, 16.1-14-26, and 16.1-14-27, provided the statements relative to new
residents contained therein must, for this purpose, be changed by the county auditor and
inspector of elections to comply with the provisions of this section.16.1-14-20. Application for presidential ballot by new residents. A person desiring toqualify to vote for presidential electors is not required to register but, not less than ten days in
advance of the election, shall make an application in the form of an affidavit executed in duplicate
in the presence of the county auditor substantially as follows:State of North Dakota)
) ss.County of ________)I, __________, do solemnly swear that:1.I am a citizen of the United States.2.Before becoming a resident of this state, I resided at __________ street, in the
(town) (township) (city) of __________, county of __________ in the state of
__________.3.On the day of the next presidential election, I shall be at least eighteen years of age.
I have been a resident of this state since __________, ___, now residing atPage No. 3__________ street, in the (town) (township) (city) of __________, county of
__________ in the state of North Dakota.4.I have resided in __________ precinct for less than thirty days.I believe I amentitled under the laws of this state to vote at the presidential election to be held on
November __________, ___.5.I apply for a presidential election ballot. I have not voted and will not vote otherwise
than by this ballot at that election.Signed _______________________________(Applicant)_______________________________(Applicant's telephone number)Subscribed and sworn to before me this __________ day of __________, ___.Signed _______________________________(Title and name of officer
authorized to administer oaths)16.1-14-21. Mailing duplicate application. The county auditor shall immediately mail tothe appropriate official of the state in which the applicant last resided the duplicate of the
application.16.1-14-22. Filing and indexing information from other states. The county auditorshall file each duplicate application or other official information received by the county auditor
from another state indicating that a former resident of this state has made application to vote at a
presidential election in another state and shall maintain an alphabetical index thereof for a period
of four months after the election.16.1-14-23. Delivery of ballot to applicant. If satisfied that the application is proper andthat the applicant is qualified to vote at the presidential election, the county auditor shall deliver to
the applicant a ballot for presidential electors no sooner than thirty days nor later than one day
prior to the next presidential election.16.1-14-24. Voting by new residents.1.The applicant, upon receiving the ballot for presidential electors, shall immediately
mark the ballot in the presence of the county auditor but in a manner that the official
cannot know how the ballot is marked. The applicant shall then fold the ballot in the
county auditor's presence to conceal the markings and deposit and seal it in an
envelope furnished by the county auditor.2.The voter shall enclose the envelope containing the ballot in a carrier envelope
which must be securely sealed. There must be imprinted on the outside of the
carrier envelope a statement substantially as follows:CERTIFICATION OF NEW RESIDENT VOTERI have qualified as a new resident voter in this state to vote for presidential electors.
I have not applied nor do I intend to apply for an absent voter's ballot from the state
from which I have removed. I have not voted and I will not vote otherwise than by
this ballot.Dated _________________________
Witness _______________________County Auditor______________________________________(Signature of Voter)The voter shall sign the certification upon the carrier envelope as set forth above and
shall then deliver the sealed carrier envelope to the county auditor who shall keepPage No. 4the carrier envelope in the county auditor's office until delivered by the county auditor
to the inspector of elections of the precinct in which the applicant resides.16.1-14-25. List of applicants open for public inspection. The county auditor shallkeep open to public inspection a list of all persons who have applied to vote as new residents
with their names, addresses, and application dates for a period of two years.16.1-14-26. Delivery and processing of presidential elector ballots.1.The county auditor shall deliver the ballots for new residents to the inspector of
elections in the manner prescribed by law for absentee ballots. The ballots must be
processed in accordance therewith.2.The inspector of elections shall record the new resident voter's name with a notation
designating the person as a new resident voting for presidential electors only.16.1-14-27. Application of other statutes. Except as provided in sections 16.1-14-18through 16.1-14-27, the provisions of law relating to absent voters' ballots apply also to the
casting and counting of ballots of new residents, the furnishing of election supplies, ballots,
canvassing of ballots, and making proper returns of the results of the election.16.1-14-28. Definition of state. As used in sections 16.1-14-18 through 16.1-14-27,"state" includes the District of Columbia.Page No. 5Document Outlinechapter 16.1-14 presidential electors

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