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TITLE 17ENERGYCHAPTER 17-0125X'25 INITIATIVE17-01-01. 25x'25 initiative. The legislative assembly adopts the 25x'25 initiative with thegoal that not later than January 1, 2025, the agricultural, forestry, and working land of the United
States should provide from renewable resources not less than twenty-five percent of the total
energy consumed in the United States and continue to produce safe, abundant, and affordable
food, feed, and fiber. Increasing America's renewable energy use will bring new technologies to
market and save consumers money, reduce the nation's dependence on oil from the Middle
East, create good new jobs in rural America, and clean up the air and reduce urban smog and
address global warming issues. As used in this initiative, renewable energy includes biofuels,
solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, carbon recycling, carbon sequestration, use of waste heat,
recycling, low-emission technologies that create or use hydrogen, and energy efficiency
initiatives. The 25x'25 initiative will benefit agriculture and forestry, the environment, and national
security and provide economic growth.Page No. 1Document Outlinechapter 17-01 25x'25 initiative