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TITLE 23HEALTH AND SAFETYCHAPTER 23-01STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH23-01-01.State department of health - Officers.The state department of healthconsists of a health council, a state health officer, section chiefs, directors of divisions, and other
employees of the department.23-01-01.1. State department of health to replace state department of health andconsolidated laboratories. Wherever the terms "North Dakota state department of health",
"department of health", "health department", "state department of health and consolidated
laboratories", "North Dakota state laboratories department", "state laboratories department",
"state laboratories department director", or "state laboratories director" appear in this code, the
term "state department of health" must be substituted therefor.Wherever the terms "state food commissioner and chemist" and "commissioner" whenreferring to the state food commissioner and chemist appear in chapters 19-17 and 19-18, the
term "state department of health" must be substituted therefor.23-01-01.2.State department of health designated primary state environmentalagency. The state department of health is the primary state environmental agency.23-01-02.Health council - Members, terms of office, vacancies, compensation,officers, meetings. The health council consists of eleven members appointed by the governor
in the following manner:four persons from the health care field, five persons representingconsumer interests, one person from the energy industry, and one from the manufacturing and
processing industry. The governor may select members to the council from recommendations
submitted by trade, professional, and consumer organizations. On the expiration of the term of
any member, the governor, in the manner provided by this section, shall appoint for a term of
three years, persons to take the place of members whose terms on the council are about to
expire. The officers of the council must be elected annually. Any state agency may serve in an
advisory capacity to the health council at the discretion of the council. The council shall meet at
least twice each year and at other times as the council or its chairman may direct. The health
council shall have as standing committees any committees the council may find necessary. The
chairman of the council shall select the members of these committees. The members of the
council are entitled to receive sixty-two dollars and fifty cents as compensation per day and their
necessary mileage and travel expenses as provided in sections 44-08-04 and 54-06-09 while
attending council meetings or in the performance of any special duties as the council may direct.
The per diem and expenses must be audited and paid in the manner in which the expenses of
state officers are audited and paid. The compensation provided for in this section may not be
paid to any member of the council who received salary or other compensation as a regular
employee of the state, or any of its political subdivisions, or any institution or industry operated by
the state.23-01-02.1.Hospital utilization committees - Internal quality assurance reviewcommittees - Reports - Immunity. Repealed by S.L. 1997, ch. 234,