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CHAPTER 23-02.1HEALTH STATISTICS ACT23-02.1-01. Definitions. As used in this chapter:1."Authorized representative" means a person who has the legal authority to act on
behalf of the person named on a record, including a personal representative or
guardian.2."Certified" means a copy of the original record on file with the state department of
health that is signed and sealed by the state registrar or deputy state registrar.3."Dead body" means a lifeless human body or parts of such body or bones thereof
from the state of which it may reasonably be concluded that death recently occurred.4."Electronic birth registration system" means the electronic birth registration system
maintained by the state department of health.5."Electronic death registration system" means the electronic death registration
system maintained by the state department of health.6."Facts of death" means the demographic and personal information pertaining to a
person's death.7."Fetal death" or "birth resulting in stillbirth" means death prior to the complete
expulsion or extraction from its mother of a product of human conception,
irrespective of the duration of pregnancy; the death is indicated by the fact that after
such expulsion or extraction the fetus does not breathe or show any evidence of life
such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of
voluntary muscles.8."Filing" means the presentation of a record, report, or other information provided for
in this chapter of a birth, death, fetal death, adoption, marriage, divorce, or other
event as specified by the state health officer for registration by the state registrar.9."Final disposition" means the burial, interment, cremation, removal from the state, or
other disposition of a dead body or fetus.10."Health statistics" means data derived from records of birth, death, fetal death,
marriage, divorce, or other records relating to the health of the populace or the state
of the environment.11."Institution" means any establishment, public or private, which provides inpatient
medical, surgical, or diagnostic care or treatment, or nursing, custodial, or
domiciliary care to two or more individuals unrelated by blood, or to which persons
are committed by law.12."Live birth" means the complete expulsion or extraction from its mother of a product
of human conception, irrespective of the duration of pregnancy, which after such
expulsion or extraction, breathes or shows any other evidence of life such as beating
of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of voluntary
muscles, whether or not the umbilical cord has been cut or the placenta is attached.13."Medical certification" means the medical information pertaining to a person's death,
including the cause and manner of death.14."Physician" means a person authorized or licensed to practice medicine or
osteopathy pursuant to chapter 43-17.Page No. 115."Registration" means the acceptance by the state registrar and incorporation into
official records, reports, or other records provided for in this chapter, of birth, death,
fetal death, marriage, divorce, or other records as may be determined by the state
health officer.16."Relative" means a person's current or surviving spouse, a parent or legal guardian,
a child, a grandparent, or a grandchild. The state registrar may require proof of the
relationship.17."Subregistrar" means a funeral director or other suitable person from a licensed
funeral home who is appointed by the state registrar for the purpose of issuing
burial-transit permits.18."System of health statistics tabulation and analysis" includes the tabulation, analysis,
and presentation or publication of statistical data derived from health statistics.19."Systemofvitalrecordsregistration"includestheregistration,collection,preservation, amendment, and certification of birth, death, fetal death, marriage,
divorce, or other records as may be determined necessary by the state health officer
or the state health officer's designee.23-02.1-02. Office of statistical services. There is hereby established in the statedepartment of health an office of statistical services which shall install, maintain, and operate a
system of health statistics tabulation and analysis and a system of vital records registration
throughout the state. The state health officer may create within the office of statistical services
such working divisions as may be necessary to comply with the provisions of this chapter and
shall appoint the directors of such divisions in accordance with the merit system laws and
regulations of the state of North Dakota.23-02.1-02.1.Birth, marriage, fetal death, and death records - Transition toelectronic birth registration system and electronic death registration system.1.Beginning January 1, 2008, all new birth, fetal death, and death certificates must be
filed with the state registrar and maintained as birth, fetal death, or death records.
The state registrar shall issue certified copies of any birth, fetal death, or death
record, or informational copies of death and marriage records, to those persons
entitled to the record in accordance with this chapter.2.A certified copy of a birth, marriage, fetal death, or death record is considered to
meet the requirements of any law requiring a birth, marriage, fetal death, or death
certificate.3.All birth, marriage, fetal death, and death certificates created or issued before
January 1, 2008, remain legally valid if the certificate was valid under prior law.4.Any reference to a birth, marriage, fetal death, and death record includes any birth,
marriage, fetal death, and death certificate issued before January 1, 2008.5.Amendments to birth records issued before 2006 and fetal death or death records
issued before 2008 must be made according to the procedures and processes used
at the time the original record was created.23-02.1-03. Director of the office of statistical services and associative duties, stateand deputy state registrars. The state health officer shall appoint a director of the office of
statistical services, in accordance with the merit system laws and regulations of the state of North
Dakota, who must be the ex officio state registrar of vital statistics. The deputy state registrar of
vital statistics must also be appointed by the state health officer. The director of the office of
statistical services shall administer and enforce this chapter and the rules and regulations issued
hereunder, and issue instructions for the efficient administration of a statewide system of healthPage No. 2statistics tabulation and analysis and a statewide system of vital records registration.Thedirector of the office of statistical services may delegate such functions and duties vested in the
director to the officers and employees of the office of statistical services as the director deems
necessary and expedient.23-02.1-04. Duties of the state department of health. The state department of healthis authorized to adopt, amend, and repeal rules and regulations for the purposes of carrying out
the provisions of this chapter, in accordance with chapter 28-32.23-02.1-05. Duties of the state registrar.1.The state registrar shall:a.Direct and supervise the statewide system of vital records and registration and
be the primary custodian of said records.b.Direct, supervise, and control the activities of subregistrars and the activities of
other local officials related to the operation of the vital records registration
system.c.Prescribe, with the approval of the state department of health, and distribute
such forms as required by this chapter and the rules and regulations issued
hereunder.2.The deputy state registrar shall possess the powers of the state registrar during the
registrar's absence, delegation, inability to act, or during the time there is a vacancy
in the office.23-02.1-06. Registration districts. Repealed by S.L. 2007, ch. 234,