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CHAPTER 23-09.4RESIDENTIAL CARE FOR AUTISTIC CHILDREN23-09.4-01. Definitions. In this chapter unless the context otherwise requires:1."Autism spectrum disorder" means a brain disorder that may prevent understanding
of what a person sees, hears, or otherwise senses and is conceptualized as a
behavioral syndrome with multiple biological manifestations.2."Department" means the state department of health.3."Residential care facility for children with autism spectrum disorder" means a living
facility providing twenty-four-hour assistance for five or more children not related by
blood or marriage to the operator through a multidisciplinary approach including a
medical diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder.4."Residential care giver" means an individual who routinely provides assistance with
activities of daily living or direct care services in implementing the treatment plan,
behavior management, or education to residents in a residential care facility for
children with autism spectrum disorder.23-09.4-02.Department to establish standards - Licensing - Inspection.Thedepartment shall establish standards for the licensure of residential care facilities for children with
autism spectrum disorder, regularly inspect the facilities, and grant annual licenses to the
facilities that meet the established standards. Upon the request of the department, the state fire
marshal shall inspect any facility seeking licensure, or any licensed facility, and shall report the
inspection results to the department.23-09.4-03. License required - Term - Revocation. No person may operate or managea residential care facility for children with autism spectrum disorder unless the facility has been
licensed by the department. The license must state the name of the owner or manager of the
facility, its location, and the maximum number of persons who may reside in the facility at any
time. The license is not valid for more than one year. Any license may be revoked by the
department for violation of this chapter or the rules adopted by the department.23-09.4-04. Method of providing service. A residential care facility for children withautism spectrum disorder must be specifically designed, arranged, and staffed to provide
twenty-four hour assistance with activities of daily living in a homelike environment in response to
the individual needs of the residents. A residential care facility for children with autism spectrum
disorder must provide or make arrangements for diagnostic and treatment services, behavioral
management, and educational services to enable residents to attain or maintain their highest
practicable level of functioning.23-09.4-05. Records. The owner or manager of a residential care facility for childrenwith autism spectrum disorder must keep a record of every individual admitted to the facility, in
the manner and form prescribed by the department.23-09.4-06. Violations - Injunction. The department shall prosecute all violations of thischapter. The department may apply to the district court of the county in which the residential
care facility for children with autism spectrum disorder is located, for a temporary or permanent
injunction restraining any person from conducting, managing, or operating a facility without a
license as required by this chapter.23-09.4-07. Authority to adopt rules. The department may adopt rules necessary tocarry out its responsibilities under this chapter.23-09.4-08. Penalty.Page No. 11.Any person who operates or manages a residential care facility for children with
autism spectrum disorder without first obtaining a license as required by this chapter
is guilty of a class B misdemeanor.2.Any person who violates any provision of this chapter or any rule adopted under this
chapter may be assessed a civil penalty not to exceed one thousand dollars for each
violation and for each day the violation continues, plus interest and any costs
incurred by the department to enforce this penalty.The civil penalty may beimposed by a court in a civil proceeding or by the state health officer through an
administrative hearing under chapter 28-32. The assessment of a civil penalty does
not preclude the imposition of other sanctions authorized by rules adopted under this
chapter.Page No. 2Document Outlinechapter 23-09.4 residential care for autistic children