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CHAPTER 23-19CESSPOOLS, SEPTIC TANKS, PRIVIES - REGULATION23-19-01.License and permit requirements.From and after the passage andapproval of this chapter no person, partnership, association, firm, corporation, or limited liability
company may engage for hire in the servicing activities listed below without first obtaining an
annual license as provided by this chapter:1.Cleaning, pumping, and servicing cesspools, septic tanks, privies, chemical toilets,
or holding tanks.2.Transfer or disposal of any liquid wastes or byproduct of commercial or industrial
processes, provided that such disposal or transfer complies with other regulations or
restrictions outlined by federal, state, or local ordinances pertaining to a specific
waste or byproduct.3.Licenses with current registration may not be required to pay the initial license fee.In addition to the annual state license, an additional permit may be required by local
governmental and health jurisdictions. The provisions of this chapter do not apply to master
plumbers duly licensed to engage in the business of plumbing in the state of North Dakota.23-19-02.Application for licenses and permits.Applicants for license shall fileapplications under oath with the state department of health on prescribed application forms which
are to be signed by the owner or, in the case of associations and corporations, by authorized
representatives seeking a license. Where permits are required by local units of government, the
application for this permit must be made through the district or local health officer having
jurisdiction within the area to be served.23-19-03.Surety bond.Before receiving a license the applicant shall execute anddeposit with the state department of health a surety bond in the sum of one thousand dollars
conditioned on the faithful performance in conformity with all applicable health laws and
regulations of all work undertaken by the applicant.23-19-04. License and permit fees.1.A North Dakota resident licensee shall pay an initial fee of fifty dollars for one
complete servicing unit including pump and transport. A fee of fifteen dollars must
be paid for each additional complete servicing unit.A North Dakota residentlicensee shall pay an annual renewal fee of fifteen dollars for each complete
servicing unit.2.A nonresident licensee shall pay an initial fee of one hundred dollars for one
complete servicing unit including pump and transport. A fee of fifty dollars must be
paid for each additional complete servicing unit. A nonresident licensee shall pay an
annual renewal fee of fifteen dollars for each complete servicing unit.23-19-05. Licenses and license tags. Licenses issued hereunder expire one year afterdate of issuance or upon such uniform dates as the state health council may prescribe by
regulation. Normally, unless altered by regulation, the license will run for the calendar year and
will expire on December thirty-first each year. A grace period of sixty days must be allowed for
renewal fee continuation. The license must be assigned and issued only for the servicing unit
and person or firm named in the application and is not transferable or assignable without written
approval by the state department of health. A fee of fifteen dollars must be paid with a written
request for a transfer or assignment. The state department of health may cause to be designed
and issued a numbered metal license tag, which must be posted in a conspicuous place on each
servicing unit of the licensee.If deemed desirable, different colored tags may be used todistinguish resident and nonresident licenses.Page No. 123-19-06. Rules, regulations, and inspections. The state health council is authorizedto promulgate rules and regulations and to make inspections as may be necessary to implement
this chapter and to provide adequate health safeguards. Within their respective jurisdictions,
district and local boards of health may adopt rules and regulations and make inspections not
inconsistent with this chapter and the regulations established by the state health council.23-19-07.Authority to issue, deny, suspend, or revoke licenses.The statedepartment of health shall issue licenses to applicants found to comply with the provisions of this
chapter and lawfully promulgated regulations. The state health officer with the approval of the
state health council may, after a hearing, deny, suspend, or revoke licenses on any of the
following grounds:1.Failure to execute, deposit, and maintain a surety bond.2.Violation of any of the provisions of this chapter or regulations promulgated pursuant
thereto.3.Conduct or practices detrimental to health, safety, and welfare.No application for a license may be denied nor may a license be suspended or revoked, except
after a hearing before the state health council held pursuant to written notice to the applicant or
licensee, served by registered or certified mail. The notice must concisely state the grounds for
such denial or for such proposed suspension or revocation and must fix the time and place of
hearing which may not be less than fifteen days after the date of mailing the notice. The state
health council may delegate district and local boards of health to conduct hearings within their
respective jurisdictions.23-19-08. Hearings and appeals.The hearings, procedures, and appeals must beconducted in accordance with the provisions of chapter 28-32.23-19-09. Penalties. Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter or healthand sanitary regulations promulgated hereunder is guilty of a class B misdemeanor.23-19-10. Disposition of license fees. License fees must be appropriately accountedfor and remitted to the state treasurer.Page No. 2Document Outlinechapter 23-19 cesspools, septic tanks, privies - regulation