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CHAPTER 24-07OPENING AND VACATING HIGHWAYS24-07-01. Public roads by prescription. All public roads and highways within this statewhich have been or which shall be open and in use as such, during twenty successive years,
hereby are declared to be public roads or highways and confirmed and established as such
whether the same have been laid out, established, and opened lawfully or not.24-07-02. Established roads are public highways. Every road laid out by the properauthorities, as provided for in this chapter, from the laying out of which no appeal has been taken
within the time limited for taking such appeal, hereby is declared a public highway to all intents
and purposes, and all persons having refused or neglected to take an appeal, as provided for in
this chapter, are debarred forever from any further redress.24-07-03. Section lines considered public roads open for public travel - Closingsame under certain conditions. In all townships in this state, outside the limits of incorporated
cities, and outside platted townsites, additions, or subdivisions recorded pursuant to sections
40-50.1-01 through 40-50.1-17 or recorded prior to July 1, 1987, under former chapter 40-50, the
congressional section lines are considered public roads open for public travel to the width of
thirty-three feet [10.06 meters] on each side of the section lines.The board of county commissioners, if petitioned by a person having an interest in theadjoining land or a portion thereof, after public hearing and a finding by the commissioners of
public benefit, may close section lines or portions thereof which are not used for ten years, are
not traveled due to natural obstacles or difficulty of terrain, are not required due to readily
accessible alternate routes of travel, or are intersected by interstate highways causing the section
line to be a deadend, providing the closing of the dead-end section line does not deprive adjacent
landowners access to the landowners' property. After the section lines are closed, they may be
used to the benefit of the adjacent landowners.However, survey or property referencemonuments may not be disturbed, removed, or destroyed. If drainage is interfered with due to
the farming operations, alternate means of drainage must be provided for by the landowners or
tenants farming the lands.24-07-03.1. Improvement of section line by landowner. A person having a surfaceinterest in a parcel of land connected by a section line to another parcel of land in which that
person has a surface interest or to a highway may petition the board of county commissioners in
an unorganized township or the board of township supervisors in an organized township to
authorize the petitioner to improve the section line or a portion of the section line for the purpose
of travel for agricultural purposes. The petition may be approved if the section line cannot be
traveled due to natural obstacles or difficulty of terrain and if the petitioner does not have a
readily accessible alternative route of travel to the parcel of land. The petitioner must improve
the section line or a portion of the section line at the petitioner's expense.24-07-04.Jurisdiction of proceedings to open or vacate highway.Except asotherwise provided in this title, all proceedings for the opening, vacating, or changing of a
highway outside of the limits of an incorporated city, including the acquisition of right of way when
necessary, must be under the charge and in the name of:1.The board of county commissioners, if the road is in territory not organized into a
civil township.2.The board of township supervisors of an organized township.3.The board of county commissioners of each county in case the road is between or in
two or more counties.Page No. 14.The board of township supervisors of each organized civil township in which any part
of the road is situated if the road is situated between two civil townships or in more
than one civil township.5.The board of township supervisors of each organized township and of the board of
county commissioners in case the road is situated partly in an organized township
and partly in an unorganized township.6.The board of county commissioners in any case arising under subsection 4 when the
boards of township supervisors of the respective civil townships cannot agree or will
not take action on petition so to do.24-07-05. Petition for laying out, altering, or discontinuing roads. The board havingjurisdiction as provided in this chapter may alter or discontinue any road or lay out any new road
upon the petition of not less than six qualified electors who have an ownership interest in real
estate in the vicinity of the road to be altered, discontinued, or laid out. Said petition must set
forth in writing a description of the road and what part thereof is to be altered or discontinued, and
if for a new road, the names of the owners of the land, if known, over which the road is to pass,
the point at which it is to commence, its general course, and the point where it is to terminate.24-07-06. Public road may be established to give access to highway. Wheneverany tract of land is surveyed or sold in tracts less than the original subdivision as established by
the government survey thereof, so that any part thereof does not touch upon a public road so as
to allow the owner of such tract access to a public highway, the board of county commissioners
or board of township supervisors, upon petition of such owner, may open a public road to gain
access to any such tract or tracts when in the judgment of such board such public road is
necessary and that it is of sufficient benefit to the county or township as a whole, but no such
public road may exceed two rods [10.06 meters] in width unless in the judgment of such board a
roadway of such width is not sufficient to accommodate the travel thereon.24-07-07. Survey of proposed road - Deviation from petition. Whenever a petition isreceived by the board having jurisdiction, requiring a new road to be laid out, said board, when in
its judgment circumstances warrant the same, shall employ a competent surveyor to survey and
lay out said road, and such survey must include a line of levels to be run over the laid out road
and a grade line to be established thereon, such grade line not to be greater than ten percent
when completed. In laying out said road the board may deviate or depart, or may direct a
deviation or departure, from the road described in the petition when it is practicable and less
expensive to do so in order to obtain a grade line not exceeding ten percent. Such surveyor shall
prepare a plan and profile of the surveyor's survey and shall file a copy of the same with the
township clerk or the county auditor, as the case may be, and the board having jurisdiction shall
require that such road, when completed, must conform to the plan and profile of the surveyor as
filed with the township clerk or county auditor.24-07-08. State land subject to chapter. The provisions of this chapter apply to alllands owned by the state or any institution thereof, or held by virtue of any contract with the state,
and notice of the altering, laying out, or discontinuing of any cartway or highway pursuant to this
chapter must be served by registered or certified mail upon the board of university and school
lands or other state agency having the control of the land affected, not less than thirty days prior
to the taking of action by such board in regard to altering, laying out, or discontinuing such
cartway or highway.24-07-09.Copy of petition to be posted.The petitioners for the alteration ordiscontinuance of any road, or for laying out any new road, shall cause copies of their petition to
be posted in three of the most public places in the county or township having jurisdiction thereof,
twenty days before any action is had in relation thereto.24-07-10. Notice to all parties to be given - What deemed to be notices. Within thirtydays after the board having jurisdiction receives a petition in compliance with provisions of this
chapter for laying out, altering, or discontinuing any highway, it shall make out a notice and fixPage No. 2therein a time and place at which it will meet and decide upon such application, and the
applicant, ten days previous to the time so fixed, shall cause such notice to be given to all
occupants of the land through which such highway may pass. Such notice must be served
personally or by copy left at the abode of such occupant. The board also shall cause copies of
such notice to be posted in three public places in said county or township at least ten days
previous to such meeting. Every such notice must specify, as nearly as practicable, the highway
proposed to be laid out, altered, or discontinued, and the tract of land through which the same
may pass.24-07-11. When notice dispensed with. When at least seventy percent of the qualifiedelectors who are owners or part owners of land bordering on any existing or proposed road or
highway have signed the original petition and thereby released all their claims to damages arising
from altering, discontinuing, or laying out such road or highway, it is not necessary to post copies
of the petition as provided for in section 24-07-09, nor to post notices or serve notices as
provided for in section 24-07-10, except that the notices must be served personally or left at the
abode of such occupants as may have failed to sign the petition and whose land borders on the
road or highway proposed to be opened, altered, or discontinued. The general knowledge, and
the fact, that seventy percent of the qualified electors have signed the original petition in
compliance with this provision must be deemed sufficient notice to all concerned and for all
intents and purposes.24-07-12. Petition must be filed with county auditor. If the petition is for the opening,altering, or discontinuing of a road or highway between two or more counties, it must be filed with
the auditor of one of the counties affected at least fifteen days before any action is taken, and the
auditor immediately shall transmit certified copies of such petition to the auditors of all other
counties to be affected by such changing, discontinuing, or laying out of roads or highways.
Each county auditor shall lay such petition before the board of county commissioners of the
auditor's county at its next meeting for action in the matter as provided in this chapter.24-07-13. Examination of proposed highway. The board having jurisdiction, uponbeing satisfied that copies of the petition have been posted and notices have been served and
posted as required, or that at least seventy percent of the qualified electors who are owners of
lands affected have signed the original petition and that notices have been served personally or
left at the abode of those who may have failed to sign the original petition, proof of which shall be
shown by affidavit, shall proceed to examine the proposed highway and shall hear any reasons
for or against the laying out, altering, or discontinuing of the same, and shall decide upon the
application as it deems proper.24-07-14. Proceedings when road is laid out, altered, or discontinued. Wheneverthe board of county commissioners or the board of township supervisors shall lay out, alter, or
discontinue any highway, it shall cause a survey thereof to be made when necessary, and it shall
make out an accurate description of the highway so altered, discontinued, or laid out, and shall
incorporate the same in an order to be signed by the members of such board, and shall cause
such order, together with all the petitions and affidavits of service and posting of notices to be
filed in the office of the county auditor, if by the board of county commissioners, and in the office
of the township clerk, if by the board of township supervisors. The auditor or clerk shall note the
time of filing the same. On the refusal of either board to lay out, alter, or discontinue a road, it
shall note the fact on the back of the petition and file the same as aforesaid. All orders, petitions,
and affidavits, together with the award of damages, must be made out and filed within five days
after the date of the order for laying out, altering, or discontinuing a highway. But the county
auditor or township clerk may not record such order within thirty days, nor until a final decision is
had, and not then unless such order is confirmed. When the order, together with the award, has
been recorded by the county auditor or township clerk, as the case may require, the same must
be filed in the office of the county auditor. In case the board having jurisdiction fails to file such
order within twenty days, it must be deemed to have decided against such application.24-07-15.Order or certified copy - Competent evidence.The order laying out,altering, or discontinuing any highway, or a copy of the record duly certified by the county auditor
or township clerk, as each case may require, must be received in all courts as competentPage No. 3evidence of the facts therein contained and must be prima facie evidence of the regularity of the
proceedings prior to the making of such order, except in cases of appeal, when such appeal has
been taken within the time limited in this chapter.24-07-16. Damages - How ascertained. The damages sustained by reason of layingout, altering, or discontinuing any road may be ascertained by the agreement of the owners and
the board of county commissioners or the board of township supervisors, as the case may be,
and unless such agreement is made, or the owners in writing shall release all claim to damages,
the same must be assessed in the manner herein prescribed before the road is opened, worked,
or used. Every agreement and release must be filed in the township clerk's office, when with a
township, and in the county auditor's office, when with a county, and precludes such owners of
land forever from all further claim for damages.In case the board and the owners of landclaiming damages cannot agree, or if the owner of any land through which any highway shall be
laid out, altered, or discontinued, is unknown, the board in its award of damages shall specify the
amount of damages awarded to each such owner, giving a brief description of such parcel of land
in the award. The board having jurisdiction shall assess the damages at what it deems just and
right to each individual claimant with whom it cannot agree. The board of township supervisors
shall deposit a statement of the amount of damages assessed with the township clerk, and the
board of county commissioners shall deposit the same with the county auditor. The auditor or
clerk shall note the time of filing the same. The board in assessing damages shall estimate the
advantages and benefits the new road or alteration of an old one will confer on the claimant for
the same as well as the disadvantages. Any person living on land belonging to the United States
who has made that person's declaratory statement for the same in the proper land office, for all
the purposes of this chapter, must be considered the owner of such lands.24-07-17. When damages not allowed. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter,no damages may be assessed or allowed to any person, corporation, or limited liability company
by reason of the laying out of any new road or the altering of any old one, if the title of the land on
which such road passes was vested in the state or the United States at the time of the location of
such road.24-07-18. Determination final for one year. The determination of a board of countycommissioners, or a board of township supervisors in refusing to lay out, alter, or discontinue any
highway, is final, unless such determination is appealed from as is provided in this chapter, for
the term of one year after the filing of such order or determination in the county auditor's or
township clerk's office, as the case may be, and no application for laying out, altering, or
discontinuing any such highway again may be acted upon by such board within said period of
one year, and in case the determination of any such board in laying out, altering, or discontinuing
any highway is appealed from, as provided in this chapter, and such determination is reversed on
appeal, the said board may not, within one year after the making of the determination so
reversed on appeal, act again upon an application to lay out, alter, or discontinue any such
highway.24-07-19. Notice to party to remove fences. Whenever any public road has been laidout through any enclosed, cultivated, or improved lands, pursuant to this chapter and the
decision of the board laying out the road has not been appealed from, the board shall give the
owner or occupant of the land through which the road is laid out thirty days' written notice to
remove the owner's or occupant's fences. If the owner does not remove the fences within thirty
days after the notice, the board shall cause the fences to be removed and shall direct the road to
be opened and worked, but no enclosure may be ordered opened between April first and October
first.24-07-20. Notice to overseer of highways. When any highway is to be changed or laidout, the county auditor or clerk of the township, as the case may be, shall notify the overseer of
highways of each district affected and shall furnish the overseer of highways with a certified copy
of the proceedings of the board.24-07-21.Repair of highways across railroads, canals, or ditches.Wheneverhighways are laid out across railroads, canals, or ditches on public lands, the owners at their ownPage No. 4expense shall so repair their railroads, canals, or ditches that the public highway may cross the
same without damage or delay, and when the right of way for a public highway is obtained
through the judgment of any court, over any railroad, canal, or ditch, no damages must be
awarded for the simple right to cross the same.24-07-22. Appeals - When and where taken. Any person who feels aggrieved by anydetermination or award of damages made by the board having jurisdiction, either in laying out,
altering, or discontinuing, or in refusing to lay out, alter, or discontinue, any highway or cartway,
within thirty days after the filing of such determination or award of damages, as provided in this
chapter, may appeal therefrom to the district court in accordance with the procedure provided in
section 28-34-01.24-07-23. Appeals - How taken - Notice - Bond. The appeal provided for in section24-07-22 must be taken by the service and filing of a notice of appeal and an undertaking for
costs. The notice of appeal must specify:1.The court to which the appeal is taken.2.Whether the appeal is taken in relation to damages assessed or in relation to the
laying out, altering, or discontinuing, or to the refusal to lay out, alter, or discontinue
any highway.3.Whether the appeal is taken from the whole of the order of the board or only from a
part thereof, and if from a part only, then what part.4.The grounds upon which the appeal is taken.The undertaking must be made in favor of the county or township, as the case may be, and must
be conditioned for the payment of all costs that may arise upon such appeal if the determination
appealed from is affirmed.24-07-24. Appeals - Filing - Approval of undertaking - Service. The notice of appealand undertaking to the district court must be filed with the clerk of the court and the undertaking
must be approved by the judge thereof or by the county auditor. The notice of appeal must be
served upon some member of the board by which the determination was made.24-07-25. Trial in county court. Repealed by S.L. 1991, ch. 326,