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CHAPTER 25-06EDUCATION OF BLIND PERSONS25-06-01.North Dakota vision services - school for the blind - Maintained -Location.There must be maintained at Grand Forks, in Grand Forks County, a statewideservice, resource, and referral center for the education and training of all residents of this state
who are blind or have a visual impairment and to serve as the national instructional materials
access center authorized user for the purpose of facilitating access to and conversion of
accessible instructional materials in alternate formats for use by blind individuals, individuals with
visual impairment, and students with other print disabilities, which must be known as the North
Dakota vision services - school for the blind.25-06-01.1. Definitions. For purposes of this chapter:1.An individual who is blind means an individual who is totally blind or whose central
visual acuity does not exceed twenty/two hundred in the better eye with corrective
lenses, or the widest diameter of the visual field is no greater than twenty degrees;2.An individual with a visual impairment means an individual with an impairment in
vision which, even with correction, adversely affects the individual's functional ability;
and3.A student with print disabilities means a student enrolled in elementary or secondary
school who has an individualized education program, which includes documentation
of either an inability to read or use standard printed material as a result of physical
limitations or a reading disability resulting from an organic dysfunction that has been
certified by competent authority to be of sufficient severity to prevent reading of
printed material in a normal manner.25-06-02. Duties and responsibilities of North Dakota vision services - school forthe blind. Within the limits of legislative appropriation, North Dakota vision services - school for
the blind shall:1.Provide vision-specific services that include consultations, evaluations, information,
training, and educational services, including instruction in orientation, mobility,
braille, braille music, daily living skills, technology, career and technical education
training, and recreation.2.Collect and distribute information on vision services and resources available in the
state.3.Coordinate loans of adaptive devices, equipment, and materials.4.Maintain a data base of residents who are blind or have a visual impairment.5.Facilitate collaboration with agencies and programs providing services to individuals
who are blind or have a visual impairment.6.Assist residents to access appropriate services, including services available from the
vocational rehabilitation division, independent living centers, infant development
programs, developmental disabilities programs, the state library, local education
programs, and advocacy programs.7.Serve as the national instructional materials access center authorized user for the
purpose of facilitating access to and conversion of accessible instructional materials
in alternate formats for use by blind individuals, individuals with visual impairment,
and students with other print disabilities.Page No. 125-06-02.1. North Dakota vision services - school for the blind - Appointment ofsuperintendent, budget, staff, and reporting structure.The superintendent of the NorthDakota vision services - school for the blind is appointed by and reports to the superintendent of
public instruction. The North Dakota vision services - school for the blind must have a separate
budget and separate staff from the department of public instruction.25-06-02.2. Superintendent - Special duties. The superintendent of the North Dakotavision services - school for the blind may also be the superintendent of the school for the deaf.25-06-03. Superintendent to possess certain qualifications. The superintendent ofthe North Dakota vision services - school for the blind must possess those qualifications,
educational and otherwise, as in the opinion of the superintendent of public instruction may
qualify that person to instruct and minister to the needs of blind persons.25-06-04. Qualifications for admission to school for the blind - Residents of stateentitled to free education. Repealed by S.L. 2001, ch. 257,