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CHAPTER 29-26JUDGMENT AND SENTENCE29-26-01. Judgment after conviction - Time. Superseded by N.D.R.Crim.P., Rule 32.29-26-02. Time specified for pronouncing judgment. Superseded by N.D.R.Crim.P.,Rule 32.29-26-03. Judgment - Where rendered. Judgment must be rendered in open courtunless for cause its rendition is deferred.29-26-04.Defendant's presence - Felony or misdemeanor.Superseded byN.D.R.Crim.P., Rule 43.29-26-05. Officer to produce defendant. When the defendant is in custody, the courtmay direct the officer in whose custody the defendant is to bring the defendant before it for
judgment, and the officer must do so accordingly.29-26-06.Bench warrant if defendant does not appear for judgment.If thedefendant has been discharged on bail, or has deposited money in lieu thereof, and does not
appear for judgment when the defendant's personal attendance is necessary, the court, in
addition to the forfeiture of the undertaking of bail or of money deposited, may direct the clerk to
issue a bench warrant for the defendant's arrest.29-26-07. Issuance of bench warrant - Duty of clerk. The clerk, on the application ofthe state's attorney, at any time after the order directing a bench warrant to be issued, whether
the court is sitting or not, shall issue a bench warrant into one or more counties.29-26-08. Form of bench warrant. Superseded by N.D.R.Crim.P., Rule 58.29-26-09. Bench warrant service. A bench warrant may be served in any county of thestate and in the same manner as a warrant of arrest.29-26-10. Disposition of defendant on arrest. Whether a bench warrant issued asprovided in section 29-26-06 is served in the county in which it was issued or in another county,
the officer shall arrest the defendant and bring the defendant before the court, or commit the
defendant to the officer mentioned in the warrant, according to the command thereof.29-26-11. Defendant informed of rights. When a defendant appears for judgment, thedefendant must be informed by the court, or by the clerk under its direction, of the nature of the
charge against the defendant, and of the defendant's plea, and the verdict, if any, thereon, and
must be asked whether the defendant has any legal cause to show why judgment should not be
pronounced against the defendant.29-26-12. Defendant may show cause against judgment. The defendant may showcause against pronouncement of judgment:1.That the defendant is insane;2.That the defendant has good cause to offer, either in arrest of judgment or for a new
trial, in which case the court may order the judgment to be deferred, and may
proceed to decide upon the motion in arrest of judgment or for a new trial;3.That the defendant is not the person against whom the verdict was rendered; or4.That the defendant has been pardoned of the offense for which judgment is to be
rendered.Page No. 129-26-13. Procedure when insanity alleged as cause for not pronouncing sentence.When the cause alleged for not pronouncing sentence is insanity, the court, if there is reasonable
ground to believe that the defendant is insane, shall postpone the pronouncement of judgment
and shall proceed to have the defendant's mental condition determined in the manner prescribed
in this title, so far as applicable, for the determination of the mental condition of a defendant
before or during trial. Whenever it is determined that the defendant is or has become sane, the
defendant must be brought before the court for judgment.29-26-14.Procedure when nonidentity or pardon is alleged as cause for notpronouncing sentence. When the reason alleged for not pronouncing sentence is that the
person brought before the court to be sentenced is not the person against whom the verdict was
rendered, or that the defendant has been pardoned of the offense charged, the court shall
postpone the pronouncement of judgment, if necessary, for the purpose of hearing evidence
relating to the identity or pardon of such person, and on proof of nonidentity or pardon, as the
case may be, shall discharge such person from custody, unless the person is in custody on some
other charge.29-26-15. Judgment rendered. Superseded by N.D.R.Crim.P., Rule 32.29-26-16. Court to hear evidence - Degree of crime. Upon a plea of guilty of a crimedivided into degrees, the court, if such plea is accepted and the defendant does not designate in
the defendant's plea the degree thereof, before passing sentence, shall determine the degree,
and the provisions, so far as applicable, of section 29-26-18 and of rule 32 of the North Dakota
Rules of Criminal Procedure shall govern in said determination.29-26-17. Extent of punishment - Aggravation or mitigation - Hearing. After a pleaor verdict of guilty, in a case when a discretion is conferred upon the court as to the extent of the
punishment, the court, upon the suggestion of either party that there are circumstances which
may be properly taken into view, either in aggravation or mitigation of the punishment, in its
discretion, may hear the same summarily at a specified time, and upon such notice to the
adverse party as it may direct.29-26-18. Evidence in aggravation or mitigation of punishment - How presented.Circumstances in aggravation or mitigation of punishment must be presented by testimony of
witnesses examined in open court, except when a witness is so sick or infirm as to be unable to
attend, that witness's deposition may be taken by a magistrate of the county out of court, at a
specified time and place, upon such notice to the adverse party as the court may direct, the
criminal record of the defendant furnished by the federal bureau of investigation or the state
superintendent of criminal identification and reports of the state parole office may be received by
the court without verification or other foundation, and, results of psychological testing and
psychiatric examination, certified in writing, may be received by the court without verification or
other foundation, subject to such inspection and confrontation of witnesses as the court may
permit or require in the interests of justice.29-26-19. Other evidence prohibited. Superseded by N.D.R.Crim.P., Rule 32.29-26-20. Successive terms of imprisonment. Repealed by S.L. 1973, ch. 116,