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CHAPTER 32-03DAMAGES AND COMPENSATORY RELIEF32-03-01.Damages for any injury.Every person who suffers detriment from theunlawful act or omission of another may recover from the person in fault a compensation therefor
in money, which is called damages.32-03-02.Detriment defined.Detriment is a loss or harm suffered in person orproperty.32-03-03. Damages resulting after action commenced. Damages may be awarded ina judicial proceeding for detriment resulting after the commencement thereof or certain to result
in the future.32-03-04. Interest on damages.Every person who is entitled to recover damagescertain or capable of being made certain by calculation, the right to recover which is vested in the
person upon a particular day, also is entitled to recover interest thereon from that day, except for
such time as the debtor is prevented by law or by the act of the creditor from paying the debt.32-03-05. When interest in discretion of court or jury. In an action for the breach ofan obligation not arising from contract and in every case of oppression, fraud, or malice, interest
may be given in the discretion of the court or jury.32-03-06. When accepting principal waives interest. Accepting payment of the wholeprincipal as such waives all claim to interest, unless interest is provided for expressly in the
contract.32-03-07. When court or jury may give exemplary damages. Repealed by S.L. 1987,ch. 404,