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CHAPTER 34-05DEPARTMENT OF LABOR34-05-01. Statistics relating to the employment of labor. The labor commissionershall collect, systematize, and submit in biennial reports to the governor and the secretary of
state in accordance with section 54-06-04 statistical details relating to the employment of labor in
the state. The statistics may be classified as the labor commissioner determines best.34-05-01.1.Department of labor.There is hereby created the North Dakotadepartment of labor.All records, materials, supplies, and equipment used by the deputycommissioner of agriculture and labor in the official capacity as administrator of the labor division
of the department of agriculture and labor must be transferred to the department of labor.34-05-01.2.Labor commissioner to administer department of labor.BeginningJanuary 1, 1999, the governor shall appoint a labor commissioner to administer the department
of labor. The labor commissioner shall serve at the pleasure of the governor.34-05-01.3. Duties of labor commissioner. The labor commissioner shall:1.Improve working conditions and living conditions of employees and advance their
opportunities for profitable employment.2.Foster, promote, and develop the welfare of both wage earners and industries in
North Dakota.3.Promote friendly and cooperative relations between employers and employees.4.Cooperate with other state agencies to encourage the development of new
industries and the expansion of existing industries.5.Represent the state of North Dakota in dealings with the United States department
of labor, with the federal mediation and conciliation service, and with the United
States veterans' administration with respect to job training programs.6.Acquire and disseminate information on the subjects connected with labor, relations
between employers and employees, hours of labor, and working conditions.7.Encourage and assist in the adoption of practical methods of career and technical
education training, retraining, and career development counseling.8.Report biennially to the governor and to the legislative assembly concerning
activities of the department of labor, including in such report recommendations for
legislation deemed necessary or desirable to effectuate the purposes of this chapter.9.Administer the provisions of chapter 34-06 relating to wages and hours, chapter
34-07 relating to child labor, and the provisions of chapter 34-12 relating to
labor-management relations.10.Perform such other duties as may be required by law.34-05-01.4. Independent contractors - Determination made by commissioner. Aperson beginning work or working as an independent contractor may apply to the commissioner
to receive verification of independent contractor status. The commissioner, upon receiving an
application, shall review the circumstances of the applicant's job and other relevant information.
When the information supports a finding under the "common law" test that the applicant will be
working or is working as an independent contractor, the commissioner shall issue a
determination to verify the status of the applicant as an independent contractor and shall issue
the independent contractor an identification number that will be invalid if the applicant's jobPage No. 1changes. If the applicant's job changes, the applicant may reapply for a determination to verify
independent contractor status.34-05-02. Labor division - Administrative officers - General duties. Repealed byS.L. 1965, ch. 236,