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CHAPTER 34-07CHILD LABOR34-07-01. Employment of minor under fourteen years of age prohibited. No minorunder fourteen years of age may be employed or permitted to work in any occupation except
farm labor, domestic service, or in the employment of, and under the direct supervision of, that
minor's parent, guardian, or grandparent. Domestic service includes services of a household
nature performed by an employee in or about a private home of the employer. No minor under
fourteen years of age may be employed in any business or service whatever during any part of
the hours when the public schools of the district in which the minor resides are in session.34-07-02.Certificate of employment required - Inspection - List of minorsemployed to be kept.A minor fourteen or fifteen years of age may not be employed orpermitted to work in any occupation except farm labor, domestic service, or in the employment
of, and under the direct supervision of, the minor's parent or guardian unless the minor is exempt
from compulsory school attendance under subdivisions b, c, and d of subsection 1 of section
15.1-20-02 or unless the minor has an employment certificate signed by the minor's parent or
guardian in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Any person, firm, corporation, or
limited liability company employing a minor must keep on file a completed employment
certificate, for each minor, as provided in this chapter. The employment certificate must be
accessible to inspection by the principal of the school which the minor attends, a principal in the
municipality in which the minor resides, or the labor commissioner or the commissioner's agent
or representative.34-07-03. Question of age of minor employee - Who may raise - Duties of employer- Evidence required. Any person, firm, corporation, or limited liability company employing a
minor who appears to be under the age of sixteen years and for whom an employment certificate
is not filed as required by the provisions of this chapter, either shall furnish satisfactory evidence
that such minor is sixteen years of age or older or shall cease to employ such minor or to permit
the minor to work in such employment immediately after a demand is made upon the employer
to do so by:1.The principal of the school which the minor attends or a principal in the municipality
in which the minor resides;2.The labor commissioner or the commissioner's agent or representative; or3.Any other officer charged with the enforcement of child labor, compulsory school
attendance, or other child welfare laws.The officer making such demand may require the same evidence, and only the same evidence,
of age of the minor as is required on the issuance of an employment certificate under the
provisions of this chapter.34-07-04. Noncompliance with demand - Prima facie evidence in prosecution. If itis proved in any prosecution for a violation of the provisions of this chapter that a demand was
made by a proper officer upon the person, firm, corporation, or limited liability company named
as defendant in such prosecution, that such demand was in accordance with the provisions of
section 34-07-03, and that the defendant in such prosecution failed within the time therein limited
to comply therewith, such failure constitutes prima facie evidence that the minor for the
employment of whom the prosecution was instituted was under sixteen years of age at the time
of such employment and was unlawfully employed.34-07-05. Who may issue certificates - Where certificates may be obtained. Anemployment certificate must be in writing and must be issued by the minor's parent or guardian.
The parent or guardian who certifies, or rejects, the employment certificate must file a completed
copy with the department of labor, the employer, the principal of the school which the minor
attends, or a principal in the municipality in which the minor resides, within ten days ofPage No. 1certification or rejection. No employment certificate is required for any minor then in, or who is
about to enter, the minor's own employment or the employment of a firm, corporation, or limited
liability company of which the minor is a member, officer, or manager. The labor commissioner
shall make the certificates of employment available.34-07-06. Evidence of age of minor. The age of a minor who desires an employmentcertificate must be proved by:1.A certificate of proof of birth issued by the state registrar of vital statistics; or2.Documentary evidence satisfactory to the labor commissioner, such as a certificate
of arrival in the United States issued by the United States immigration officers and
showing the age of the child, a passport showing the age of the child, a valid driver's
license, a baptismal certificate, or a life insurance policy. Such other satisfactory
documentary evidence must have been in existence for at least one year, and in the
case of a life insurance policy, for at least four years.34-07-07. Letter of prospective employer required before employment certificateissued. Repealed by S.L. 1993, ch. 351,