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CHAPTER 34-11MEDIATION OF DISPUTES BETWEEN PUBLIC EMPLOYERS AND EMPLOYEES34-11-01.Recommendations of mediation board - Effect - Good faith andcooperation required. No provisions of this chapter may be construed to mean that the state or
any subordinate jurisdiction thereof or any board, commission, or department within such public
jurisdiction is compelled to accept the recommendations of a mediation board as binding nor is
any group of employees affiliated with a union or otherwise compelled to abide by the
recommendations of such mediation board; provided, however, that both parties to any dispute
or grievance in the public employee field covered by this chapter are required to proceed in good
faith according to the terms hereof to create a mediation board and to cooperate fully with such
board in attending hearings and supplying data concerning all matters in dispute, to answer
questions and in all other particulars to respond in good faith and to cooperate fully with such
board in its attempt to settle the matter in dispute. Nor may anything in this chapter be construed
to affect, limit, or impair the right of any public employee to express that individual's views, to
make complaint or give testimony concerning any grievance pertaining to public employment or
to the betterment of that individual's working conditions.Nor may the provisions herein beconstrued to authorize any public employer covered by this chapter to attempt to or deter any
public employee working subject to the public employer's jurisdiction from affiliating with any
union, association, or other group of public employees nor may a public employer refuse to
consider grievances concerning employment problems with the representatives duly chosen by
such union, association, or affiliation of public employees.34-11-02. Mediation board - Designation - Selection of chairman. Whenever a publicemployer or the employing head of a board, commission, or department in the state service or in
the services of any subordinate jurisdiction or whenever any union, association, or group of public
employees of a public unit of government decides by vote of such group that a grievance or
matter in dispute which has been considered between the employer and the employee cannot be
settled amicably and without disruption of the public service, it is the duty of the employer or the
employees or both to request in writing of the chief executive officer of the unit of government,
namely the governor in the state service, the chairman of the county board or commission in
county services, and the mayor or city manager of the city in city services, that it is the wish of
one or both parties concerned in such dispute or grievance that the provisions of this chapter be
made use of by the designation by such officer of two members of a mediation board, one to be
recognized as a representative of the employer in the public service and one to be a bona fide
employee who is a member of the union, association, or group of employees and who is
interested in the point of view of such group of employees. The two persons so designated shall
upon their appointment forthwith meet and agree upon a third person who must be chairman of
the mediation board.34-11-03. Duty of mediation board - Public hearings - Determination of issues -Recommendations. It is the duty of such mediation board to hold public hearings to consider
the matter in dispute or the grievance at any place in the state for state employee-employer
disputes or grievances, at any place within the jurisdiction of the county in county disputes, and
within the limits of the city in a city dispute. Such board has the authority to subpoena witnesses,
compel their attendance, administer oaths, take testimony, and receive evidence and it
possesses the authority to discuss informally the matter of dispute or the grievance in the
presence of both the employer or the employee or their representatives.Following theconclusion of such public hearings or such public considerations of the problem involved, such
board shall within thirty days make determination of the issues involved in such dispute or
grievance, prepare recommendations thereon in writing and submit a signed copy to the
governor in the case of a dispute in the state employee field, to the chairman of the county board
or commission in the case of a county dispute, and to the mayor or city manager in the case of a
dispute in city service, and a signed copy to the employer and to the representative of the
employees.34-11-04.Studyofrecommendationsbyemployerandemployees-Reconsideration by board. The employer and the employees concerned shall in good faithPage No. 1study the recommendations so prepared by the mediation board, and if either party to the dispute
or grievance after such consideration of the recommendations feels that for some reason it
cannot accept the recommendation, it shall notify the opposing party in writing and give reasons
therefor. In such event either party to the dispute is entitled to ask the board of mediators for
further consideration. Whenever further consideration is so requested, both parties to the dispute
are bound to respond a second time as hereinbefore provided and the mediation board is
privileged to exercise all of the powers with which it is clothed.34-11-05.Expenses of board members reimbursed.The members of boards ofmediation may not receive compensation for their work but they must be reimbursed for any
actual or necessary expenses incurred in connection therewith, and the unit of government
involved is obligated upon proper affidavit therefor to pay from the treasury actual costs, including
subpoena services and other expenses.Page No. 2Document Outlinechapter 34-11 mediation of disputes between public employers and employees