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CHAPTER 35-06PLEDGE35-06-01. Pledge defined. Pledge is a deposit of personal property as security for theperformance of another act. Every contract by which the possession of personal property is
transferred as security only is a pledge and its validity and effect are governed by the provisions
of this chapter except as modified by the provisions of title 41.35-06-02.Lien of pledge dependent on possession.The lien of a pledge isdependent on possession and no pledge is valid until the property pledged is delivered to the
pledgee or to a pledgeholder as hereinafter prescribed.35-06-03.Increase of property pledged with property.The increase of propertypledged is pledged with the property.35-06-04. Lien may be pledged. One who has a lien upon property may pledge it to theextent of that person's lien.35-06-05. Pledge by apparent owner - Effect - Estoppel of actual owner. One whohas allowed another to assume the apparent ownership of property for the purpose of making
any transfer of it cannot set up that person's own title to defeat a pledge of the property made by
the other to a pledgee who received the property in good faith in the ordinary course of business
and for value.35-06-06. Pledge to secure another's obligation - Effect - Withdrawal. Property maybe pledged as security for the obligation of a person other than the owner and in so doing the
owner has all the rights of a pledgor for the owner except that one who pledges property as
security for the obligation of another cannot withdraw the property pledged otherwise than as a
pledgor might, and if the owner receives from the debtor a consideration for the pledge, the
owner cannot withdraw it without the debtor's consent.35-06-07. Pledgeholder defined - Duties. A pledgor and pledgee may agree upon athird person with whom to deposit the property pledged who, if the third person accepts the
deposit, is called a pledgeholder, and the third person must enforce all the rights of the pledgee
unless authorized by the pledgee to waive them.35-06-08. Liability of pledgee and of pledgeholder. A pledgee or a pledgeholder forreward assumes the duties and liabilities of a depositary for reward. A gratuitous pledgeholder
assumes the duties and liabilities of a gratuitous depositary.35-06-09. Exoneration of pledgeholder. A pledgeholder for reward cannot exoneratethe pledgeholder from the pledgeholder's undertaking, and a gratuitous pledgeholder can do so
only by giving reasonable notice to the pledgor and pledgee to appoint a new pledgeholder, and
in case of their failure to agree, by depositing the property pledged with some impartial person
who then will be entitled to a reasonable compensation for that person's care of the same.35-06-10. Fraudulent misrepresentation of property pledged - Rights of creditor.When a debtor has obtained credit or an extension of time by a fraudulent misrepresentation of
the value of the property pledged by or for the debtor, the creditor may demand a further pledge
to correspond with the value represented and in default thereof may recover the creditor's debt
immediately though it is not actually due.35-06-11. Pledge enforced - Sale when performance due. When performance of theact for which a pledge is given is due in whole or in part, the pledgee may collect what is due the
pledgee by a sale of the property pledged, subject to the rules and exceptions prescribed in this
chapter and in sections 41-09-98 through 41-09-123.35-06-12. Demand for performance necessary. Repealed by S.L. 1965, ch. 296,