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CHAPTER 36-07RENDERING PLANTS36-07-01. License required to operate rendering plant. No person may operate arendering plant or other establishment using the carcasses of domestic or wild animals, which
are not intended for human consumption, for processing without first obtaining a license to do so
from the agriculture commissioner. The license may be issued only upon a written application
filed with the commissioner in accordance with this chapter and rules adopted by the board.36-07-02. Inspection of establishment of applicant by state veterinarian. Upon thereceipt of an application for a license to operate a rendering plant or other establishment using
the carcasses of domestic or wild animals, which are not intended for human consumption, for
processing, the state veterinarian shall cause an inspection to be made of the establishment for
which a license is requested, including its equipment and vehicles and the manner in which its
business is conducted, with reference and due regard to the danger of animal disease
transmission and dissemination.36-07-03. Granting of license - Fee - Term. If the inspection fails to reveal any dangerof animal disease transmission, the agriculture commissioner shall issue the license applied for
upon payment of a fee of fifty dollars. The license is valid for a period of one year from the date
of issuance unless it is revoked for cause by the commissioner before expiration.36-07-04.Sanitary requirements of rendering establishment.Repealed byS.L. 1975, ch. 304,