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CHAPTER 36-09BRANDS AND MARKS36-09-01. Office for recording brands. The North Dakota stockmen's association shallappoint a chief brand inspector. The chief brand inspector shall maintain a general office for
recording marks and brands. As used in this chapter, "chief brand inspector" means the chief
brand inspector of the North Dakota stockmen's association.36-09-02. Application for exclusive use of brand or mark. Any person desiring theexclusive use of any mark or brand shall file with the chief brand inspector an application:1.Setting forth a description of the mark or brand of which the person desires the
exclusive use and a facsimile thereof;2.Stating the kind or kinds of livestock upon which the mark or brand is to be used;
and3.Indicating clearly the place or position upon each kind of livestock where such brand
is to be placed, except that the hips of any cattle may not be used for registered
numerical brands. Nonregistered numerical brands may be located upon the hips of
cattle for individual identification. Registered brands other than numerical brands
may also be located on the hips of cattle.Numerical brand means a brandconsisting entirely of upright number or numbers, and does not include brands
consisting of lazy numbers, or combinations of letters, or characters and numbers.
The provisions of this chapter do not apply to any numerical brand recorded prior to
July 1, 1957.36-09-02.1. Standards for recording brands or marks.1.The chief brand inspector shall record the brand or mark described in the application
except that the chief brand inspector shall refuse to record any brand or mark that:a.Has been recorded in favor of another person.b.Has been recorded in another state.c.Is deceptively similar to any previously recorded livestock brand or mark.d.Contains less than two characters.e.Contains:(1)The letter "g";(2)The letter "q";(3)Any letter not in the gothic style;(4)A dot;(5)The Arabic numeral "0" or "1";(6)Any non-Arabic numeral;(7)Any symbol other than a diamond, a half-diamond, an arrow, a mill iron,
a cross, a heart, a box, a triangle, a quarter circle, a bar, or a star; and(8)Any letter, number, or symbol within another letter, number, or symbol.Page No. 1f.Is not legible when placed on the livestock.g.Would be placed upon the livestock in a location other than a permissible
location.2.For purposes of this section, permissible locations for cattle are the left and right
shoulder, the left and right rib, and the left and right hip. Permissible locations for
horses and mules are the left and right jaw, the left and right shoulder, and the left
and right hip. Permissible locations for buffalo are the left and right rib and the left
and right hip. The chief brand inspector may determine permissible locations for
other types of livestock as necessary. The determination of permissible locations
under this section is not subject to rulemaking under chapter 28-32.3.Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the chief brand inspector shall
accept for rerecording under section 36-09-09 or under section 36-09-09.1:a.Any previously recorded livestock brand or mark.b.A single character brand provided the animals on which the brand is to be
placed are goats or sheep.36-09-03. Exclusive use of brand or mark on poultry - How obtained. Repealed byS.L. 2003, ch. 287,