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CHAPTER 36-22ESTRAY INSPECTION36-22-01. Estray defined. Any marked or branded cattle, horse, or mule found at anylivestock market, to which a shipper cannot produce title or satisfactory evidence of ownership, is
considered to be an estray.36-22-02.North Dakota stockmen's association authority.The North Dakotastockmen's association, a livestock association duly organized under the laws of the state of
North Dakota, and duly registered as a market agency under the Act of Congress commonly
known as the Packers and Stockyards Act, 1921 [Pub. L. 67-51; 42 Stat. 159; 7 U.S.C. 181
et seq.], for the better protection of the livestock industry of the state of North Dakota and for the
purpose of securing uniformity of inspection and cooperation with the department of agriculture of
the United States, shall make an inspection to determine ownership, of all cattle shipped or
consigned from this state to any public livestock markets, including auction markets, buying
stations, or packing plants within or without the state of North Dakota.36-22-03. Rules - Fees for inspection. The state board of animal health, with theadvice of the officers of the North Dakota stockmen's association, shall adopt rules regulating the
inspection of cattle for brands at auction markets, packing plants, and buying stations and shall
set the fees to be charged by the brand inspector. Brand inspectors under this chapter shall
charge and collect fees for inspections on all shipments or consignments of cattle at livestock
markets, at the rate authorized by the United States department of agriculture, and shall charge
and collect fees for inspection at auction markets, buying stations, and packing plants as must be
set by the state board of animal health.The fees collected must be remitted to the statetreasurer for deposit in the North Dakota stockmen's association fund.36-22-04. Collection of estray funds. A brand inspector may receive and receipt for allfunds from the sale of estray cattle and shall remit the funds to the state treasurer for deposit in
the North Dakota stockmen's association fund.36-22-05. Estray fund. Repealed by S.L. 1999, ch. 318,