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CHAPTER 38-10SALES AND LEASES BY PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES38-10-01. Definitions. In this chapter, unless the context or subject matter otherwiserequires:1."District court" means the district court having jurisdiction of the estate of which the
personal representative involved is administrator, executor, or guardian, as the case
may be.2."Estate" means the estate of a person who died testate or intestate and the estate of
a minor or of an incompetent, spendthrift, or habitual drunkard under guardianship.3."Lease for production" means any lease of property of an estate for the purpose of
mining or of drilling and operating for oil, including the laying of pipelines and the
building of tanks, power stations, and other structures upon the lands described in
such lease for the purpose of producing, saving, and taking care of products of the
mine or well.4."Personal representative" means an executor of the last will or the administrator of
the estate of a deceased person, or a guardian of the estate of a minor or of an
incompetent, spendthrift, or habitual drunkard.38-10-02. Personal representative may lease for production or sell mineral or oilrights in lands of estate. A personal representative, upon compliance with the provisions of this
chapter, may give a lease for production covering real property in the estate or may sell the oil,
gas, or minerals in or under such real property separately from the surface rights.38-10-03. Term of lease for production - Conditions and limitations in lease. Alease for production made by a personal representative may be made subject to the confirmation
of the district court, for a period of not more than ten years, and it may be extended thereafter as
long as oil or gas is produced from such land by the lessee or the lessee's assigns or the lessee
or the lessee's assigns are engaged in continuous drilling or reworking operations. Such a lease
must be made upon such terms and in consideration of such bonuses, royalties, rentals, and
payments as may be agreed upon except that in no case may the royalty be:1.Less than equal to a one-eighth part of all oil produced and saved from the leased
premises;2.Less than equal to a one-eighth part of the gross proceeds at the prevailing market
rate at the well for all gas used off the premises, when gas only is found on the
leased premises; nor3.Less than one-eighth of the gross proceeds at the prevailing market rate at the well
for gas, during all times that such gas is used, when gas is produced from any oil
well and used off the premises or for the manufacture of casinghead gasoline or dry
commercial gas.No lease for production is effective for a period of more than two years from its date unless
mining or a well is commenced on such land within such time, except that the lease may provide
that the lessee may pay a delay rental in an amount that may be specified in the lease. Such
payment operates as a rental and covers the privilege of deferring the commencement of mining
or of a well for one year. A lease may provide for the payment of successive delay rentals which
defers the commencement of mining or of a well for like successive periods. Any lease made by
a personal representative under the authority of this section may provide for the pooling or
unitization of the lease land, or any part or parts thereof, and of any mineral or royalty interest
therein, with land adjoining or in the vicinity of the leased land, or any mineral or royalty interest
therein, so as to form a unit for development and purpose of operation. Operations or productionPage No. 1on any such unitized area shall have the same effect as operations or production on the leased
land. The lease may provide for payment of a proportionate part of the royalties on production
from any such unitized area to the personal representative in lieu of the royalties provided in the
lease as to the area so unitized. A personal representative, upon compliance with the provisions
of this chapter, may also enter into agreements pooling or unitizing existing leases. Upon the
execution, approval, and delivery of a production lease, all persons interested in the estate are
bound thereby during the entire period thereof.38-10-04. Lease for production made by personal representative to be approved bycounty court - Notice - Recording. Repealed by S.L. 1973, ch. 257,