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CHAPTER 38-14.3SURFACE MINING AND RECLAMATION BOND FUND38-14.3-01. Definitions. In this chapter:1."Bond" means a bond required of a permittee under chapter 38-14.1.2."Fund" means the surface coal mining and reclamation bond fund.3."Permit" means a surface coal mining and reclamation operation permit approved by
the public service commission under chapter 38-14.1.4."Permittee" means a person holding a permit.38-14.3-02. Surface coal mining and reclamation bond fund - Appropriation. Theindustrial commission may establish a surface coal mining and reclamation bond fund to be
maintained at the Bank of North Dakota. All moneys collected and received under this chapter
are appropriated to the commission for the purposes provided for in this chapter.38-14.3-03. Bond coverage available to permittees. The fund may provide bonds forthe faithful performance of all surface coal mining laws, rules, and permit terms and conditions.
An application for a bond may be made to the industrial commission, which shall approve or
disapprove the application. The decision of the industrial commission may not be appealed. The
industrial commission may establish conditions and require information and such guarantee and
indemnity by the permittee as the industrial commission deems necessary for the preservation of
the fund.38-14.3-04. Investment of fund. Investment of the fund is under the supervision of theBank of North Dakota.38-14.3-05. Commission may employ staff. The industrial commission may employstaff and enter into public and private contracts as may be necessary to operate the fund. The
salaries of employees and other expenditures for the operation of the fund must be paid out of
the fund.38-14.3-06. Premiums - Amount and to whom paid. The premium for a bond underthis chapter must be set by the industrial commission. Premiums must be paid in advance to the
industrial commission and deposited in the fund.38-14.3-07. Reinsurance contracts - Revenue bonds - Guarantees. The industrialcommission shall do all things necessary to preserve the fund and ensure the ability of the fund
to pay claims.The industrial commission is granted all powers necessary to effectuate thepurposes of this chapter, including but not limited to the power to:1.Contract for reinsurance of any risk against which a bond is issued under this
chapter. A contract for reinsurance may be entered into without public bids and
must be approved by the insurance commissioner.2.Issue evidences of indebtedness. The principal of, and interest on, evidences of
indebtedness may be paid only from the fund. The evidences of indebtedness are
not a debt of the state of North Dakota or of any officer or agent of the state within
the meaning of any statutory or constitutional provision and shall contain a statement
to that effect on their face. The evidences of indebtedness may be sold at public or
private sale and must contain the terms and provisions set by the industrial
commission.Any state department or public fund may invest its funds in thepurchase of the evidences of indebtedness. The evidences of indebtedness are not
subject to taxation by the state or by any political subdivision of the state.Page No. 13.Require, before issuing a bond, that a permittee guarantee and indemnify the fund
against any loss and secure the guarantee and indemnity by the pledge or posting of
real or personal property under terms and conditions set by the industrial
commission. The industrial commission may not require the pledge or posting of
property if the fund's reserves are sufficient to ensure the payment of all claims
against it. The liability of a permittee under a guarantee or indemnity agreement
under this chapter is limited to the payment of any claims against the bond issued
for the permittee.38-14.3-08. Claims - How paid. All claims against bonds provided for by this chaptermust be paid out of the fund in an amount not exceeding the face amount of the bond.38-14.3-09. Industrial commission may adopt rules. The industrial commission mayadopt rules necessary to carry out this chapter.Page No. 2Document Outlinechapter 38-14.3 surface mining and reclamation bond fund