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CHAPTER 39-03HIGHWAY PATROL39-03-01. Definitions. In this chapter, unless the context or subject matter otherwiserequires:1."Assistant superintendent" means the assistant highway patrol superintendent.2."Patrolmen" means the members of the highway patrol including the superintendent
and the assistant superintendent.3."Superintendent" means the state highway patrol superintendent.39-03-02.State highway patrol superintendent appointed by governor - Duties.The governor shall appoint a state highway patrol superintendent who shall enforce the
provisions of the laws of this state relating to the protection and use of the highways in this state
and the operation of motor and other vehicles upon such highways.39-03-03. Patrolmen - Appointment - Removal - Duties.The superintendent, theassistant superintendent, and the patrolmen constitute the highway patrol. The highway patrol
shall enforce the provisions of the laws of this state relating to the protection and use of highways
and shall patrol the highways and cooperate with sheriffs and police in enforcing the laws
regulating the operation of vehicles and the use of highways. All patrolmen and the assistant
superintendent must be appointed by the superintendent.Each patrolman so appointed isdeemed a temporary appointee for a period of twelve months, during which period the patrolman
must be placed under probationary training and service and is subject to dismissal at the will of
the superintendent. At the end of the twelve-month period, a temporary appointee must either be
given a permanent appointment by the superintendent or must be automatically dismissed. The
assistant superintendent and patrolmen who have received a permanent appointment are subject
to removal for cause by the superintendent, but must be permitted to appeal a dismissal under
chapter 54-44.3, provided that the removal of the assistant superintendent from that person's
position does not entitle that person to appeal the removal unless that person is also dismissed
from the patrol.39-03-04. Qualifications of patrolmen - Veterans have preference. No person maybe appointed as a patrolman unless the person has all of the following qualifications:1.Has passed such physical examination and such other qualification test as may be
required by the superintendent.2.Is of good moral character and temperate habits.3.Has been a citizen of the United States for not less than two years prior to the
appointment.Preference for appointment must be given at all times to honorably discharged veterans and
citizens of the state of North Dakota, and all appointments must be made without regard to any
political party affiliation of the applicant.39-03-05. Badge issued to patrolmen - Contents of badge. The superintendent shallissue to each patrolman a badge of authority with the seal of this state in the center thereof. The
term "North Dakota highway patrol" must encircle such seal and below the same must appear
the designation of the position held by the person to whom such badge is issued. Each such
badge must contain a serial number, or each patrolman shall display otherwise a distinctive serial
number. No badge may be issued to any person who is not a duly appointed and acting member
of the highway patrol.Page No. 139-03-06.Oath required of superintendent, assistant superintendent, andpatrolmen. The superintendent, assistant superintendent, and each patrolman, before entering
upon the performance of the person's duties, shall take and file the oath prescribed by law for
state officers.39-03-07. Salary of superintendent - Limitations. The salary of the superintendentmust be within the amount appropriated for salaries by the legislative assembly. The salary of
the assistant superintendent and each patrolman must be fixed by the superintendent, and must
be paid in the same manner as other state employees are paid.39-03-08. Manner of paying salaries, wages, and expenses of highway patrol. Allsalaries, wages, and other expenses of the highway patrol must be paid by the office of
management and budget and state treasurer out of the patrol fund, upon vouchers required by
law for the payment of all state expenses, duly approved by the superintendent, and audited and
allowed by the office of the budget.39-03-08.1. Contracts - Bids. Repealed by S.L. 1999, ch. 332,