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CHAPTER 39-03.1HIGHWAY PATROLMEN'S RETIREMENT SYSTEM39-03.1-01. Definitions. In this chapter, unless the context or subject matter otherwiserequires:1."Accumulated deductions" means the total of the amounts deducted from the salary
of a contributor and paid into the fund, and standing to the contributor's credit in the
fund, and interest credited on those amounts at a rate established by the board.2."Board" means the North Dakota public employees retirement board.3."Contributor" means any person who is a member of the North Dakota highway
patrol, is subject to salary deductions to support the fund, and is employed on or
after July 1, 1981.4."Fund" means the North Dakota highway patrolmen's retirement fund.5."Patrol" means the North Dakota highway patrol.6."Salary" means the actual dollar compensation, excluding any bonus or overtime,
paid to or for a contributor for the contributor's services.7."Surviving spouse" means that person lawfully married to the contributor at the time
of the contributor's death.39-03.1-02.North Dakota highway patrolmen's retirement system.A retirementsystem is hereby established for the members of the North Dakota highway patrol.39-03.1-03.North Dakota highway patrolmen's retirement board.Repealed byS.L. 1983, ch. 419,