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39-16.1 Proof of Financial Responsibility for the Future

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CHAPTER 39-16.1PROOF OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE FUTURE39-16.1-01. Application. The provisions of this chapter requiring the deposit of proof offinancial responsibility for the future, subject to certain exemptions, apply with respect to any
person who has been convicted of or forfeited bail for certain offenses under motor vehicle laws
or who has failed to pay judgments upon claims for relief arising out of ownership, maintenance,
or use of vehicles of a type subject to registration under the laws of this state.39-16.1-02. Proof of financial responsibility defined. "Proof of financial responsibility"means proof of ability to respond in damages for liability, on account of accidents occurring after
the effective date of said proof, arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of a motor
vehicle, in the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars because of bodily injury to or death of one
person in any one accident, and, subject to said limit for one person, in the amount of fifty
thousand dollars because of bodily injury to or death of two or more persons in any one accident,
and in the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars because of injury to or destruction of property
of others in any one accident.39-16.1-03. Notice of failure to satisfy judgment. When any person fails within thirtydays to satisfy any judgment, it is the duty of the clerk of the court, or of the judge of a court
which has no clerk, in which any such judgment is rendered within this state, to forward to the
director immediately after the expiration of said thirty days, a certified copy of such judgment or a
certified copy of the docket entries in an action resulting in a judgment for damages or a
certificate of facts relative to a judgment on a form provided by the director. If the judgment
debtor is a nonresident, the director shall transmit a certified copy of the judgment to the official in
charge of the issuance of drivers' licenses of the state of which the judgment debtor is a resident.39-16.1-04. Suspension of license - Temporary release.1.The director, upon receipt of a certified copy of a judgment or a certified copy of the
docket entries in an action resulting in a judgment for damages or a certificate of
facts relative to a judgment on a form provided by the director, shall forthwith
suspend the license or operating privilege, of any person against whom such
judgment was rendered except as hereinafter otherwise provided in this section and
in section 39-16.1-06.2.If the judgment creditor consents in writing, in such form as the director may
prescribe that the judgment debtor be allowed license or nonresident's operating
privilege, the same may be allowed by the director for six months from the date of
such consent and thereafter until such consent is revoked in writing, notwithstanding
default in the payment of such judgment, or of any installments thereof prescribed in
section 39-16.1-06 provided the judgment debtor furnishes proof of financial
responsibility.3.Any person whose license or nonresident's operating privilege has been suspended
or is about to be suspended or will become subject to suspension under this chapter
may be relieved from the effect of the judgment as prescribed in this chapter by filing
with the director an affidavit stating that at the time of the accident upon which the
judgment has been rendered the affiant was insured, that the insurer is liable to pay
the judgment, and the reason, if known, why the insurer has not paid the judgment.
That person shall also file the original or a copy of the insurance policy, if available,
and any other documents the director may require to show that the loss, injury, or
damage for which the judgment was rendered, was covered by the insurance policy.
If the director is satisfied from such papers that the insurer was authorized to issue
the insurance policy at the time and place of issuing the policy and that the insurer is
liable to pay the judgment, at least to the extent and for the amounts required in this
chapter, the director may not suspend the license or nonresident's operating
privilege, or if already suspended shall reinstate them.Page No. 14.A license or nonresident's operating privilege must remain suspended and may not
be renewed, nor may any such license be thereafter issued in the name of such
person, including any such person not previously licensed, unless and until every
such judgment is satisfied in full or to the extent hereinafter provided and until the
said person gives proof of financial responsibility subject to the exemptions stated in
sections 39-16.1-04 and 39-16.1-06.39-16.1-05.Satisfaction of judgment.Judgments herein referred to must, for thepurpose of this chapter only, be deemed satisfied:1.When twenty-five thousand dollars has been credited upon any judgment or
judgments rendered in excess of that amount because of bodily injury to or death of
one person as the result of any one accident;2.When, subject to such limit of twenty-five thousand dollars because of bodily injury
to or death of one person, the sum of fifty thousand dollars has been credited upon
any judgment or judgments rendered in excess of that amount because of bodily
injury to or death of two or more persons as the result of any one accident; or3.When twenty-five thousand dollars has been credited upon any judgment or
judgments rendered in excess of that amount because of damage to or destruction
of property of others as a result of any one accident. Payments made in settlement
of any claims because of bodily injury, death, or property damages arising from a
motor vehicle accident must be credited in reduction of the amounts provided for in
this section.39-16.1-06. Installment payments.1.A judgment debtor upon due notice to the judgment creditor may apply to the court
in which such judgment was rendered for the privilege of paying such judgment in
installments and the court, in its discretion and without prejudice to any other legal
remedies which the judgment creditor may have, may so order and fix the amounts
and times of payment of the installments.2.The director may not suspend a license, or a nonresident's operating privilege,
suspended following nonpayment of a judgment, when the judgment debtor gives
proof of financial responsibility and obtains such an order permitting the payment of
such judgment in installments, and while the payment of any said installment is not
in default.3.In the event the judgment debtor fails to pay any installment as specified by such
order, then upon notice of such default, the director shall forthwith suspend the
license, or nonresident's operating privilege of the judgment debtor until such
judgment is satisfied as provided in this chapter.39-16.1-07. Revocation or suspension of license for reasons other than provisionsof this chapter.1.Whenever the director under any other law of this state, except sections 39-06-40
and 39-06-40.1, revokes the license of any person, the license must remain revoked
and may not be renewed nor shall any license be issued to such person, unless the
person gives and maintains proof of financial responsibility.2.If a person by final order or judgment is convicted of or forfeits any bail or collateral
deposited to secure an appearance for trial for any offense requiring the revocation
of license, driving or being in actual physical control of a vehicle while under the
influence in violation of section 39-08-01 or equivalent ordinance, or operating a
motor vehicle upon the highway while the person's license or privilege to drive is
under suspension for a violation requiring a license or privilege to drive suspensionPage No. 2of at least ninety-one days or revocation, the license or driving privilege must remain
suspended or revoked and no license may be issued or returned to the person,
unless the person gives and maintains proof of financial responsibility.39-16.1-08. Proof of financial responsibility. Proof of financial responsibility whenrequired under this chapter may be given by filing:1.A certificate of insurance as provided in sections 39-16.1-09 and 39-16.1-10;2.A bond as provided in section 39-16.1-14; or3.A certificate of deposit of money or securities as provided in section 39-16.1-15.39-16.1-09. Proof by showing insurance coverage.1.Proof of financial responsibility may be furnished by filing with the director the written
or electronically transmitted certificate of any insurance carrier duly authorized to do
business in this state certifying that there is in effect a motor vehicle liability policy for
the benefit of the person required to furnish proof of financial responsibility. Such
certificate must give the effective date of such motor vehicle liability policy, which
date shall be the same as the effective date of the certificate, and must designate by
explicit description or by appropriate reference all motor vehicles covered thereby,
unless the policy is an operator's policy.2.When a certificate is filed showing that a policy or policies have been issued
covering certain described motor vehicles or a limited operator's policy but not
insuring such person when operating all other motor vehicles, the director shall
designate suitable restriction upon the driver's license of such person authorizing the
operation of only such vehicles as are covered by the certificate. It is unlawful for
such person to operate any motor vehicle not covered by such certificate. In the
event a person desires to be relieved of the foregoing restriction and to be permitted
to operate any motor vehicle, the person may have such restriction removed upon
filing a certificate showing that there has been issued to the person a motor vehicle
liability policy insuring the person against liability arising out of the use of any motor
vehicle.39-16.1-10. Nonresident owner.1.The nonresident owner of a motor vehicle not registered in this state may give proof
of financial responsibility by filing with the director a written or electronically
transmitted certificate of an insurance carrier authorized to transact business in the
state in which the motor vehicle or motor vehicles described in the certificate is
registered, or if the nonresident does not own a motor vehicle, then in the state in
which the insured resides, provided the certificate otherwise conforms to the
provisions of this chapter, and the director shall accept the same upon condition that
the insurance carrier complies with the following provisions with respect to the
policies so certified:a.The insurance carrier shall execute a power of attorney authorizing the director
to accept service on its behalf of notice or process in any action arising out of a
motor vehicle accident in this state.b.The insurance carrier shall agree in writing that the policies conform with the
laws of this state relating to the terms of motor vehicle liability policies issued
herein.2.If any insurance carrier not authorized to transact business in this state, which has
qualified to furnish proof of financial responsibility, defaults in any undertaking or
agreement, the director may not thereafter accept as proof any certificate of thePage No. 3carrier whether filed up to that time or thereafter tendered as proof, so long as the
default continues.3.Notwithstanding the requirement of subsection 1, the nonresident owner of a motor
vehicle not registered in this state may file proof of future financial responsibility of
an insurance company or other state-authorized entity providing insurance and
authorized or licensed to do business in the nonresident's state of residence as long
as such proof of future financial responsibility is in the amounts required by this
state.39-16.1-11. Motor vehicle liability policy.1.A "motor vehicle liability policy" as said term is used in this chapter means an
owner's or an operator's policy of liability insurance, certified as provided in sections
39-16.1-09 and 39-16.1-10 as proof of financial responsibility, and issued, except as
otherwise provided in section 39-16.1-10, by an insurance carrier duly authorized to
transact business in this state, to or for the benefit of the person named therein as
insured.2.Such owner's policy of liability insurance:a.Must designate by explicit description or by appropriate reference all motor
vehicles with respect to which coverage is thereby to be granted; andb.Must insure the person named therein and any other person, as insured, using
such motor vehicle or motor vehicles with the express or implied permission of
such named insured, against loss from the liability imposed by law for damages
arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of such motor vehicles within
the United States of America or the Dominion of Canada, subject to limits
exclusive of interest and costs, with respect to each such motor vehicle, as
follows: twenty-five thousand dollars because of bodily injury to or death of one
person in any one accident and subject to said limit for one person, fifty
thousand dollars because of bodily injury to or death of two or more persons in
any one accident, and twenty-five thousand dollars because of injury to or
destruction of property of others in any one accident.3.Such operator's policy of liability insurance must insure the person named as
insured therein against loss from the liability imposed upon the person by law for
damages arising out of the use by the person of any motor vehicle, either unlimited,
or limited by excluding certain classes or types of motor vehicles, within the same
territorial limits and subject to the same limits of liability as are set forth above with
respect to an owner's policy of liability insurance.4.Such motor vehicle liability policy must state the name and address of the named
insured, the coverage afforded by the policy, the premium charged therefor, the
policy period and the limits of liability, and must contain an agreement or be
endorsed that insurance is provided thereunder in accordance with the coverage
defined in this chapter as respects bodily injury and death or property damage, or
both, and is subject to all the provisions of this chapter.5.Such motor vehicle liability policy need not insure any liability under any workforce
safety and insurance law nor any liability on account of bodily injury to or death of an
employee of the insured while engaged in the employment, other than domestic, of
the insured, or while engaged in the operation, maintenance, or repair of any such
motor vehicle nor any liability for damage to property owned by, rented to, in charge
of, or transported by the insured.6.Every motor vehicle liability policy is subject to the following provisions which need
not be contained therein:Page No. 4a.The liability of the insurance carrier with respect to the insurance required by
this chapter becomes absolute whenever injury or damage covered by said
motor vehicle liability policy occurs; said policy may not be canceled or annulled
as to such liability by any agreement between the insurance carrier and the
insured after the occurrence of the injury or damage; no statement made by the
insured or on the insured's behalf and no violation of said policy may defeat or
void said policy.b.The satisfaction by the insured of a judgment for such injury or damage is not a
condition precedent to the right or duty of the insurance carrier to make
payment on account of such injury or damage.c.The insurance carrier has the right to settle any claim covered by the policy,
and if such settlement is made in good faith, the amount thereof is deductible
from the limits of liability specified in subdivision b of subsection 2 for the
accident out of which such claim arose.d.The policy, the written application therefor, if any, and any rider or endorsement
which does not conflict with the provisions of this chapter constitute the entire
contract between the parties.7.Any policy which grants the coverage required for a motor vehicle liability policy may
also grant any lawful coverage in excess of or in addition to the coverage specified
for a motor vehicle liability policy and such excess or additional coverage is not
subject to the provisions of this chapter. With respect to a policy which grants such
excess or additional coverage, the term "motor vehicle policy" applies only to that
part of the coverage which is required by this section.8.Any motor vehicle liability policy may provide that the insured shall reimburse the
insurance carrier for any payment the insurance carrier would not have been
obligated to make under the terms of the policy except for the provisions of this
chapter.9.Any motor vehicle liability policy may provide for the prorating of the insurance
thereunder with other valid and collectible insurance.10.The requirements for a motor vehicle liability policy may be fulfilled by the policies of
one or more insurance carriers which policies together meet such requirements.11.Any binder issued pending the issuance of a motor vehicle liability policy must be
deemed to fulfill the requirements for such policy.39-16.1-12. Notice of cancellation of policy by insurer. When an insurance carrierhas certified a motor vehicle liability policy under sections 39-16.1-09 and 39-16.1-10, the
insurance carrier shall notify the director no later than ten days after cancellation or termination of
the certified insurance policy by filing a notice of cancellation or termination of the certified
insurance policy; except that a policy subsequently procured and certified shall, on the effective
date of its certification, terminate the insurance previously certified with respect to any motor
vehicle designated in both certificates.39-16.1-13. Other laws requiring insurance.1.This chapter does not apply to or affect policies of automobile insurance against
liability which may now or hereafter be required by any other law of this state, and
such policies, if they contain an agreement or are endorsed to conform to the
requirements of this chapter, may be certified as proof of financial responsibility
under this chapter.Page No. 52.This chapter may not be held to apply to or affect policies insuring solely the insured
named in the policy against liability resulting from the maintenance or use by
persons in the insured's employ or on the insured's behalf of motor vehicles not
owned by the insured.39-16.1-14. Financial responsibility may be evidenced by bond.1.Proof of financial responsibility may be evidenced by the bond of a surety company
duly authorized to transact business within this state, or a bond with at least two
individual sureties each owning real estate not exempt from execution of a value
twice the amount of such bond, which real estate must be scheduled in the bond
approved by a judge of a court of record, and recorded in the office of the recorder of
each county in which such real estate is situated, which said bond must be
conditioned for payment of the amounts specified in section 39-16.1-02. Such bond
must be filed with the director and is not cancelable except after ten days' written
notice to the director. Such bond constitutes a lien in favor of the state upon the real
estate so scheduled of any surety, which lien exists for the benefit of any holder of a
final judgment against the person who has filed such bond, for damages, including
damages for care and loss of services, because of bodily injury to or death of any
person, or for damages because of injury to or destruction of property, including the
loss of use thereof, resulting from the ownership, maintenance, use, or operation of
a motor vehicle after such bond is recorded.2.If such judgment rendered against the principal on such bond is not satisfied within
sixty days after it has become final, the judgment creditor may, for the judgment
creditor's own use and benefit and at the judgment creditor's sole expense, bring an
action or actions in the judgment creditor's own name against the company or
persons executing such bond, including an action or proceeding to foreclose any lien
that may exist upon the real estate of a person who has executed such bond.39-16.1-15. Deposit of cash with the Bank of North Dakota.1.Proof of financial responsibility may be evidenced by the certificate of the Bank of
North Dakota that the person named therein has deposited with it twenty-five
thousand dollars in cash, or securities such as may legally be purchased by savings
banks or for trust funds of a market value of twenty-five thousand dollars. The Bank
of North Dakota may not accept any such deposit and issue a certificate therefor and
the director may not accept such certificate unless accompanied by evidence that
there are no unsatisfied judgments of any character against the depositor in the
county where the depositor resides.2.Such deposit must be held by the Bank of North Dakota to satisfy, in accordance
with the provisions of this chapter, any execution on a judgment issued against such
person making the deposit for damages, including damages for care and loss of
services, because of bodily injury to or death of any person, or for damages because
of damages to or destruction of property, including the loss of use thereof, resulting
from the ownership, maintenance, use, or operation of a motor vehicle after such
deposit was made. Money or securities so deposited are not subject to attachment
or execution unless such attachment or execution arises out of a suit for damages
as aforesaid.39-16.1-16.Employment or family connection in lieu of proof of financialresponsibility. Whenever any person required to give proof of financial responsibility hereunder
is or later becomes an operator in the employ of any owner, or is or later becomes a member of
the immediate family or household of the owner, the director shall accept proof given by such
owner in lieu of proof by such other person to permit such other person to operate a motor
vehicle for which the owner has given proof as herein provided. The director shall designate the
restrictions imposed by this section on the face of such person's license.Page No. 639-16.1-17. Release of bond or deposit on making other proof of responsibility.1.The director shall consent to the cancellation of any bond or certificate of insurance
or the director shall direct and the Bank of North Dakota shall return any money or
securities to the person entitled thereto upon the substitution and acceptance of
other adequate proof of financial responsibility pursuant to this chapter.2.The director may not consent to the cancellation of any bond or the return of any
money or securities in the event any action for damages upon liability covered by
such proof is then pending or any judgment upon any such liability is then
unsatisfied, or in the event the person who has filed such bond or deposited such
money or securities has, within one year immediately preceding such request been
involved as an operator or owner in any motor vehicle accident resulting in injury or
damage to the person or property of others. An affidavit of the applicant as to the
nonexistence of such facts, or that the applicant has been released from all of the
applicant's liability, or has been finally adjudicated not to be liable, for such injury or
damage, is sufficient evidence thereof in the absence of evidence to the contrary in
the records of the director.39-16.1-18. Procedure on failure of proof on file. Whenever any proof of financialresponsibility filed under the provisions of this chapter no longer fulfills the purposes for which
required, the director shall, for the purpose of this chapter, require other proof as required by this
chapter and shall suspend the license or the nonresident's operating privilege upon failure to file
such other proof as required.39-16.1-19. Cancellation of bond or return of deposit.1.The director shall upon request consent to the immediate cancellation of any bond or
certificate of insurance, or the director shall direct and the Bank of North Dakota
shall return to the person entitled thereto any money or securities deposited
pursuant to this chapter as proof of financial responsibility, or the director shall waive
the requirement of filing proof, in any of the following events:a.At any time after one year from the date such proof was required when, during
the one-year period preceding the request, the director has not received record
of a conviction or a forfeiture of bail which would require the revocation of the
license or operating privilege, or both, of the person by or for whom such proof
was furnished.b.The death of the person on whose behalf such proof was filed or the permanent
incapacity of such person to operate a motor vehicle.c.The surrender of the person's license to the director by the person who has
given proof.2.The director may not consent to the cancellation of any bond or the return of any
money or securities in the event any action for damages upon a liability covered by
such proof is then pending or any judgment upon any such liability is then
unsatisfied, or in the event the person who has filed such bond or deposited such
money or securities has, within one year immediately preceding such request, been
involved as an operator or owner in any motor vehicle accident resulting in injury or
damage to the person or property of others. An affidavit of the applicant as to the
nonexistence of such facts, or that the applicant has been released from all of the
applicant's liability, or has been finally adjudicated not to be liable, for such injury or
damage, is sufficient evidence thereof in the absence of evidence to the contrary in
the records of the director.3.Whenever any person whose proof has been canceled or returned under
subdivision c of subsection 1 applies for a license within a period of one year fromPage No. 7the date proof was originally required, the application must be refused. The person's
operator's license and driving privileges remain under suspension or revocation until
the applicant reestablishes proof for the remainder of the one-year period.39-16.1-20. Seizure or return of operator's license. Repealed by S.L. 2007, ch. 325,

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