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TITLE 40MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENTCHAPTER 40-01GENERAL PROVISIONS40-01-01.Definitions.In this title, unless the context or subject matter otherwiserequires:1."City" includes cities incorporated under the city council form and city commission
system of government, unless the contrary shall appear.2."Executive officer" means the mayor in council cities or the president of the board of
city commissioners in commission cities.3."Governing body" means the city council or the board of city commissioners, as the
case may be, of a municipality concerned or affected.4."Municipal corporation" or "municipality" includes all cities organized under the laws
of this state, but shall not include any other political subdivision.5."Warrant" means an order drawn by the proper official of the city on its treasury, the
warrant or order to be so drawn that when signed by the auditor in an appropriate
place it becomes a check on the depository of such city, and no warrant upon the
treasury shall be delivered or mailed to the payee or the payee's agent or
representative until such warrant has been signed by the auditor and entered on the
auditor's books as a check drawn on a bank depository.40-01-02. Municipalities are bodies corporate. Municipalities shall be bodies politicand corporate under the name and style of "city of __________" and under such name may sue
and be sued, contract and be contracted with, acquire and hold real and personal property for
corporate purposes, and have an official seal which may be changed at pleasure.40-01-03. Judicial notice of existence and change of organization to be taken bycourts. Courts shall take judicial notice of the existence of a municipality by the name and style
designated at the time of its incorporation, and of the change of the form of the organization of
any municipality from its original form to any other type of organization provided by this title.40-01-04. Vested rights. All rights and property of every kind and description vested inany municipal corporation previous to any change in its form of organization shall be vested in
the same municipal corporation upon its being incorporated under a different type of organization
as provided by this title. No rights or liabilities in favor of or against such corporation existing at
the time of a change in the form of its organization, and no action or prosecution of any kind shall
be affected by such change, but the same shall stand and progress as if no change had been
made.When by reason of a change in the form of organization, there is made available adifferent remedy which is applicable to any right existing before such change became effective,
such remedy shall be additional to the remedies theretofore provided.40-01-05. Ordinances and resolutions remain in force - Legal identity not changed.A change in the form of organization of a municipality shall not change its legal identity as a
municipal corporation. All ordinances and resolutions in force therein at the date of such change
shall continue in full force and effect until repealed or amended.40-01-06. Bonds, contracts, and conveyances - How signed and countersigned. Allbonds, contracts, and conveyances of a municipality, except as otherwise provided, shall be
signed by the executive officer and countersigned by the auditor or clerk, as the case may be.Page No. 140-01-07. Property exempt from taxation and sale on execution. Lands, houses,moneys, claims receivable, and property and assets of every kind and description belonging to a
municipality shall be exempt from taxation and from sale on execution.40-01-08. Removal of building when taxes and special assessments or share ofbonded indebtedness are due - Lien - Penalty. No person may remove a building from any lot
or tract of land in any municipality, unless it is assessed as personalty or exempt from taxation,
until after the taxes and special assessments then due have been paid, nor until the owner shall
have paid into the sinking fund for the retirement of any bonded indebtedness of the municipality
an amount equal to the just share of the tax which would then be required against the property in
the municipality to pay the principal outstanding, less amount in sinking funds, of the bonded
indebtedness of the municipality. The phrase "taxes and special assessments then due" means
all taxes and special assessments that have been levied plus a pro rata estimated tax for the
current assessment year. For property classified as residential, "special assessments then due"
means the sum of the installments of special assessments certified to the county auditor for
extension on the tax list plus the pro rata installment of the special assessment to be certified in
the current assessment year. If the building is removed without the payment of the taxes and
special assessments and pro rata share of bonded indebtedness, the taxes, special
assessments, and pro rata share of bonded indebtedness shall be a lien on the building
notwithstanding its removal as well as upon the lot, lots, tract, or tracts of land from which the
building was removed. This section does not apply where a building is removed to permit the
erection or installation of improvements equal or greater in value than the building removed. Any
person violating the provisions of this section is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.40-01-09. Official newspaper of municipality. The official newspaper as chosen bythe electors of the county shall be the official newspaper of the municipality in which it is
published, and such official notices and legal publications as the municipality is required to
publish by law shall be published therein. In municipalities where the official newspaper is not
published, the governing body of the municipality, annually by resolution at its first meeting in
May, or as soon thereafter as practicable, shall designate a newspaper published in the
municipality, or if there is not one published, then it shall designate a newspaper which is
circulated in the municipality, as the official newspaper of the municipality, including park districts
therein, for the publication of notices and legal publications, including legal notices and official
statements of the school districts embracing or encompassed by the municipality.40-01-09.1.Publication of city government proceedings - Electorate to decide.Beginning with the 1996 biennial municipal elections, and every four years thereafter, all cities in
North Dakota, regardless of their form of government, must put on the ballot the question of
whether the minutes of its governing body shall be published in its official newspaper. If voters
approve publication, the governing body shall, within seven days after each of its meetings, give
its official newspaper, for publication, the complete minutes, or a complete summary showing the
substantive actions taken at the meeting.Roll call votes must be published, but may be indicated as "unanimous" whenappropriate. A list of the individual checks written by the city and approved by the governing
body, showing the payee and the amount of each check, must be published.However,employee salary checks need not be published if the governing body elects to publish an annual
salary schedule for each employee. When applicable, these minutes may be labeled as being
published subject to the governing body's review and revision. The minutes shall continue to be
published until disapproved at a succeeding quadrennial election.40-01-10. Certificate of publication filed in auditor's office - Conclusive evidence -When bill for publication audited. After any ordinance, notice, resolution, or other proceeding
has been published, a copy of the publication, together with the affidavit of publication stating the
length of time it has been published, shall be filed with the city auditor. Such affidavit shall be
conclusive evidence of the publication. The bill for the publication shall not be audited until such
affidavit is filed.Page No. 240-01-11. Publication by a city or park district in which no official newspaper ispublished.Whenever any ordinance, notice, or other instrument is required by law to bepublished in a city or park district in which no official newspaper is published, such publication
may be made or such notice given by publication of such ordinance, notice, or other instrument
in the official newspaper designated pursuant to section 40-01-09.In a county in which nonewspaper is published, any notice required by law to be published may be published in a
newspaper printed in an adjoining county and having a general circulation in said county.40-01-12. Claims and accounts against municipalities audited. No account or claimagainst a municipality to be paid from any fund, including a municipal utilities fund, shall be
allowed by the governing body thereof until a full itemized statement in writing has been filed with
the governing body or unless otherwise authorized by the governing body pursuant to contract or
other action.The governing body, in its discretion, may require the filing of any additionalinformation which it may deem necessary to the proper understanding and audit of any claim or
account and it may require the filing of a sworn statement in such form as it may prescribe.
Every account or claim which is allowed by the governing body shall be shown in the minutes of
the proceedings of the governing body except that wages and salaries of persons employed by
the city may be consolidated and allowed in one order as provided by subsection 15 of section
40-16-03 and reference made in the proceedings of the governing body to the payroll record
certified to the city auditor.40-01-13. Payment of accounts by municipality. No account or claim shall be paid bya municipality unless the same has been audited and allowed by the governing body thereof.
Approval by the governing body shall be recorded in the record of its proceedings and this shall
be sufficient to indicate approval without requiring a majority of the members of the governing
body to sign or initial the voucher or order for payment. No moneys shall be drawn from the
treasury of a municipality except upon a warrant from the auditor thereof signed by the executive
officer of the municipality and attested by its auditor or clerk.40-01-14. Office of municipality located in more than one county - Form of officialproceeding - Seal. The officers of a municipality which consists of territory located in more than
one county may maintain an office for the performance of their duties in any portion of the
municipality. All official proceedings shall be headed with the name of the municipality and of
each county of which a portion is embraced within such corporate limits and the name of the
state. The official seal which may be used by such municipality shall contain all of such names.40-01-15. Assessors where municipality is in more than one county - Powers andduties of assessors. In any municipality which contains territory located in more than one
county, an assessor shall be elected or appointed in accordance with the law applicable to such
form of municipality for that portion of the municipality situated in each county. Such assessor
must be a resident of the county in which the assessor is to act and shall have the same powers
and duties as an assessor in a municipality situated within the limits of one county.40-01-16. Duty of auditor relating to assessments in municipality located in morethan one county. The auditor of a municipality embracing territory in more than one county
shall transmit the appropriate assessment books, with a certified copy of the minutes showing the
proceedings of the board of equalization, to the county auditor of each county in which the
municipality is situated. The auditor shall apportion correctly the amount of any tax levy to be
certified to each county in accordance with the valuations as determined finally by the
equalization board.40-01-17. County treasurers' duties relating to municipality located in more thanone county. If a municipality contains territory located in more than one county, the county
treasurer of each county in which such municipality is located shall perform the same duties in
relation to all property returned as assessed by the municipality in the county of which the
treasurer is an officer as the treasurer performs with relation to property situated in a municipality
wholly within such county.Page No. 340-01-18. Other provisions applicable to municipalities situated in more than onecounty. The holding of elections, organization of the board of elections, the election and term of
office of the original officers, and the powers and duties of officers of a city embracing territory in
more than one county shall be governed by the provisions of this title relating to cities under the
council form of government, or to cities under the commission system of government, as the
case may be.40-01-19. Provisions of title shall apply to all cities. All cities in North Dakota shall begoverned by the provisions of this title.40-01-20. Daylight saving time prohibited. No city or other political subdivision withinthe state shall adopt daylight saving time or any other seasonal standard of time which varies
from the time in effect in such city or political subdivision during the greater portion of the year.
All ordinances, resolutions, or other enactments, whether enacted prior to or subsequent to the
effective date of this section, are hereby nullified.40-01-21.Removal of city advisory or policy decisionmaking members.Theexecutive officer of a city and a sixty percent majority of the members-elect of a city's governing
body at a regular meeting of such body may remove any member of an appointive agency,
board, or commission which has spending, borrowing, or eminent domain powers and acts in an
advisory capacity or assists in policy decisionmaking.40-01-22. Antitrust immunity of cities and city governing bodies. All immunity of thestate from the provisions of the Sherman Antitrust Act [Act July 2, 1890, c.647; 26 Stat. 209; 15
U.S.C. 1 et seq.] is hereby extended to any city or city governing body acting within the scope of
the grants of authority contained in sections 40-05-01, 40-05-02, and 40-05.1-06. When acting
within the scope of the grants of authority contained in sections 40-05-01, 40-05-02, and
40-05.1-06, a city or city governing body shall be presumed to be acting in furtherance of state
policy.40-01-23.Authorization to organize and participate in an organization of citygovernments.1.Cities incorporated under the statutes of North Dakota are hereby authorized upon
motion of the city governing body to organize and participate in an organization of
city governments.2.The organization or organizations authorized hereunder must be organized pursuant
to chapter 10-33.Page No. 4Document Outlinechapter 40-01 general provisions