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CHAPTER 40-25COLLECTION OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS - OBLIGATIONS OF MUNICIPALITY40-25-01.Sale of real property to enforce collections of delinquent specialassessments. Real property shall be sold to enforce the collection of special assessments or
installments of special assessments which have become delinquent at the same time and in the
same manner as is provided in title 57 for the sale of real property for delinquent general taxes.
The sale shall be made by the same officer and upon like notice and subject to the same
provision in relation to redemption, and the same record thereof shall be kept by the officer
making the sale as in the case of the sale of real property for delinquent general taxes.40-25-02.Sale of property if both general and special assessment taxes aredelinquent - Absence of private bid. If any real property is subject to sale at the same time for
delinquent general taxes and also for delinquent special assessments or installments thereof, the
delinquent general taxes and the delinquent special assessments or installments thereof shall be
advertised and sold together in one sum and one certificate shall be issued therefor. If the real
estate is sold for both delinquent general taxes and delinquent special assessments or
installment of special assessments and there shall be no bidder therefor, the county auditor shall
strike off the parcel of land to the county and one certificate of sale shall cover both general taxes
and special assessments which are delinquent.40-25-03. Foreclosure of property if only special assessment is delinquent. If thereis no delinquent general tax against any parcel of real estate and it is foreclosed for special
assessments alone, the notice of foreclosure of tax lien must contain a statement to the effect
that the foreclosure is for special assessments.If the foreclosure is made only for specialassessments assessed by a municipality or by a taxing district other than the county, the county
auditor shall issue a tax deed to the municipality or taxing district which assessed such special
assessments in the usual course of procedure.40-25-04.Owners of tax sale certificates issued prior to March 17, 1937, notaffected. Repealed by S.L. 1999, ch. 503,