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CHAPTER 40-37LEVY FOR MUNICIPAL BAND40-37-01.Municipality may provide tax levy for municipal band purposes.Amunicipality, when authorized as provided in this chapter, may levy a tax annually for the purpose
of providing a fund for the maintenance or employment of a band for municipal purposes.40-37-02. Authority for levy initiated by petition - Signatures - Filing - Questionsubmitted to electors. The authority for making a tax levy for municipal band purposes shall be
initiated by a petition signed by at least ten percent of the qualified electors of the municipality as
determined by the number of votes cast at the last regular municipal election. The petition shall
be filed with the governing body and shall request that the following question be submitted to the
qualified electors:Shall a tax of not exceeding ____________ mills (specifying the rate) be levied each
year for the purpose of furnishing a band fund?When such petition is filed, the governing body shall cause the question to be submitted to the
qualified electors at the first following general municipal election.40-37-03. Votes required to authorize levy - Limitations on tax levy. The levy formunicipal band purposes shall be authorized if sixty percent of the votes cast at the election are
in favor of the proposition. The governing body of the municipality thereupon may include in its
budget an appropriation for the maintenance or employment of a band for municipal purposes
and may levy a tax to cover the appropriation in its annual tax levy. The amount of the levy to
cover such appropriation, together with the aggregate amount levied for general purposes, shall
be within the limitations prescribed in chapter 57-15.The amount appropriated for themaintenance or employment of a band for municipal purposes shall not exceed the amount
which will be raised by a levy of one mill on the taxable valuation of the taxable property in the
municipality.40-37-04.Funds derived from levy expended only for maintenance andemployment of municipal band. All funds derived from a levy made under the provisions of
this chapter shall be expended by the governing body only for the maintenance or employment of
a municipal band.40-37-05. Petition and election for cancellation of tax levy for municipal band. Apetition similar to that prescribed in section 40-37-02 may be presented to the governing body at
any time asking that the following proposition be submitted to the qualified electors:Shall the power to levy a tax for the maintenance or employment of a band be
canceled?The question shall be submitted at the first general or municipal election following the
presentation of such petition. If a majority of the votes cast on such question are in favor of the
proposition, no further levy for a municipal band shall be made until at such time as the question
again may be voted upon favorably.Page No. 1Document Outlinechapter 40-37 levy for municipal band