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CHAPTER 40-62CITY PEDESTRIAN MALL IMPROVEMENTS40-62-01. Authority for pedestrian mall and skyway improvements - Definitions.1.The governing body of any city may by resolutions create a special improvement
district, order and approve plans and specifications, determine the necessity,
advertise and enter contracts, issue special improvement warrants and bonds, and
levy special assessments for the improvement of one or more streets within its
central business district to be regulated and maintained as a mall for primarily
pedestrian use, or for the construction of skyways within its central business district,
in the manner and upon the terms and conditions set forth in chapters 40-22 to
40-27, except as otherwise provided in this chapter.2.For the purposes of this chapter:a."Pedestrian mall" means a street within a city designated by the governing body
and improved to encourage a high concentration of pedestrian use.b."Skyway" means an overhead walkway, whether open or enclosed, allowing
pedestrian traffic between buildings separated by a street, and includes all
corridors,passageways,methodsofingressandegress,andotherappurtenances necessary for an integrated and connected system.40-62-02. Determination of necessity. The resolution determining the necessity of theimprovement shall designate the portions of streets to be included within the mall or crossed by
skyways and shall state the reason or reasons why such designation is deemed necessary. It is
recognized by state policy that such necessity may exist in a city of substantial size for one or
more of the following reasons:1.Increases in population and in automobile usage and parking may create conditions
of traffic congestion in the central business district during part or all of normal
business hours which may be alleviated by a pedestrian mall or skyways.2.Continued unlimited use of the designated street or streets may constitute a hazard
to the safety of pedestrians and may impede necessary movement of police and fire
equipment, ambulances, and other emergency vehicles.3.Certain streets may be improved to their maximum width for sidewalk and roadway
purposes, and may be incapable of further widening without taking buildings and
improvements or substantially impeding the movements of pedestrians using the
facilities of the central business district.4.Orderly plans for urban renewal, rehabilitation, and redevelopment may require or
may be facilitated by such an improvement.5.Pedestrian use may be the highest and best use of the designated streets, and the
limitation of the use thereof by vehicles may be in the best interest of the city and of
the optimum benefit to the properties in the improvement district, if:a.Reasonably convenient alternate routes exist for vehicles going through the
central business district to other parts of the city and the state;b.The designated streets are not federal, state, or county highways, or, if they
are, the making of the improvement is conditioned upon the relocation of such
highways in the manner provided by law; andPage No. 1c.Properties abutting on the designated streets can reasonably and adequately
receive and deliver merchandise and materials either from other streets or
alleys, or by providing for limited use of the designated streets for this purpose.6.Construction of skyways may alleviate the conflict between pedestrian and motor
vehicle traffic.40-62-03. Plans and specifications. The plans and specifications must provide forimprovement of the designated streets or construction of skyways in a manner designed for the
free movement, safety, convenience, and enjoyment of pedestrians, whether or not part of the
mall is made available for emergency or other permitted vehicles. A mall improvement may
provide for and include space for seating, cafe tables, shelters, trees, flower plantings,
sculptures, newsstands, telephone booths, traffic signs, kiosks, fire hydrants, streetlighting,
ornamental lights, trash receptacles, display cases, marquees, awnings, canopies, overhead and
underground radiant heating devices, walls, barriers, and all other fixtures, equipment, facilities,
and appurtenances as will in the governing body's judgment enhance the free movement, safety,
convenience, and enjoyment of pedestrians and benefit the adjoining properties and the central
business district and the city. Sidewalks may be constructed of concrete, bricks, asphalt tiles,
blocks, granite sets, or other materials or combinations of materials as the governing body may
approve. The governing body may alter any roadway to be kept and maintained in the mall, may
cause any street vaults to be reconstructed or removed, may construct crosswalks at any point
within or at the ends of blocks, and may cause any roadway to curve and meander within the
limits of the street, if determined desirable to enhance the usefulness or appearance of the mall,
regardless of any nonuniformity of street width or any curve or absence of curve in the centerline
of the street. A skyway may be heated or unheated and may include any fixtures, equipment,
facilities, and appurtenances the governing body determines will enhance the free movement,
safety, convenience, and enjoyment of pedestrians and benefit the adjoining properties and the
central business district and the city.40-62-04. Jurisdiction to improve and regulate. Upon hearing of any protests madeby the owners of property within the improvement district in the time and in the manner provided
by law, if the governing body shall determine the protests to be insufficient, it may proceed with
the improvement as in the case of other special improvements; provided, that before so
proceeding a certified transcript of the resolution of necessity must be recorded in the office of
the recorder, and any person aggrieved thereby may appeal to the district court of the county in
accordance with the procedure provided in section 28-34-01, but only on the ground that the
establishment of the mall or construction of the skyway in accordance with the resolution will
unreasonably and arbitrarily obstruct the public use of and interest in the designated street or
streets, or that such resolution has been adopted in a manner contrary to law. Notwithstanding
the establishment of a mall or skyway, or the improvement of any street or any portion thereof as
a part of such mall or skyway, or any limitation of the use thereof by vehicles, the city and the
governing body shall retain at all times their police powers and other powers and rights pertaining
thereto, and no such action shall constitute a vacation, in whole or in part, of any portion of a city
street.40-62-05. Use of mall or skyways. The jurisdiction of the city to make a pedestrianmall improvement or to construct skyways, when established in the manner provided by law,
shall include jurisdiction to establish by ordinance and from time to time amend reasonable
regulations for the use of the mall or skyways, conforming to the following provisions:1.Vehicles may be permitted within the pedestrian mall in designated driving and
parking lanes as determined by the governing body.2.The owners and occupants of all properties abutting upon the mall which have
access to no other street or alley for delivery or receipt of merchandise and materials
shall be permitted to use the mall during such days and hours, which need not be
ordinary business days or hours, and in such manner and over such distance, as the
governing body shall find to be reasonably adequate for this purpose and to bePage No. 2possible without interfering with use by pedestrians and by emergency and other
vehicles for which use is permitted.3.The regulations may permit use for any purpose or activity which will enhance the
freedom of movement, safety, convenience, or enjoyment of pedestrians, including
but not limited to, seating, sidewalk cafes, displays of merchandise, exhibits,
advertising, telephones, transit, transit stops and shelters, newsstands, plantings,
ornaments, protection from the elements, emergency vehicles, and police and fire
equipment.4.The governing body may adopt a use plan prepared by city officers or consultants,
providing for the location and distribution within the mall of furniture, sculpture,
pedestrian traffic control devices, trees, flowers, lighting or heating facilities, and any
other equipment or properties placed or installed in the mall, whether owned by the
city or others, and may license and regulate the operation and maintenance thereof.5.Any furniture, structure, facility, or use located or permitted pursuant to such a plan
shall not, by reason of such location or use, be deemed a nuisance or unlawful
obstruction or condition, and neither the city nor any user acting under permit shall
be liable for any injury to person or property therefor unless directly caused by its
own negligence or that of its employees in the construction, maintenance, or
operation of such furniture, structure, facility, or use.6.The regulations for skyways may establish reasonable hours for use, permit closure
during hours of nonuse, prohibit use of the skyway for nonpublic purposes, and
provide methods necessary to prevent vandalism and other unauthorized use of the
skyway.40-62-06. Maintenance and improvement. A pedestrian mall or skyway establishedpursuant to this chapter may be maintained and the cost of such maintenance may be paid by all
means permitted by law for streets. The governing body may also annually cause an estimate to
be made of the probable cost of the maintenance during the current fiscal year, in excess of the
cost of maintenance of streets of similar length, width, and location not used as a mall, and may
assess the excess cost of maintenance on properties within the improvement district; provided,
that the assessments may not exceed the special benefits determined to be received by the
properties from the maintenance. The assessment list approved by the governing body must be
filed in the office of the city auditor, who must mail to the street address of each lot and parcel
proposed to be assessed, and to any other address as may be requested in writing by the owner
or occupant of a lot or parcel, a notice stating the amount proposed to be assessed upon the lot
or parcel, and that any objection thereto may be made in writing filed with the city auditor on or
before a specified date, not less than twenty days after the mailing, on which date, at a time and
place specified in the notice, the governing body will consider all objections. At this meeting, or
any adjournment thereof, the governing body shall review all assessments and hear all persons
desiring to be heard, and may amend the assessments in such manner as it determines to be
just and reasonable, and may confirm the same and direct the assessment list to be filed with the
county auditor, and the assessments made therein to be extended upon the tax lists of the city
for the current year and collected with interest and penalties as general taxes are collected and
paid over to the city auditor and placed by the auditor in a special fund to be used only for the
purpose of current, reasonable and necessary expenses of the operation and maintenance of the
mall or skyway.40-62-07. Additional improvements and extensions. An established pedestrian mallor skyway may be subsequently improved or extended by proceedings taken in the same
manner as for its establishment, and the improvements or extensions may thereafter be
regulated and maintained as provided in this chapter.Page No. 3Document Outlinechapter 40-62 city pedestrian mall improvements