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CHAPTER 42-04AGRICULTURAL OPERATIONS AS NUISANCES42-04-01.Agricultural operation defined.As used in this chapter, "agriculturaloperation" means the science and art of producing plants and animals useful to people, by a
corporation or a limited liability company as allowed under chapter 10-06.1, or by a corporation or
limited liability company, a partnership, or a proprietorship, and includes the preparation of these
products for people's use and the disposal of these products by marketing or other means. The
term includes livestock auction markets and horticulture, floriculture, viticulture, forestry, dairy,
livestock, poultry, bee, and any and all forms of farm products, and farm production.42-04-02. Agricultural operation deemed not nuisance. An agricultural operation isnot, nor shall it become, a private or public nuisance by any changed conditions in or about the
locality of such operation after it has been in operation for more than one year, if such operation
was not a nuisance at the time the operation began, except that the provisions of this section
shall not apply when a nuisance results from the negligent or improper operation of any such
agricultural operation.42-04-03. Recovery for water pollution, condition, or overflow. The provisions ofsection 42-04-02 shall not affect or defeat the right of any person to recover damages for any
injury or damage sustained by the person on account of any pollution of or change in the
condition of the waters of any stream or on account of any overflow of lands of any such person.42-04-04. Effect on local ordinances. Any ordinance or resolution of any unit of localgovernment that makes the operation of any agricultural operation a nuisance or provides for the
abatement thereof as a nuisance under the circumstances set forth in this chapter is void, except
that the provisions of this section shall not apply when a nuisance results from the negligent or
improper operation of any such agricultural operation or from an agricultural operation located
within the corporate limits of any city as of July 1, 1981.42-04-05. Effect on contracts. This chapter shall not be construed to invalidate anycontracts made prior to the enactment of this chapter, but, insofar as contracts are concerned, it
is only applicable to contracts and agreements to be made on or after July 1, 1981.Page No. 1Document Outlinechapter 42-04 agricultural operations as nuisances