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CHAPTER 43-26.1PHYSICAL THERAPISTS43-26.1-01. Definitions. In this chapter, unless the context or subject matter otherwiserequires:1."Board" means the North Dakota board of physical therapy.2."Examination" means a national examination approved by the board for the
licensure of a physical therapist or the licensure of a physical therapist assistant.3."Manual therapy" means the use of techniques such as mobilization or manipulation,
manual lymphatic drainage, and manual traction on one or more regions of the body.4."Onsite supervision" means the supervising physical therapist is onsite and present
in the department or facility where services are provided, is immediately available to
the person being supervised, and maintains continued involvement in appropriate
aspects of each treatment session in which a physical therapist assistant or a
physical therapy aide is involved in components of care.5."Physical therapist" means a person licensed under this chapter to practice physical
therapy. The term "physiotherapist" is synonymous with "physical therapist" under
this chapter.6."Physical therapist assistant" means a person who is licensed under this chapter
and who assists the physical therapist in selected components of physical therapy
intervention.7."Physical therapy" means the care and services provided by or under the direction
and supervision of a physical therapist licensed under this chapter.8."Physical therapy aide" means a person trained under the direction of a physical
therapist who performs designated and supervised routine tasks related to physical
therapy.9."Practice of physical therapy" means:a.Examining, evaluating, and testing individuals with mechanical, physiological,
and developmental impairments, functional limitations in movement and
mobility, and disabilities or other health and movement-related conditions in
order to determine a diagnosis for physical therapy, prognosis, and plan of
therapeutic intervention, and to assess the ongoing effects of intervention.b.Alleviating impairments, functional limitations in movement and mobility, and
disabilities by designing, implementing and modifying therapeutic interventions
that may include, but are not limited to, therapeutic exercise; neuromuscular
education; functional training related to positioning, movement, and mobility in
self-care and in-home, community, or work integration or reintegration; manual
therapy; therapeutic massage; prescription, application and, as appropriate,
fabrication of assistive, adaptive, orthotic, prosthetic, protective, and supportive
devices and equipment related to positioning, movement, and mobility; airway
clearancetechniques;integumentaryprotection and repair techniques;debridement and wound care; physiotherapy; physical agents or modalities;
mechanical and electrotherapeutic modalities; and patient-related instruction.c.Engaging as a physical therapist in reducing the risk of injury, impairment,
functional limitation and disability, including the promotion and maintenance of
fitness, health, and wellness in populations of all ages.Page No. 1d.Engaging as a physical therapist in administration, consultation, education, and
research.10."Restricted license" for a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant means a
license on which the board places restrictions or conditions, or both, as to scope of
practice, place of practice, supervision of practice, duration of licensed status, or
type or condition of patient or client to whom the licensee may provide services.11."Testing" means standard methods and techniques used to gather data about the
patient.43-26.1-02. Board of physical therapy - Members - Appointments - Vacancies. Theboard of physical therapy shall administer this chapter. The board consists of three licensed
physical therapists, two licensed physicians, and a citizen who is not a health care professional.
The governor shall appoint the board members for a term of five years, staggered so the terms of
no more than two members expire each year.A person may not serve more than two fullconsecutive terms.Terms begin on July first.Appointments to the board to fill a vacancyoccurring for other than the expiration of a term may only be made for the remainder of the
unexpired term.Each physical therapist appointed must have had at least three years ofphysical therapy experience in North Dakota immediately prior to appointment and must practice
in North Dakota during the term. Each physician appointed must have practiced medicine at
least three years in North Dakota immediately prior to appointment and must practice in North
Dakota during the term. Each board member shall take and file with the secretary of state the
oath of office prescribed for state officials before entering upon the discharge of the member's
duties.43-26.1-03. Powers of the board. The board may:1.Evaluate the qualifications of applicants for licensure.2.Provide for the examination of physical therapists and physical therapist assistants
and adopt passing scores for the examinations.3.Issue licenses to persons who meet the requirements of this chapter.4.Regulate the practice of physical therapy by interpreting and enforcing this chapter.5.Adopt and revise rules consistent with this chapter.6.Meet at least annually and such other times as deemed necessary. A majority of
board members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.7.Establish mechanisms for assessing the continuing professional competence of
physical therapists to engage in the practice of physical therapy.8.Establish and collect fees for sustaining the necessary operation and expenses of
the board.9.Elect officers from its members necessary for the operations and obligations of the
board. Terms of office shall be one year.10.Provide for the timely orientation and training of new professional and public
appointees to the board regarding board licensing and disciplinary procedures, this
chapter, and board rules, policies, and procedures.11.Maintain a current list of all persons regulated under this chapter. This information
includes the person's name, current business address, business telephone number,
and board license number.Page No. 212.Provide information to the public regarding the complaint process.13.Employ necessary personnel to carry out the administrative work of the board.14.Enter into contracts for services necessary for enforcement of this chapter.15.Report final disciplinary action taken against a licensee to a national disciplinary data
base recognized by the board or as required by law.43-26.1-04. Qualifications for licensure.1.An applicant for a license as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant shall:a.Be of good moral character.b.Complete the application process.c.Be a graduate of a professional physical therapy education program accredited
by a national accreditation agency approved by the board.d.Pass the examination approved by the board.2.An applicant for a license as a physical therapist who has been educated outside of
the United States shall:a.Be of good moral character.b.Complete the application process.c.Provide satisfactory evidence that the applicant's education is substantially
equivalent to the requirements of physical therapists educated in an accredited
education program as determined by the board.For the purpose of thissection, "substantially equivalent" means that an applicant for licensure
educated outside of the United States shall have:(1)Graduated from a physical therapist education program that prepares the
applicant to engage in the practice of physical therapy without restriction.(2)Provided written proof that the applicant's school of physical therapy
education is recognized by its own ministry of education.(3)Undergone a credentials evaluation as directed by the board that
determines that the candidate has met uniform criteria for educational
requirements as further established by rule.(4)Completed any additional education or clinical experience as required by
the board.d.Pass the board-approved English proficiency examinations if the applicant's
native language is not English.e.Pass the examination approved by the board.3.Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection 2, if the applicant is educated outside
of the United States and is a graduate of a professional physical therapy educational
program accredited by a national accrediting agency approved by the board, the
board may waive the requirements in subdivision c of subsection 2.43-26.1-05. Application and examination.Page No. 31.An applicant for licensure shall file a complete application as required by the board.
The applicant shall include application fees as prescribed in this chapter and under
applicable rules.2.The board shall provide examinations at times and places it determines. The board
shall determine the passing score.3.An applicant for licensure as a physical therapist may take the examination after the
application process has been completed.The examination shall test entry-levelcompetence related to physical therapy theory, examination and evaluation,
diagnosis, prognosis, treatment intervention, prevention, and consultation.4.An applicant for licensure as a physical therapist assistant may take the examination
after the application process has been completed. The examination shall test for
requisite knowledge and skills in the technical application of physical therapy
services.5.An applicant for licensure who does not pass the examination on the first attempt
may retake the examination one additional time without reapplication for licensure
within six months of the first failure. Before the board may approve an applicant for
subsequent testing beyond two attempts, an applicant shall reapply for licensure and
shall submit evidence satisfactory to the board of having successfully completed
additional clinical training or coursework, or both, as the board determines.6.If the board determines that an applicant or examinee has engaged, or has
attempted to engage, in conduct that subverts or undermines the integrity of the
examination process, the board may disqualify the applicant from taking the
examination.43-26.1-06. Licensure by endorsement. The board shall issue a license to a physicaltherapist or physical therapist assistant who has a license in good standing from another
jurisdiction that imposes requirements for obtaining and maintaining a license which are at least
as stringent as the requirements imposed in this state.43-26.1-07. Exemptions from licensure.1.This chapter does not restrict a person licensed under any other law of this state
from engaging in the profession or practice for which that person is licensed as long
as that person does not represent, imply, or claim that that person is a physical
therapist, physical therapist assistant, or a provider of physical therapy.2.The following persons are exempt from the licensure requirements of this chapter
when engaged in the following activities:a.A person in a professional education program approved by the board who is
satisfying supervised clinical education requirements related to the person's
physical therapist or physical therapist assistant education while under onsite
supervision of a physical therapist.b.A physical therapist who is practicing in the United States armed services,
United States public health service, or veterans administration pursuant to
federal regulations for state licensure of health care providers.c.A physical therapist who is licensed in another jurisdiction of the United States
or credentialed to practice physical therapy in another country if that person is
teaching, demonstrating, or providing physical therapy in connection with
teaching or participating in an educational seminar in the state of no more than
sixty days in a calendar year.Page No. 4d.A physical therapist who is licensed in another United States jurisdiction if that
person is providing services in accordance with section 43-51-03.e.A physical therapist who is licensed in another United States jurisdiction or
credentialed in another country, if that person by contract or employment is
providing physical therapy to individuals affiliated with or employed by
established athletic teams, athletic organizations, or performing arts companies
temporarily practicing, competing, or performing in the state for no more than
sixty days in a calendar year.f.A physical therapist assistant who is licensed in another United States
jurisdiction and is assisting a physical therapist engaged specifically in activities
related to subdivisions b, c, and e is exempt from the requirements of licensure
under this chapter.43-26.1-08. License renewal - Changes. A licensee shall renew the license annuallypursuant to board rules. A licensee who fails to renew the license on or before the expiration
date shall not practice as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant in this state, and may
be subject to a late renewal fee. Each licensee is responsible for reporting to the board a name
change and changes in business and home address within thirty days of the date of change.43-26.1-09. Reinstatement of license.1.The board may reinstate an expired license upon payment of a renewal fee and
reinstatement fee.2.If a physical therapist's or physical therapist assistant's license has expired for more
than three consecutive years, that person shall reapply for licensure and shall
demonstrate to the board's satisfaction competence to practice physical therapy, by
one or more of the following as determined by the board:a.Practice for a specified time under a restricted license.b.Complete prescribed remedial courses.c.Complete continuing competence requirements for the period of the expired
license.d.Pass an examination.43-26.1-10. Fees. The board shall establish and collect fees not to exceed:1.Two hundred dollars for an application for an original license.This fee isnonrefundable.2.One hundred dollars for an annual renewal of the license.3.Two hundred dollars for an application for reinstatement of a license.4.Fifty dollars for late renewal of a license.43-26.1-11. Patient care management.1.A physical therapist is responsible for managing all aspects of each patient's
physical therapy. A physical therapist shall provide:a.Each patient's initial evaluation and documentation.b.Periodic reevaluation and documentation of each patient.Page No. 5c.The documented discharge of the patient, including the response to therapeutic
intervention at the time of discharge.2.If the diagnostic process reveals findings that are outside the scope of a physical
therapist's knowledge, experience, or expertise, a physical therapist shall so inform
the patient or client and refer to an appropriate practitioner.3.A physical therapist shall assure the qualifications of all physical therapist assistants
and physical therapy aides under the physical therapist's direction and supervision.4.For each patient on each date of service, a physical therapist shall provide all of the
therapeutic intervention that requires the expertise of a physical therapist and shall
determine the use of physical therapist assistants or physical therapy aides that
provide for the delivery of care that is safe, effective, and efficient.a.A physical therapist assistant shall work under the supervision of a physical
therapist. A physical therapist assistant may document care provided without
the cosignature of the supervising physical therapist.b.A physical therapist may use physical therapy aides for designated routine
tasks. A physical therapy aide shall work under the onsite supervision of a
physical therapist who is onsite and present in the facility. This supervision
may extend to offsite supervision of the aide only when the physical therapy
aide is accompanying and working directly with a physical therapist assistant
with a specific patient or when performing non-patient-related tasks.5.A physical therapist's responsibility for patient care management shall include
accurate documentation and billing of the services provided.43-26.1-12. Consumers' rights.1.The public shall have access to the following information:a.A list of physical therapists that includes place of practice, license number, date
of license, and expiration and status of license.b.A list of physical therapist assistants licensed in the state, including place of
employment, license number, date of license, and expiration and status of
license.c.The board's address and telephone number.2.A patient has freedom of choice in selection of services and products.3.Information relating to the physical therapist-patient relationship is confidential and
may not be communicated to a third party who is not involved in that patient's care
without the written authorization of the patient or as permitted by law.4.Any person may submit a complaint to the board regarding any licensee, or any
other person potentially in violation of this chapter.43-26.1-13. Grounds for disciplinary actions. The board may refuse to license anyphysical therapist or physical therapist assistant, may discipline, or may suspend or revoke the
license of any physical therapist or physical therapist assistant for any of the following grounds:1.Violating any provision of this chapter, board rules, or a written order of the board.2.Practicing or offering to practice beyond the scope of the practice of physical
therapy.Page No. 63.Failing to refer a patient or client to an appropriate practitioner if the diagnostic
process reveals findings that are outside the scope of a physical therapist's
knowledge, experience, or expertise.4.Obtaining or attempting to obtain a license by fraud or misrepresentation.5.Engaging in the performance of substandard physical therapy care due to a
deliberate or negligent act or failure to act, regardless of whether actual injury to the
patient is established.6.Engaging in the performance of substandard care by a physical therapist assistant,
including exceeding the authority to perform components of intervention selected by
the supervising physical therapist regardless of whether actual injury to the patient is
established.7.Failing to supervise physical therapist assistants or physical therapy aides in
accordance with this chapter and board rules.8.A determination by the board that a licensee's conviction of an offense has a direct
bearing on the licensee's ability to serve the public as a physical therapist or physical
therapist assistant or that, following conviction of any offense, the holder is not
sufficiently rehabilitated as provided under section 12.1-33-02.1.9.Practicing as a physical therapist or working as a physical therapist assistant when
physical or mental abilities are impaired by the use of controlled substances or other
habit-forming drugs, chemicals, alcohol, or by other causes.10.Having had a license revoked or suspended, other disciplinary action taken, or an
application for licensure refused, revoked, or suspended by the proper authorities of
another state, territory, or country.11.Engaging in sexual misconduct.For the purpose of this subsection sexualmisconduct includes:a.Engaging in or soliciting sexual relationships, whether consensual or
nonconsensual, while a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant-patient
relationship exists, except with a spouse.b.Making sexual advances, requesting sexual favors, or engaging in other verbal
conduct or physical contact of a sexual nature with patients or clients.c.Intentionally viewing a completely or partially disrobed patient in the course of
treatment if the viewing is not related to patient diagnosis or treatment under
current practice standards.12.Failing to adhere to the standards of ethics of the physical therapy profession
adopted by rule by the board.13.Charging unreasonable or fraudulent fees for services performed or not performed.14.Making misleading, deceptive, untrue, or fraudulent representations in violation of
this chapter or in the practice of the profession.15.Having been adjudged mentally incompetent by a court.16.Aiding and abetting a person who is not licensed in this state in the performance of
activities requiring a license.Page No. 717.Failing to report to the board, when there is direct knowledge, any unprofessional,
incompetent, or illegal acts that appear to be in violation of this chapter or any rules
established by the board.18.Interfering with an investigation or disciplinary proceeding by failure to cooperate, by
willful misrepresentation of facts, or by the use of threats or harassment against any
patient or witness to prevent that patient or witness from providing evidence in a
disciplinary proceeding or any legal action.19.Failing to maintain adequate patient records. For the purposes of this subsection,
"adequate patient records" means legible records that contain at a minimum
sufficient information to identify the patient, an evaluation of objective findings, a
diagnosis, a plan of care, a treatment record, and a discharge plan.20.Failing to maintain patient confidentiality without the written authorization of the
patient or unless otherwise permitted by law. All records used or resulting from a
consultation under section 43-51-03 are part of a patient's records and are subject to
applicable confidentiality requirements.21.Promoting any unnecessary device, treatment intervention, or service resulting in the
financial gain of the practitioner or of a third party.22.Providing treatment intervention unwarranted by the condition of the patient or
continuing treatment beyond the point of reasonable benefit.23.Participating in underutilization or overutilization of physical therapy services for
personal or institutional financial gain.43-26.1-14. Lawful practice.1.A physical therapist licensed under this chapter is fully authorized to practice
physical therapy as defined herein. The board shall require each licensee to provide
the board with evidence of competence regarding the various elements of manual
therapy the licensee practices so that the board may determine satisfactory
competency levels and requirements as provided under section 43-26.1-03.2.A physical therapist shall adhere to the standards of ethics of the physical therapy
profession as established by rule.3.A physical therapist may purchase, store, and administer topical medications,
including aerosol medications as part of the practice of physical therapy as defined
herein, but shall not dispense or sell any of the medications to patients. A physical
therapist shall comply with any regulation adopted by the United States
pharmacopoeia specifying protocols for storage of medications.43-26.1-15. Terms and titles.1.A physical therapist shall use the letters "PT" in connection with the physical
therapist's name or place of business to denote licensure under this chapter.2.Except as otherwise provided by law, a person or business entity, and its
employees, agents, or representatives, shall not use in connection with that person's
or entity's name or activity the words "physical therapy", "physical therapist",
"physiotherapist", "registered physical therapist", the letters "PT", "MPT", "DPT",
"LPT", "RPT", or any other words, abbreviation, or insignia indicating or implying
directly or indirectly that physical therapy is provided or supplied, unless such
services are provided by or under the direction of a physical therapist licensed
pursuant to this chapter. A person or business entity shall not advertise or otherwise
promote another person as being a "physical therapist" or "physiotherapist" unlessPage No. 8the individual so advertised or promoted is licensed as a physical therapist under
this chapter. A person or business entity that offers, provides, or bills any other
person for services shall not characterize those services as "physical therapy"
unless the individual performing that service is licensed as a physical therapist under
this chapter.3.A physical therapist assistant shall use the letters "PTA" in connection with that
person's name to denote licensure under this chapter.4.A person shall not use the title "physical therapist assistant", the letters "PTA", or
any other words, abbreviations, or insignia in connection with that person's name to
indicate or imply, directly or indirectly, that the person is a physical therapist
assistant unless that person is licensed under this chapter.43-26.1-16.Representationsandbillingswithoutlicensureprohibited-Enforcement - Injunctions.No person or business entities of any type shall practice physicaltherapy or hold themselves out, represent themselves, or send out billings as providing physical
therapy services, without personal licensure or the use of licensed employees as provided in this
chapter. It shall be unlawful to employ an unlicensed physical therapist or physical therapist
assistant to provide physical therapy services. The board's executive officer, under the board's
direction, shall aid state's attorneys in the enforcement of this chapter and the prosecution of any
violations thereof. In addition to the criminal penalties provided by this chapter, the civil remedy
of injunction shall be available to restrain and enjoin violations of this chapter without proof of
actual damages sustained by any person.43-26.1-17. Penalty. Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter is guiltyof a class B misdemeanor.Page No. 9Document Outlinechapter 43-26.1 physical therapists