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CHAPTER 48-06CAPITOL CENTRAL MAILING BUREAU48-06-01.Establishment - Rules and regulations.The director of the office ofmanagement and budget shall maintain and operate a central mailing bureau in the state capitol.
The director shall prescribe such reasonable rules and regulations as may be necessary for the
prompt and efficient dispatch of all mail.48-06-02. Capitol building departments - Compliance with regulations of mailingdepartment. All state officers, departments, or agencies housed in the state capitol shall deliver
all official mail originating in the capitol, unstamped, to the central mailing bureau in compliance
with the regulations prescribed for the delivery of outgoing mail. This section shall not apply to
those officers, departments, or agencies which are prohibited by state or federal law from
disclosing mailing lists which by law are made confidential.48-06-03. Departments exempt from using central mailing bureau. The director ofthe office of management and budget may exempt any department where it is determined that it
would not be practical or economical for it to use the central mailing bureau, because of the
unusual weight, kind, or volume of mail dispatched by the department.48-06-04. Purchasing supplies - Employing mail clerks - Office of management andbudget. The director of the office of management and budget shall provide a suitable room and
shall employ the necessary mailing bureau staff. The director also shall purchase postage meter
machines and such other equipment, materials, and supplies as are necessary for the purpose of
carrying out the provisions of this chapter.48-06-05. Official stamp on all mail. All mail dispatched through the mailing bureaushall have stamped or printed thereon by the meter machine the following words "Official Mail
State of North Dakota".48-06-06. Office of management and budget postage revolving fund. There shall bemaintained in the office of the state treasurer an "office of management and budget postage
revolving fund" for the advance payment of postage. The director of the office of management
and budget may draw upon the fund for the advance payment of postage for the use of the
central mailing bureau, and all collections from the several offices, departments, and agencies,
for postage used by them, are hereby appropriated and shall be paid into the fund.Theprovisions of section 54-27-10 shall not apply to the fund nor shall any part of the fund revert at
the expiration of any biennium.48-06-07. Voucher for postage used - Presented to departments by mailing clerk.The mailing clerk or such other person as may be designated by the director of the office of
management and budget under the direction of the director shall keep an accurate and complete
record of all postage used by each officer, department, or agency, for mail dispatched through
the central mailing bureau and shall present at least monthly to each such officer, department, or
agency, a bill or voucher in the form prescribed by law, for the amount of postage used. After
approval by the office of the budget, the amount shall be credited to the postal revolving fund of
the office of management and budget out of the postage appropriation of the officer, department,
or agency.Page No. 1Document Outlinechapter 48-06 capitol central mailing bureau