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CHAPTER 49-03ELECTRIC UTILITY FRANCHISE49-03-01.Certificate of public convenience and necessity - Secured by electricpublic utility. No electric public utility henceforth shall begin construction or operation of a public
utility plant or system, or of an extension of a plant or system, except as provided below, without
first obtaining from the commission a certificate that public convenience and necessity require or
will require such construction and operation. This section does not require an electric public
utility to secure a certificate for an extension within any municipality within which it has lawfully
commenced operations. If any electric public utility in constructing or extending its line, plant, or
system, unreasonably interferes with or is about to interfere unreasonably with the service or
system of any other electric public utility, or any electric cooperative corporation, the commission,
on complaint of the electric public utility or the electric cooperative corporation claiming to be
injuriously affected, after notice and hearing as provided in this title, may order enforcement of
this section with respect to the offending electric public utility and prescribe just and reasonable
terms and conditions.49-03-01.1. Limitation on electric transmission and distribution lines, extensions,and service by electric public utilities. No electric public utility henceforth shall begin in the
construction or operation of a public utility plant or system or extension thereof without first
obtaining from the commission a certificate that public convenience and necessity require or will
require such construction and operation, nor shall such public utility henceforth extend its electric
transmission or distribution lines beyond or outside of the corporate limits of any municipality, nor
shall it serve any customer where the place to be served is not located within the corporate limits
of a municipality, unless and until, after application, such electric public utility has obtained an
order from the commission authorizing such extension and service and a certificate that public
convenience and necessity require that permission be given to extend such lines and to serve
such customer.49-03-01.2. Limitation on issuance of orders and certificates of public convenienceand necessity to electric public utilities. Repealed by S.L. 1979, ch. 187,