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CHAPTER 50-08.1AID TO PREGNANT WOMEN50-08.1-01. Coordination of services for pregnant women. The department shall:1.Collect information concerning all existing private and public organizations in this
state offering services to pregnant women who are experiencing problems in
connection with their pregnancies due to medical, economic, social, or psychological
factors. The information must be geographically indexed and designed to inform the
woman of public and private agencies and services available to assist a woman
through pregnancy, upon childbirth, and while the child is a dependent, including
adoption agencies. This information must include the nature of the services offered,
the conditions under which and the locations at which services are available, the
service area covered, and the legal status and organizational structure of the
organization.2.Disseminate information collected under this subsection to all existing organizations
offering services to pregnant women and to potential organizations desiring to offer
such services.This information must be disseminated in such a manner thatexisting and potential organizations are assisted in their efforts to serve pregnant
women.3.Serve as a clearinghouse for information and advice on creating, administering, and
maintaining an effective organization offering services to pregnant women.4.Establish and widely advertise a statewide toll-free telephone number that persons
may call to obtain information concerning organizations near them offering services
to pregnant women, and in other ways disseminate information concerning
organizations offering services to pregnant women.50-08.1-02. Benefits for pregnant women. Repealed by S.L. 1997, ch. 404,