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CHAPTER 50-11.2FOSTER CARE PARENT GRIEVANCE50-11.2-01. Foster care parent grievance. A foster parent who is duly licensed to carefor a foster child may object to any decision made by the department of human services or
county social service board which substantially affects the foster parent or the needs of the foster
child. An objection may be made in the form of a grievance which must be filed in the county of
the foster care parent's residence with the county social service board. The county social service
board shall notify foster parents of the grievance procedure and provide them with grievance
procedure forms.50-11.2-02.Grievance procedure.The grievance procedure to be followed by thedepartment of human services, county social service board, and foster parents is:1.Any decision made by the department of human services or county social service
board which substantially affects the licensed foster parent or the needs of a foster
child must be sent in writing to the foster parents who have been given the
responsibility of providing foster care for that child.Nothing herein may beconstrued to prohibit the department of human services or county social service
board from immediately implementing a decision, when the best interests of the
child require such immediate action, as long as notice is given to the foster parent as
soon as possible.2.A foster parent may object to any decision referred to in subsection 1. Upon the
filing of a grievance by the foster care parents, the county social service board shall
schedule an informal meeting to be held within ten days of the filing of the grievance.
The needs and responsibilities of all interested parties must be discussed at this
meeting in an attempt to maintain a continuing relationship which will serve the best
interests of the foster child. A written resolution relating to the grievance should be
agreed to and signed by both parties.3.If no written resolution between the parties relating to the grievance is made at the
informal meeting, the foster parents may request a formal hearing to be held at the
regional foster care office. This meeting must be held within ten working days of the
informal meeting unless both parties agree to an extension. The regional foster care
director shall provide for a record of this hearing. The regional foster care director
shall review all prior contact between the foster care parents and the department of
human services or county social service board relating to the grievance.Theregional foster care director shall then make a final determination relating to the
grievance. The regional foster care director's findings and conclusions must be sent
to the county social service board and the foster care parents.4.All decisions of the regional foster care director relating to a grievance under this
chapter are final.5.The department of human services shall adopt rules to carry out the purpose and
intent of this section and these rules must be given to the foster parent upon
licensing.6.Denial or revocation of a foster care license may be appealed as provided in chapter
28-32.7.Nothing herein may be construed to require a grievance proceeding under this
chapter, when the department of human services or county social service board is
acting to implement a specific placement decision issued by a court with competent
jurisdiction.Page No. 1Document Outlinechapter 50-11.2 foster care parent grievance