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CHAPTER 54-40.3JOINT POWERS AGREEMENTS54-40.3-01. Joint powers agreements - General authority.1.Any county, city, township, city park district, school district, or other political
subdivision of this state, upon approval of its respective governing body, may enter
into an agreement with any other political subdivision of this state for the cooperative
or joint administration of any power or function that is authorized by law or assigned
to one or more of them. Any political subdivision of this state may enter into a joint
powers agreement with a political subdivision of another state or political subdivision
of a Canadian province if the power or function to be jointly administered is a power
or function authorized by the laws of this state for a political subdivision of this state
and is authorized by the laws of the other state or province.A joint powersagreement may provide for:a.The purpose of the agreement or the power or function to be exercised or
carried out.b.The duration of the agreement and the permissible method to be employed in
accomplishing the partial or complete termination of the agreement and for
disposing of any property upon the partial or complete termination.c.Thepreciseorganization,composition,andnatureofanyseparateadministrative or legal entity, including an administrator or a joint board,
committee, or joint service council or network, responsible for administering the
cooperative or joint undertaking. Two or more political subdivisions which enter
into a number of joint powers agreements may provide a master administrative
structure for the joint administration of any number of those agreements, rather
than creating separate administrative structures for each agreement. However,
no essential legislative powers, taxing authority, or eminent domain power may
be delegated by an agreement to a separate administrative or legal entity.d.The manner in which the parties to the agreement will finance the cooperative
or joint undertaking and establish and maintain a budget for that undertaking.
The parties to the agreement may expend funds pursuant to the agreement,
use unexpended balances of their respective current funds, enter into a
lease-option to buy and contract for deed agreements between themselves and
with private parties, accumulate funds from year to year for the provision of
services and facilities, and otherwise share or contribute property in accordance
with the agreement in cooperatively or jointly exercising or carrying out the
power or function.The agreement may include the provision of personnel,equipment, or property of one or more of the parties to the agreement that may
be used instead of other financial support.e.The manner of acquiring, holding, or disposing of real and personal property
used in the cooperative or joint undertaking.f.The acceptance of gifts, grants, or other assistance and the manner in which
those gifts, grants, or assistance may be used for the purposes set forth in the
agreement.g.The process to apply for federal or state aid, or funds from other public and
private sources, to the parties for furthering the purposes of the agreement.h.The manner of responding for any liability that might be incurred through
performance of the agreement and insuring against that liability.Page No. 1i.Any other necessary and proper matters agreed upon by the parties to the
agreement.2.Any county, city, township, city park district, school district, or other political
subdivision of this state may enter into an agreement in the manner provided in
subsection 1 with any agency, board, or institution of the state for the undertaking of
any power or function which any of the parties is permitted by law to undertake.
Before an agreement entered into pursuant to this subsection is effective, the
respective governing body or officer of the state agency, board, or institution must
approve the agreement and the attorney general must determine that the agreement
is legally sufficient.3.An agreement made pursuant to this chapter does not relieve any political
subdivision or the state of any obligation or responsibility imposed by law except to
the extent of actual and timely performance by a separate administrative or legal
entity created by the agreement. This actual and timely performance satisfies the
obligation or responsibility of the political subdivision.54-40.3-02. Clarification of constitutional authority and effect of other statutes -Construction.1.The specificity of this chapter, chapter 54-40, or any other law may not be construed
to limit the general authority of a political subdivision to enter into agreements
pursuant to section 10 of article VII of the Constitution of North Dakota, except for
specific limitations on that authority, and subject to specific procedural requirements,
imposed by this chapter, any other law, or a home rule charter.2.This chapter does not dispense with the procedural requirements of any other
statute providing for the joint or cooperative exercise of any governmental power.54-40.3-03.Political subdivisions encouraged to file agreements with advisorycommission on intergovernmental relations.A political subdivision entering into a jointpowers agreement pursuant to this chapter or any other law is encouraged to file one copy of the
agreement and explanatory material with the advisory commission on intergovernmental
relations, to assist the commission in providing information for other political subdivisions
exploring cooperative arrangements.Page No. 2Document Outlinechapter 54-40.3 joint powers agreements