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CHAPTER 54-59INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT54-59-01. Definitions. As used in this chapter:1."Agency" or "entity" does not include any agricultural commodity promotion group or
any occupational or professional board.2."Department" means the information technology department.3."Information technology" means the use of hardware, software, services, and
supporting infrastructure to manage and deliver information using voice, data, and
video.4."Network services" means the equipment, software, and services necessary to
transmit voice, data, or video.54-59-02. Information technology department - Responsibility - Public policy. Theinformation technology department is established with the responsibility for all wide area network
services planning, selection, and implementation for all state agencies, including institutions
under the control of the board of higher education, counties, cities, and school districts in this
state. With respect to a county, city, or school district, wide area network services are those
services necessary to transmit voice, data, or video outside the county, city, or school district. In
exercising its powers and duties, the department is responsible for computer support services,
host software development, statewide communications services, standards for providing
information to other state agencies and the public through the internet, technology planning,
process redesign, and quality assurance.The department may not exercise its powers anddutiesinamannerthatcompetesorotherwiseinterfereswiththeprovisionoftelecommunications service to a private, charitable, or nonprofit entity by a privately or
cooperatively owned telecommunications company.54-59-02.1. Prioritization of proposed major information technology projects. Thedepartment shall submit information regarding proposed major information technology projects
for executive branch state agencies, departments, and institutions, excluding institutions under
control of the state board of higher education and agencies of the judicial and legislative
branches to the state information technology advisory committee. The committee shall review
the projects and rank those projects that receive the committee's affirmative recommendation.
The chief information officer shall submit recommendations of the committee regarding the
prioritization of major information technology projects to the information technology committee,
the office of management and budget, and the appropriations committees of the legislative
assembly. The judicial and legislative branches shall notify biennially the committee on their
major information technology projects and priorities.54-59-03. Chief information officer of the state. The governor shall appoint the chiefinformation officer of the state. The governor shall appoint the chief information officer on the
basis of education, experience, and other qualifications in information technology and
administration. The position of chief information officer is not a classified position. The chief
information officer serves at the pleasure of the governor. The governor shall set the salary of
the chief information officer within the limits of legislative appropriations.54-59-04. Duties of chief information officer. The chief information officer shall:1.Administer the department.2.Employ any personnel determined to be necessary to carry out the responsibilities of
the department and duties as prescribed by law.Page No. 13.Fix the salaries of all employees within the department, within the limits of legislative
appropriation.All personnel within the department are entitled to actual andnecessary travel expenses at the same rate as for other employees of the state.54-59-05. Powers and duties of department. The department:1.Shall provide, supervise, and regulate information technology of all executive branch
state entities, excluding the institutions under the control of the board of higher
education.2.Shall provide network services in a way that ensures the network requirements of a
single entity do not adversely affect the functionality of the whole network, facilitates
open communications with the citizens of the state, minimizes the state's investment
in human resources, accommodates an ever-increasing amount of traffic, supports
rapid detection and resolution of problems, protects the network infrastructure from
damage and security breaches, provides for the aggregation of data, voice, video,
and multimedia into a statewide transport mechanism or backbone, and provides for
the network support for the entity to carry out its mission.3.May review and approve additional network services that are not provided by the
department.4.Maypurchase,financethepurchase,orleaseequipment,software,orimplementation services or replace, including by trade or resale, equipment or
software as may be necessary to carry out this chapter. An agreement to finance
the purchase of software, equipment, or implementation services may not exceed a
period of five years. The department shall submit any intended financing proposal
for the purchase of software, equipment, or implementation services under this
subsection, which is in excess of one million dollars, to the budget section of the
legislative management or the legislative assembly before executing a financing
agreement. If the budget section or the legislative assembly does not approve the
execution of a financing agreement, the department may not proceed with the
proposed financing arrangement.The department may finance the purchase ofsoftware, equipment, or implementation services only to the extent the purchase
amount does not exceed seven and one-half percent of the amount appropriated to
the department during that biennium.5.Shall review requests for lease, purchase, or other contractual acquisition of
information technology as required by this subsection.Each executive branchagency or institution, excluding the institutions under the control of the board of
higher education, shall submit to the department, in accordance with guidelines
established by the department, a written request for the lease, purchase, or other
contractual acquisition of information technology.The department shall reviewrequests for conformance with the requesting entity's information technology plan
and compliance with statewide policies and standards.If the request is not inconformance or compliance, the department may disapprove the request or require
justification for the departure from the plan or statewide policy or standard.6.Shall provide information technology, including assistance and advisory service, to
the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. If the department is unable to fulfill
a request for service from the legislative or judicial branch, the information
technology may be procured by the legislative or judicial branch within the limits of
legislative appropriations.7.Shall request and review information, including project startup information
summarizing the project description, project objectives, business need or problem,
cost-benefit analysis, and project risks and a project closeout information
summarizing the project objectives achieved, project budget and schedule
variances, and lessons learned, regarding any major information technology projectPage No. 2of an executive branch agency. The department shall present the information to the
information technology committee on request of the committee.8.May request and review information regarding any information technology project of
an executive branch agency with a total cost of between one hundred thousand and
two hundred fifty thousand dollars as determined necessary by the department. The
department shall present the information to the information technology committee on
request of the committee.9.Shall study emerging technology and evaluate its impact on the state's system of
information technology.10.Shall develop guidelines for reports to be provided by each agency of the executive,
legislative, and judicial branches, excluding the institutions under the control of the
board of higher education, on information technology in those entities.11.Shall collaborate with the state board of higher education on guidelines for reports to
be provided by institutions under control of the state board of higher education on
information technology in those entities.12.Shall perform all other duties necessary to carry out this chapter.13.May provide wide area network services to a state agency, city, county, school
district, or other political subdivision of this state.The information technologydepartment may not provide wide area network service to any private, charitable, or
nonprofit entity except the information technology department may continue to
provide the wide area network service the department provided to the private,
charitable, and nonprofit entities receiving services from the department on
January 1, 2003.14.Shall assure proper measures for security, firewalls, and internet protocol
addressing at the state's interface with other facilities.15.Notwithstanding subsection 13, may provide wide area network services for a period
not to exceed four years to an occupant of a technology park associated with an
institution of higher education or to a business located in a business incubator
associated with an institution of higher education.54-59-06. Business plan. The department shall develop and maintain a business plan.The business plan must:1.Define the department's overall organization, mission, and delivery of services.2.Define the department's short-term and long-term goals and objectives based on
customer needs.3.Outline the strategies and activities necessary to meet the goals and objectives of
the department while improving the efficiency of the department and improving
service to customers.4.Define rates and funding mechanisms necessary to finance the proposed activities
of the department.5.Define a method for evaluating progress toward the goals outlined in the business
plan.6.Determine the specific strategies and processes to ensure that agencies share
information, systems, and the statewide network.Page No. 37.Address the processes that will be put in place to ensure that the department
exercises its powers and duties with minimal delay, cost, and procedural burden to
an entity receiving services from the department; to ensure that the department
provides prompt, high-quality services to an entity receiving services from the
department; to ensure that an entity receiving services from the department is aware
of the technology available and to ensure training on its use; and to foster
information technology innovation by state entities.54-59-07. State information technology advisory committee. The state informationtechnology advisory committee consists of the chief information officer; the commissioner of
higher education or the commissioner's designee; the attorney general or the attorney general's
designee; the secretary of state or the secretary of state's designee; the tax commissioner or the
commissioner's designee; the chief justice of the supreme court or the chief justice's designee;
two members of the legislative assembly appointed by the legislative management; a minimum
of eight members representing state agencies, appointed by the governor; and two members
with technology management expertise representing private industry, appointed by the governor.
The appointees of the governor serve at the pleasure of the governor.The governor shalldesignate the chairman of the committee. Additional members may be asked to participate at
the request of the chairman. The department shall provide staff services to the committee. The
members of the committee representing private industry are entitled to be compensated for time
spent in attendance at meetings of the committee and for other travel as approved by the
chairman of the committee at the rate of sixty-two dollars and fifty cents per day and are entitled
to reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the same manner as other state
officials. The compensation and expenses are to be paid from appropriations for the department.
The committee shall advise the department regarding statewide information technology planning
and budgeting, services of the information technology department, and statewide information
technology initiatives and policy and shall review reports on major information technology
projects as required by this chapter and policies, standards, and guidelines developed by the
department.The chief information officer shall submit recommendations of the committeeregarding information technology issues to the information technology committee for its
consideration.54-59-08.Required use of wide area network services.Each state agency andinstitution that desires access to wide area network services and each county, city, and school
district that desires access to wide area network services to transmit voice, data, or video outside
that county, city, or school district shall obtain those services from the department. The chief
information officer may exempt from the application of this section a county, city, or school district
that demonstrates its current wide area network services are more cost-effective for or more
appropriate for the specific needs of that county, city, or school district than wide area network
services available from the department.54-59-09.Information technology standards.Based on information from stateagencies and institutions, the department and the office of management and budget shall
develop statewide information technology policies, standards, and guidelines.The policies,standards, and guidelines must recognize the uniqueness of certain agencies and state which
agencies are included or exempted from the policies, standards, and guidelines. The policies,
standards, and guidelines must be reviewed by the state information technology advisory
committee. Each executive branch state agency and institution, excluding the institutions under
the control of the board of higher education, shall comply with the policies and standards
developed by the department and the office of management and budget unless the chief
information officer exempts an agency from the policies, standards, and guidelines to address
situations unique to that agency. Unless an exemption is granted by the chief information officer,
each entity receiving wide area network services provided by the department shall comply with
the policies and standards developed by the department with respect to access to or use of wide
area network services.54-59-10.Information technology coordinators.Each agency or institution shallappoint an information technology coordinator. The coordinator shall maintain liaison with thePage No. 4department and assist the department in areas related to making the most economical use of
information technology.54-59-11.Information technology plans.Each executive branch state agency orinstitution, excluding the institutions under the control of the board of higher education, unless the
chief information officer grants an exemption, shall participate in the information technology
planning process based on guidelines developed by the department.The plan must besubmitted to the department by August fifteenth of each even-numbered year unless the chief
information officer grants an extension.The department shall review each entity's plan forcompliance with statewide information technology policies and standards and may require an
entity to change its plan to comply with statewide policies or standards or to resolve conflicting
directions among plans.Agencies of the judicial and legislative branches shall file theirinformation technology plans with the department by August fifteenth of each even-numbered
year. Based on the plans, the department shall prepare a statewide information technology plan
and distribute copies of that plan to members of the legislative assembly as requested by the
legislative council. The statewide information technology plan must be developed with emphasis
on long-term strategic goals, objectives, and accomplishments.54-59-12. Coordination of activities - Reports. The department shall cooperate witheach state entity providing access to any computer data base or electronically filed or stored
information under subsection 4 of section 44-04-18 to assist in providing economical, efficient,
and compatible access. The chief information officer shall conduct conferences and meetings
with political subdivisions to review and coordinate information technology. The chief information
officer and the commissioner of the board of higher education shall meet at least twice each year
to plan and coordinate their information technology.The chief information officer andcommissioner shall consider areas in which joint or coordinated information technology may
result in more efficient and effective state government operations.Upon request, the chiefinformation officer shall report to the legislative management regarding the coordination of
services with political subdivisions, and the chief information officer and commissioner shall
report to the legislative management regarding their findings and recommendations.54-59-13. Compliance reviews. Repealed by S.L. 2003, ch. 665,