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CHAPTER 57-33TAXATION OF RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVES[Repealed for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2009]57-33-01. Cooperatives subject to taxation - Classification. Cooperatives subject totaxation under the provisions of this chapter are nonprofit cooperative corporations engaged in
the distribution or transmission of electric energy primarily for consumption in rural areas, and
nonprofit cooperative corporations engaged in the generation of electric energy primarily for
consumption in rural areas. However, any electrical energy generation plant that has at least one
single electrical energy generation unit with a generating capacity in excess of one hundred
thousand kilowatts, owned or operated by a nonprofit cooperative corporation, and the gross
receipts from such plant are not taxable under this chapter but must be taxed under section
57-33.1-02.The property of nonprofit cooperative corporations engaged in the distribution,transmission, or generation of electrical energy primarily for consumption in rural areas and to be
taxed under the provisions of this chapter is hereby expressly classified as personal property for
the purpose of taxation. Such corporations are hereinafter referred to as cooperatives.57-33-02. Personal property defined. For the purposes of this chapter, the personalproperty of the cooperatives includes the following property used by a cooperative in connection
with the distribution, transmission, and generation of electric energy, including all poles, wires,
lines, transformers, generating equipment, meters, machinery, buildings, and substations used
for housing such equipment and office fixtures of every character used in connection with the
cooperative business.57-33-03. Report of gross receipts. Each cooperative annually on or before May firstin each year shall file a report with the tax commissioner in such form and containing such
information as the tax commissioner may prescribe and demand. Such report must state the
amount of gross receipts derived during the preceding calendar year. Gross receipts derived
from the sale of a capital asset do not have to be reported. Each such cooperative at the same
time shall file with the county auditor of each county within which any of its lines are located a
report giving the length of the line or lines within each taxing district in said county and the total
length of its lines within the county as of January first of that year. The county auditor may
require a map to be filed, showing the length of the lines within each taxing district of said county.
To facilitate the making of such maps, the county auditor shall furnish each cooperative an
accurate map of the county showing the boundaries of each taxing district. A cooperative that
does not own and operate an electric generation plant and which purchases electric energy for
resale to cooperatives subject to taxation under this chapter shall include in its report to the tax
commissioner the cost and amount of all electric energy purchased for resale.The cost ofelectric energy purchased for resale must be deducted from the cooperative's gross receipts
before determining the cooperative's tax liability under this chapter.A cooperative thatpurchases wind power for resale to others from a North Dakota wind energy facility subject to
centrally assessed property taxation shall include in its report to the tax commissioner the cost
and amount of all such wind energy purchased for resale.The cost of such wind energypurchased for resale must be deducted from the cooperative's gross receipts before determining
the cooperative's tax liability under this chapter.57-33-04. Tax imposed in lieu of personal property tax - Privilege tax imposed bycity.1.The tax commissioner shall levy on each cooperative a tax upon its gross receipts
for the preceding calendar year. Gross receipts derived from the sale of a capital
asset are not subject to the tax imposed by this section. Each year for the first five
years during which such cooperative is engaged in business the tax must be one
percent and thereafter the tax must be two percent of its gross receipts. For the
purpose of determining when the two percent rate must be applied, the first year the
cooperative is engaged in business must be the first year in which the cooperativePage No. 1was engaged in business prior to April first of that year. The tax hereby imposed is
in lieu of any other taxes levied on the personal property of such cooperatives.2.a.In addition to and notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the
governing body of any incorporated city in which electric power is furnished to
consumers in the city by a rural electric distribution cooperative may, by
ordinance, elect to impose an annual tax upon the rural electric distribution
cooperative for the privilege of distributing and furnishing such power to
consumers within the city. The amount of such tax must be measured and
limited in the manner hereinafter provided.b.The assessing officer responsible for the local ad valorem assessment of
property in the city shall annually determine the value of the distribution system
within the geographic limits of the incorporated city that is operated by the rural
electric distribution cooperative and is reasonably necessary for the distribution
by it of electric power to consumers in the city. As used in this subdivision and
subsection, the term "distribution system" does not include buildings,
equipment, tools, and supplies that are necessary and are used in the
operation of the entire rural electric cooperative system, both within and outside
the incorporated limits of the city. The assessing officer in determining such
valuation may request the aid and assistance of personnel in the office of the
state tax commissioner who are charged with the duty of assembling and
evaluating the information that is used by the tax commissioner in making
tentative valuations pursuant to the provisions of chapter 57-06. In determining
such valuation, the assessing officer shall value it at an amount that is, insofar
as reasonably possible, equal to the amount at which it would be valued
pursuant to the provisions of chapter 57-06 if it were subject to assessment
thereunder.c.After the assessing officer has determined the value of such property of the
cooperative, the assessing officer shall send by mail to the cooperative a notice
in which the amount of such valuation is stated and in which a day approved by
the governing body of the city is specified on which the representatives of the
cooperative may appear and present information relating to the amount and
value of the property of the cooperative that is valued for the purposes of this
subsection.The notice must be mailed at least ten days prior to the dayprescribed by law for the governing body to convene as a board of equalization.
After considering such information as may be presented by the representatives
of the cooperative and by the assessing officer, the governing body shall, within
ten days after the day specified in the notice, approve or adjust the valuation
made by the assessing officer and shall immediately notify the cooperative by
mail of the amount of valuation determined by it.If such cooperative isdissatisfied with the valuation set by the governing body, it may bring an action
for review of the valuation in district court of the county in which the city is
located, provided such action is brought before the privilege tax imposed
pursuant to this subsection becomes due.d.The governing body of the city shall, on or before the first day of December of
each year, compute and assess the amount of the privilege tax due from the
cooperative by multiplying the taxable value of the cooperative's property as
determined by it by the total amount of mills levied by it for all purposes on
other property in the city that is assessed and taxed pursuant to the ad valorem
property tax laws of this state; from such amount there must then be subtracted
that amount of tax levied on the cooperative pursuant to the provisions of
section 57-33-04 that is allocable and distributable to the city pursuant to
section 57-33-07; and the difference then remaining must be the amount of tax
levied on the cooperative by the governing body of the city for the privilege of
distributing and furnishing electric power to consumers in the city. The county
auditor, when requested, shall notify the governing body of the city of thePage No. 2amount of tax allocated by the county auditor to the city pursuant to section
57-33-06. The tax must be paid by the cooperative to the auditor of the city
which levies the tax and must be credited to its general fund.e.The provisions of this subsection may not be construed as subjecting the
cooperative to the jurisdiction of the public service commission nor as
classifying such cooperative as a public utility company.3.All of the provisions of law with respect to the due date, the date of delinquency,
interest rate, penalty, and enforcement of collection of personal property taxes
generally are equally applicable to any tax provided for in this chapter.57-33-05. Apportionment of tax. The tax commissioner shall apportion the taxes duefrom each cooperative to each county in which its lines are located in the ratio which the number
of miles [kilometers] of its lines in each county bears to the total number of miles [kilometers] of
lines of such cooperative and shall certify to the county auditor of each county the amount of
taxes so apportioned; provided, that the tax commissioner shall apportion the taxes due from any
generating cooperative with less than two hundred miles [321.87 kilometers] of transmission
lines, as follows: eighty-five percent thereof to the county in which such cooperative's generating
equipment and plant is located and fifteen percent thereof to the counties in which its
transmission lines are located in the ratio in which the number of miles [kilometers] of lines in
each county bears to the total number of miles [kilometers] of lines of such cooperative.57-33-06. Duty of county auditor. It is the duty of the county auditor to allocate theamount of the taxes due from each cooperative as certified by the tax commissioner to each
taxing district in which the lines are located in the ratio which the total number of miles
[kilometers] of all kinds of lines in each such district bears to the total number of miles
[kilometers] in the county, except that such taxes due from any generating cooperative with less
than two hundred miles [321.87 kilometers] of transmission lines must be allocated as follows:
eighty-five percent to the taxing district in which the generating equipment and plant is situated
and fifteen percent to the taxing districts in which its transmission lines are situated in the
aforesaid ratio. The county auditor shall certify such taxes to the county treasurer for collection at
the time and in the manner in which real and personal property taxes are required to be certified.57-33-07. Allocation of proceeds of tax - Duty of county treasurer. Upon receipt bythe county treasurer of the amount of tax payable under this chapter, the county treasurer shall
apportion and distribute, to the state, the county, and local taxing districts of the county in which
the lines and generating equipment and plant of such cooperative are located, the amount of
such tax payment so received by the county treasurer on the basis on which the general property
tax levy is apportioned and distributed.Page No. 3Document Outlinechapter 57-33 taxation of rural electric cooperatives