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CHAPTER 57-34TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIERS TAXATION57-34-01. Definitions. The definitions in this section may not be construed to subject atelecommunications carrier or telecommunications service to the provisions of title 49. As used
in this chapter, unless the context or subject matter otherwise clearly requires:1."Adjusted gross receipts" means telecommunications carrier gross receipts less all
amounts paid by the reporting telecommunications carrier on telecommunications
service that is taxable under this chapter in state and local sales and use taxes and
federal excise taxes and less amounts paid by the reporting telecommunications
carrier to another telecommunications carrier for directory assistance originated by a
caller in this state.2."Company" includes any individual, copartnership, business trust, corporation,
limited liability company, joint-stock company, association, or any other organization.3."Gross receipts" means all telecommunications carrier retail revenues from
telecommunications service charges billed to any station in this state and from
charges to another telecommunications carrier for directory assistance originated by
a caller in this state.4."Station" means a subscriber service address located in this state with a distinct call
number designation or distinct extension number designation. If this is not a defined
location, "station" means the location of the primary use of telecommunications
equipment as determined by telephone number, authorization code, or billing
address.5."Telecommunications carrier" means a company that is engaged in the business of
furnishing telecommunications service within this state. The term includes a reseller
of telecommunications service.6."Telecommunications service" means transmitting for consideration of two-way
communication by wire, cable, fiber optics, radio, lightwave, microwave, satellite, or
other means. The term includes:a.Essential telecommunications service and nonessential telecommunications
service as defined in section 49-21-01;b.Telecommunications service that originates and terminates in this state and is
billed to a station in this state;c.Interstate telecommunications service that originates or terminates in this state
and is billed to a station in this state;d.Mobile telecommunications service that is deemed to be provided by the
customer's home service provider under chapter 57-34.1, regardless of where
the mobile telecommunications service originates, terminates, or passes
through; ande.Telegraph service.7."Telecommunications service charges" means the value of all consideration
received by a telecommunications carrier for provision of telecommunications
service and recovery within the year of telecommunications service charges written
off in a prior year as uncollectible. For a telecommunications carrier operating on
any form of mutual basis, the term includes all amounts assessed against the
members for the operation and maintenance of the business. The term does notPage No. 1include revenue from merchandising, jobbing and contract work, maintenance or
repair of customer premises equipment including equipment leased or rented by the
customer from any source, operations not directly related to provision of
telecommunications service, amounts charged for billing and collection on behalf of
another telecommunications carrier, proceeds from transfer of capital stock, or
transfer, sale, or lease of property not directly related to telecommunications service.
The term does not include amounts collected for or amounts collected from federal
and state mechanisms to preserve and advance universal service.57-34-02. Reports of telecommunications carriers. Each telecommunications carriersubject to gross receipts taxes under this chapter shall make and file with the tax commissioner,
on or before May first of each year, on the form as the tax commissioner may prescribe, a report
containing a statement of its gross receipts in this state during the preceding calendar year,
amounts paid by the carrier on telecommunications service that is taxable under this chapter
during the preceding calendar year in state and local sales and use taxes and federal excise
taxes, amounts received from or paid to another telecommunications carrier for directory
assistance, and any other information as the tax commissioner may require. The form must
include a notice of a telecommunications carrier's right to appeal its assessment to the state
board of equalization prior to or at the August meeting of the state board of equalization. Each
report must be signed, subject to section 12.1-11-02, by the president, secretary, or other official
of the telecommunications carrier.57-34-03. Computation of taxes by tax commissioner - Exemption for high-volumecustomers - Continuing appropriation.1.On or before July fifteenth of each year, the tax commissioner shall review the report
under subsection 3 of section 57-34-02 and compute the total tax to be assessed
against each telecommunications carrier in this state at a rate of two and one-half
percent of adjusted gross receipts. If the tax commissioner's computation of the
total tax differs from the amount computed by a telecommunications carrier, the tax
commissioner shall give notice of the change by mail to that telecommunications
carrier on or before July fifteenth. The state board of equalization shall assess the
tax under this section after consideration of any contest presented.2.A telecommunications carrier's retail customer in this state is entitled to a refund
equal to two and one-half percent of the amount of telecommunications service
charges paid to telecommunications carriers by that customer in excess of eight
hundred thousand dollars in a calendar year. A refund claim under this subsection
must be filed with the tax commissioner before December thirty-first of the year
following the calendar year for which the refund is claimed. A claim for refund must
be made in the manner prescribed by the tax commissioner. The tax commissioner
shall verify that the telecommunications carrier to which the retail customer paid
telecommunications service charges has paid the telecommunications gross
receipts tax for the year for which the refund is claimed before a refund may be paid.
Refunds under this subsection must be paid by the tax commissioner and are
appropriated from the state general fund as a standing and continuing appropriation
to the tax commissioner for that purpose.57-34-04.Assessment by state board of equalization.Repealed by S.L. 1997,ch. 483,