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CHAPTER 57-36TOBACCO PRODUCTS TAX LAW57-36-01. Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context or subject matterotherwise requires:1."Chewing tobacco" means any leaf tobacco that is intended to be placed in the
mouth.2."Cigar" means any roll of tobacco wrapped in tobacco.3."Cigarette" means any roll for smoking made wholly or in part of tobacco and
encased in any material except tobacco.4."Consumer" means any person who has title to or possession of cigarettes, cigars,
pipe tobacco, or other tobacco products in storage, for use or other consumption in
this state.5."Dealer" includes any person other than a distributor who is engaged in the business
of selling cigarettes, cigarette papers, cigars, pipe tobacco, or other tobacco
products.6."Distributor" includes any person engaged in the business of producing or
manufacturing cigarettes, cigarette papers, cigars, pipe tobacco, or other tobacco
products, or importing into this state cigarettes, cigarette papers, cigars, pipe
tobacco, or other tobacco products, for the purpose of distribution and sale thereof to
dealers and retailers.7."Licensed dealer" means a dealer licensed under the provisions of this chapter.8."Licensed distributor" means a distributor licensed under the provisions of this
chapter.9."Other tobacco products" means snuff and chewing tobacco.10."Person" means any individual, firm, fiduciary, partnership, corporation, limited
liability company, trust, or association however formed.11."Pipe tobacco" means any tobacco that, because of its appearance, type,
packaging, or labeling, is suitable for use and likely to be offered to, or purchased by,
consumers as tobacco to be smoked in a pipe.12."Sale" or "sell" applies to gifts, exchanges, and barter.13."Snuff" means any finely cut, ground, or powdered tobacco that is intended to be
placed in the mouth.14."Storage" means any keeping or retention of cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, or
other tobacco products for use or consumption in this state.15."Use" means the exercise of any right or power incidental to the ownership or
possession of cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, or other tobacco products.57-36-02.Distributors and dealers to be licensed.Each person engaged in thebusiness of selling cigarettes, cigarette papers, snuff, cigars, or tobacco in this state, including
any distributor or dealer, must secure a license from the attorney general before engaging or
continuing to engage in business.A separate application and license is required for eachdistributor at each outlet or place of business within the state, and a separate dealer's license isPage No. 1required for each retail outlet when a person owns or controls more than one place of business
dealing in cigarettes, cigarette papers, snuff, cigars, or tobacco. No retailer will be granted a
distributor's license except a retailer who, in the usual course of business, performed a
distributor's or wholesaler's function for at least one year prior to filing the license application.
The application prescribed by the attorney general must include the name and address of the
applicant, the address and place of business, the type of business, and other information as
required for the proper administration of this chapter.Each application for a wholesale ordistributor's outlet license must be accompanied by a fee of twenty-five dollars and a surety bond
approved by the attorney general.Each application for a dealer's outlet license must beaccompanied by a fee of fifteen dollars. A reinstatement fee of fifty dollars is required in addition
to the annual license fee for each license renewal applied for after June thirtieth.The totalreinstatement fee may not exceed five hundred dollars for any one licensee in any fiscal year. A
distributor's license does not authorize the holder to make retail sales. Each license issued must
be prominently displayed on the premises covered by the license.57-36-03. License. Each license issued under the provisions of this chapter is valid untilthe first day of July subsequent to the date of issuance unless sooner revoked by the attorney
general or unless the business with respect to which such license was issued is transferred, in
either of which cases the holder of the license shall return it immediately to the attorney general.
The license issued is annual and runs from July first of each year to June thirtieth of the following
year.57-36-04.Revocation of license - Penalty.The attorney general may revoke thelicense of any dealer or distributor for failure to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter,
or any of the rules or regulations prescribed by the tax commissioner or the attorney general.
When a license has been legally revoked, no license may be issued again to the licensee for a
period of one year thereafter. A person may not sell any cigarettes, cigarette papers, snuff,
cigars, or tobacco after that person's license has been revoked as provided in this chapter.57-36-05.Unlawful to sell without license.A dealer or distributor may not sellcigarettes, cigarette papers, snuff, cigars, or tobacco in this state at wholesale or at retail unless
a license has been issued to that dealer or distributor as prescribed by this chapter, and a person
may not sell, offer for sale, or possess with the intent to sell, any cigarettes, cigarette papers,
snuff, cigars, or tobacco without such license.57-36-05.1. Sale of imported cigarettes - When prohibited. A dealer, distributor, orother person may not sell or distribute in this state any tobacco product previously exported from
the United States.57-36-05.2. Sale of noncompliant tobacco products. A dealer, distributor, or otherperson may not knowingly sell or distribute in this state any tobacco product manufactured by a
tobacco product manufacturer not in compliance with subsection 2 of section 51-25-02.57-36-06. Cigarettes - Amount of tax. There are levied and assessed, and there mustbe collected and paid to the state tax commissioner, upon all cigarettes sold in this state, the
following excise taxes, payment thereof to be made prior to the time of the sale and delivery
thereof:1.Class A. On cigarettes weighing not more than three pounds [1360.78 grams] per
thousand, five mills on each such cigarette.2.Class B.On cigarettes weighing more than three pounds [1360.78 grams] perthousand, five and one-half mills on each such cigarette.57-36-07. Packaging - Presumption from possession. Cigarettes must be packagedas follows:1.All cigarettes sold or distributed in this state must be in packages containing twenty
or more cigarettes each.Page No. 22.Each package of cigarettes displayed, exhibited, stored, or possessed in original
cartons or containers upon the premises where consumer sales are made is
conclusively presumed to be for sale to consumers.3.All packages of roll-your-own tobacco sold or distributed in this state must be in
packages containing at least 0.60 ounces [17 grams] of tobacco.57-36-08. Stamps prepared by commissioner. Repealed by S.L. 1991, ch. 665,