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57-40.6 Emergency Services Communication Systems

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CHAPTER 57-40.6EMERGENCY SERVICES COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS57-40.6-01. Definitions. In this chapter, unless the context or subject matter otherwiserequires:1."Active prepaid wireless service" means a prepaid wireless service that has been
used by the customer during the month to complete a telephone call for which the
customer's card or balance was decremented.2."Assessed communications service" means a software service, communication
connection, cable or broadband transport facilities, or a combination of these
facilities, between a billed retail end user and a service provider's network that
provides the end user, upon dialing 911, access to a public safety answering point
through a permissible interconnection to the dedicated 911 network.The termincludes telephone exchange access service, wireless service, active prepaid
wireless service, and voice over internet protocol service.3."Automated notification system" means that portion of a telecommunications system
that provides rapid notice of emergency situations to the public.4."Communication connection" means a telephone access line, wireless access line,
unique voice over internet protocol service connection, or functional equivalent
uniquely identifiable by a number, internet address, or other designation.5."Emergency services communication system" means a statewide, countywide, or
citywide radio system, land lines communication network, wireless service network,
or enhanced 911 (E911) telephone system, which provides rapid public access for
coordinated dispatching of services, personnel, equipment, and facilities for law
enforcement, fire, medical, or other emergency services.6."FCC order" means federal communications commission order 94-102 [961 Federal
Register 40348] and any other FCC order that affects the provision of wireless
enhanced 911 service.7."Prepaid wireless service" means wireless service that is activated in advance by
payment for a finite dollar amount of service or for a finite set of minutes that
terminates either upon use by a customer and delivery by the wireless provider of an
agreed-upon amount of service corresponding to the total dollar amount paid in
advance or within a certain period of time following the initial purchase or activation,
unless the customer makes additional payments.8."Public safety answering point" or "PSAP" means a communications facility or
combination of facilities operated on a twenty-four-hour basis which first receives
911 calls from persons in a 911 service area and which, as appropriate, may directly
dispatch public safety services or extend, transfer, or relay 911 calls to appropriate
public safety agencies.9."Subscriber service address" means, for purposes of wire line subscribers, the
address where the telephone subscriber's wire line telephone device is used and, for
purposes of wireless subscribers, the place of primary use, as that term is defined in
section 57-34.1-02.10."Telephone access line" means the principal access to the telephone company's
switched network, including an outward dialed trunk or access register.11."Telephone exchange access service" means service to any wire line telephone
access line identified by a unique telephone number that provides local wire linePage No. 1access to the telecommunications network to a service subscriber and which
enables the subscriber to access the emergency services communications system
by dialing the digits 9-1-1 on the subscriber's telephone device.12."Unpublished" means information that is not published or available from directory
assistance.13."Voice over internet protocol service" means a service that enables real-time
two-way voice communications; requires a broadband connection from the user's
location; requires internet protocol-compatible customer premises equipment; and
permits users generally to receive calls that originate on the public switched
telephone network and to terminate calls to the public switched telephone network.14."Wireless access line" means each active wireless and prepaid wireless telephone
number assigned to a commercial mobile radio service subscriber, including end
users of resellers.15."Wireless enhanced 911 service" means the service required to be provided by
wireless service providers pursuant to the FCC order.16."Wireless service" means commercial mobile radio service as defined in 47 U.S.C.
332(d)(1) and includes:a.Services commonly referred to as wireless; andb.Services provided by any wireless real-time two-way voice communication
device, including radio-telephone communications used in:(1)Cellular telephone service;(2)Personal communications service; or(3)Thefunctionalorcompetitiveequivalentofaradio-telephonecommunications line used in cellular telephone service, personal
communications service, or a network radio access line.17."Wirelessserviceprovider"meansanyentityauthorizedbythefederalcommunications commission to provide wireless service within the state of North
Dakota.57-40.6-02.(Effective through June 30, 2012) Authority of counties or cities toimpose fee on assessed communications service - Procedure. The governing body of a
county or city may impose a fee on all assessed communications services in accordance with the
following requirements:1.The governing body shall adopt a resolution that proposes the adoption of the fee
permitted under this section. The resolution must specify an effective date for the
fee which is no more than two years before the expected implementation date of the
emergency services communication system to be funded by the fee. The resolution
must include a provision for submitting the proposed fee to the electors of the county
or city before the imposition of the fee is effective. The resolution must specify a fee
that does not exceed one dollar per month per communication connection and must
be applied equally upon all assessed communications services.2.The question of the adoption of the fee must be submitted on a petition on which the
petition title of the proposition includes the maximum monthly rate of the proposed
fee authorized under subsection 1. The question of the adoption of the fee may be
submitted to electors at a general, primary, or special election or at a school district
election if the boundaries of the school district are coterminous with the boundariesPage No. 2of the governing body adopting the resolution proposing the adoption of the fee. The
fee is not effective unless it is approved by a majority of the electors voting on the
proposition. The ballot must be worded so that a "yes" vote authorizes imposition of
the fee for an initial six-year period.3.If the electors have approved imposition of a fee under this section before July 1,
2005, and the governing body of the city or county has not implemented that fee by
June 30, 2005, the approval by the electors remains valid until the fee is
implemented and, upon implementation, the fee may be imposed for a six-year
period and is subject to reimposition under subsection 4.4.Any political subdivision that desires to increase the fee, subject to the limitations in
subsection 1, before the end of the six-year term, must use the same ballot
procedure originally used to authorize the fee. The new ballot question may apply to
only the proposed increase and not to the original amount or the original term. If the
increase is approved, the new amount may be collected for the balance of the
original six-year term.If the fee authorized by this section is approved by theelectors, the fee may be reimposed for six additional years without resubmitting the
question to the electors.5.In any geographic area, only one political subdivision may impose the fee and
imposition must be based on the subscriber service address.6.In the interest of public safety, where the subscriber's telephone exchange access
service boundary and the boundary of the political subdivision imposing the fee do
not coincide, and where all of the political subdivisions within the subscriber's
telephone exchange access service boundary have not complied with subsection 1,
and where a majority of the E911 subscribers within the subscriber's telephone
exchange access service boundary have voted for the fee, a telephone exchange
access service subscriber whose subscriber service address is outside the political
subdivision may receive E911 services by signing a contract agreement with the
political subdivision providing the emergency services communication system. The
telephone exchange access service provider may collect an additional fee, equal in
amount to the basic fee on those subscribers within the exchange boundary. The
additional fee amounts collected must be remitted as provided in this chapter.7.A fee imposed under this section before August 1, 2007, on telephone exchange
access service is extended to all assessed communications services and remains in
effect until changed under this section.8.Political subdivisions within an intrastate multicounty public safety answering point
may exceed the maximum fee of one dollar to an amount not to exceed one dollar
and fifty cents. The governing body of the political subdivision may increase the fee
by resolution subject to a vote in that political subdivision at the next general
election.(Effective after June 30, 2012) Authority of counties or cities to impose fee onassessed communications service - Procedure. The governing body of a county or city may
impose a fee on all assessed communications services in accordance with the following
requirements:1.The governing body shall adopt a resolution that proposes the adoption of the fee
permitted under this section. The resolution must specify an effective date for the
fee which is no more than two years before the expected implementation date of the
emergency services communication system to be funded by the fee. The resolution
must include a provision for submitting the proposed fee to the electors of the county
or city before the imposition of the fee is effective. The resolution must specify a fee
that does not exceed one dollar per month per communication connection and must
be applied equally upon all assessed communications services.Page No. 32.The question of the adoption of the fee must be submitted on a petition on which the
petition title of the proposition includes the maximum monthly rate of the proposed
fee authorized under subsection 1. The question of the adoption of the fee may be
submitted to electors at a general, primary, or special election or at a school district
election if the boundaries of the school district are coterminous with the boundaries
of the governing body adopting the resolution proposing the adoption of the fee. The
fee is not effective unless it is approved by a majority of the electors voting on the
proposition. The ballot must be worded so that a "yes" vote authorizes imposition of
the fee for an initial six-year period.3.If the electors have approved imposition of a fee under this section before July 1,
2005, and the governing body of the city or county has not implemented that fee by
June 30, 2005, the approval by the electors remains valid until the fee is
implemented and, upon implementation, the fee may be imposed for a six-year
period and is subject to reimposition under subsection 4.4.Any political subdivision that desires to increase the fee, subject to the limitations in
subsection 1, before the end of the six-year term, must use the same ballot
procedure originally used to authorize the fee. The new ballot question may apply to
only the proposed increase and not to the original amount or the original term. If the
increase is approved, the new amount may be collected for the balance of the
original six-year term.If the fee authorized by this section is approved by theelectors, the fee may be reimposed for six additional years without resubmitting the
question to the electors.5.In any geographic area, only one political subdivision may impose the fee and
imposition must be based on the subscriber service address.6.In the interest of public safety, where the subscriber's telephone exchange access
service boundary and the boundary of the political subdivision imposing the fee do
not coincide, and where all of the political subdivisions within the subscriber's
telephone exchange access service boundary have not complied with subsection 1,
and where a majority of the E911 subscribers within the subscriber's telephone
exchange access service boundary have voted for the fee, a telephone exchange
access service subscriber whose subscriber service address is outside the political
subdivision may receive E911 services by signing a contract agreement with the
political subdivision providing the emergency services communication system. The
telephone exchange access service provider may collect an additional fee, equal in
amount to the basic fee on those subscribers within the exchange boundary. The
additional fee amounts collected must be remitted as provided in this chapter.7.A fee imposed under this section before August 1, 2007, on telephone exchange
access service is extended to all assessed communications services.57-40.6-03.Payment of fee by assessed communications service subscriber orcustomer.The assessed communications service provider shall collect the fee from thesubscriber or customer of the service.1.For prepaid wireless service, the provider shall remit the monthly fee authorized by
section 57-40.6-02 based either upon each active prepaid wireless telephone
associated with this state for each active prepaid wireless telephone customer that
has a sufficient positive balance as of the last day of each month or upon a two
percent assessment on the gross revenue received from the sale of prepaid wireless
services each month. The provider shall remit the fee in a manner consistent with
the provider's existing operating or technological abilities, including by customer
address, location associated with the wireless telephone number, or reasonable
allocation method based upon other relevant data. The fee amount or an equivalent
number of minutes may be reduced from the prepaid customer's account. However,
collection of the fee in the manner of a reduction of value or minutes from thePage No. 4prepaid customer's account does not constitute a reduction in the sales price for
purposes of taxes that are collected at the point of sale.2.For assessed communications service that involves a monthly billing, in the billing
statement or invoice to the subscriber, the provider shall state the amount of the fee
separately.57-40.6-03.1.Enhanced 911 data base management charges.Any telephoneexchange access service provider charges for enhanced 911 data base management must be on
a per telephone exchange access service basis.57-40.6-04. Fee collection procedure. An assessed communications service providermay retain the actual costs of administration in collection of the fee, not to exceed five percent of
the fee collected. The fee proceeds must be paid by the assessed communications service
provider within thirty days after it is collected from the subscriber or customer unless the provider
has fewer than ten subscribers or customers in a jurisdiction, in which case the provider may pay
the proceeds quarterly.57-40.6-05. Restriction on use of fee proceeds. The governing body may use theproceeds of the fee imposed under section 57-40.6-02 solely for implementing, maintaining, or
operating the emergency services communication system and may enter into agreements to
effectuate the same. The governing body or its designee shall deposit the fee proceeds in a
separate fund and keep records to show all expenditures from the fee proceeds.57-40.6-06.Data base.Any telephone exchange access service provider providingemergency 911 service shall provide current customer names, addresses, and telephone
numbers to each 911 coordinator, the coordinator's designee, or public safety answering point
within each 911 system. Information provided under this section must be provided in accordance
with the transactional record disclosure requirements of the federal Electronics Communications
Privacy Act of 1986, 18 U.S.C. 2703(c)(1)(B)(iii), and in a manner that identifies the names and
telephone numbers that are unpublished.The provider shall report data base informationregarding new service or a change of service within two business days of the actual service
change unless a longer period is permitted by the jurisdiction. The provider shall report data
base information regarding dropped service at least monthly.57-40.6-07.Use of the furnished information.Unpublished names and telephonenumbers generated by a 911 coordinator or 911 public safety answering point or provided to a
911 coordinator or public safety answering point under section 57-40.6-06 are confidential and
may be used only for verifying the location or identity, or both, for response purposes, of a person
calling a 911 answering point for emergency help or by the 911 coordinator or public safety
answering point for the purpose of a public safety agency notifying a person of an emergency.
Published names and telephone numbers maintained by a 911 coordinator or public safety
answering point are exempt records as defined in section 44-04-17.1 but must be provided upon
request to the treasurer and auditor of the county served by the 911 coordinator for the purpose
of verifying and correcting names and addresses used for official purposes. A record obtained
for the purpose of providing services in an emergency and which reveals the address of a person
requesting emergency service or reporting an emergency by accessing an emergency telephone
number 911 system is exempt from section 44-04-18 and may be redacted from the record
before it is released.57-40.6-08.Emergency services communication system, automated notificationsystem, or emergency instructions - Liability.1.A public agency, public safety agency, assessed communications service provider,
or person that provides access to an emergency services communication system or
an automated notification system, or any officer, agent, or employee of any public
agency, public safety agency, assessed communications service provider, or person
is not liable for any civil damages as a result of any act or omission except willful andPage No. 5wanton misconduct or gross negligence in connection with developing, adopting,
operating, or implementing any plan or system as provided under this chapter.2.A person who gives emergency instructions through a system as provided under this
chapter, to persons rendering services in an emergency at another location, or any
person following such instructions in rendering such services, is not liable for any
civil damages as a result of issuing or following the instructions, unless issuing or
following the instructions constitutes willful and wanton misconduct or gross
negligence.3.This section does not waive, limit, or modify any existing immunity or other defense
of the state or any political subdivision, or any of its agencies, departments,
commissions, boards, officers, or employees, nor does it create any claim for relief
against any of these entities.57-40.6-09. Governor to appoint an emergency services communication systemadvisory committee - Standards and guidelines - Report. Expired under S.L. 1987, ch. 720,

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