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57-63 Provider Assessment for Intermediate Care

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CHAPTER 57-63PROVIDER ASSESSMENT FOR INTERMEDIATE CARE57-63-01. Definitions. As used in this chapter:1."Business" has the meaning provided in section 31-08.1-01.2."Commissioner" means the state tax commissioner.3."Facility" includes the operating entity of each intermediate care facility for the
mentally retarded located in this state.4."Intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded" means a treatment or care
center licensed under chapter 25-16 that provides services eligible for coverage as
medicalassistanceunder42U.S.C.1396a(a)(31),andalsomeansthedevelopmental center at westwood park, Grafton.5."Licensed bed" means a bed licensed under chapter 25-16 or approved by the
secretary of health and human services pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1396i.6."Quarter" means one of four calendar quarters beginning January first, April first,
July first, or October first.57-63-02.Imposition of assessment.An assessment must be imposed on eachintermediate care facility for the mentally retarded licensed in this state. No waiver otherwise
available under this code is applicable to this assessment.57-63-03. Basis of assessment. Every year beginning July first, each intermediate carefacility for the mentally retarded must be assessed a quarterly rate per licensed bed as of the first
day of each quarter. The quarterly rate may not exceed a rate calculated by the department of
human services as an annual aggregate of gross revenues as of December thirty-first of the
preceding year for all intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded, multiplied by one and
one-half percent, and divided by licensed beds as of December thirty-first of the preceding year.57-63-04. Reports - Extension.1.On or before the last day of a quarter, each facility required to pay an assessment
under this chapter must make out a return for the quarter in the form and manner
prescribed by the commissioner. The facility shall report the number of licensed
beds as of the first day of the quarter, the amount of the assessment for the quarter
covered by the return, and include such further information the commissioner may
require to enable the commissioner to correctly compute and remit the assessment
levied by this chapter.2.Upon request by a facility and a proper showing of the necessity, the commissioner
may grant to the facility an extension of time not exceeding thirty days for making a
return. If an extension is granted to a facility, the time the facility is required to make
payment of the assessment liability must be extended for the same period. Interest
must be charged upon the amount of the deferred payment at the rate of twelve
percent per annum from the date the assessment would have been due if the
extension had not been granted to the date the assessment is paid.3.A return must be signed by a duly authorized agent of the facility and must contain a
written declaration that the return is made and subscribed under the penalties of this
chapter.57-63-05. Payment of assessment. An assessment levied under this chapter must bepaid on a quarterly basis and is due and payable on the last day of the quarter.Page No. 157-63-06. Penalties - Offenses.1.If a facility's return or corrected return is not filed or the assessment is not paid within
the time required by this chapter or, if upon audit, the facility is found to owe an
additional assessment, the facility is subject to a penalty of five percent of the
amount of assessment due, plus interest of one percent of the assessment for each
month of delay or fraction thereof, excepting the first month after the assessment
becomes due. If satisfied that the delay was excusable, the commissioner may
waive and, if paid, refund all or any part of the penalty and interest. The penalty and
interest must be paid to the commissioner and disposed of in the same manner as
other receipts under this chapter. Unpaid penalties and interest may be enforced in
the same manner as the assessment imposed under this chapter.2.A person failing to comply with this chapter or failing to remit the assessment
provided by this chapter to the commissioner on a timely basis is guilty of a class B
misdemeanor.57-63-07.Records required.A facility required to pay an assessment under thischapter shall preserve and maintain the records as the commissioner may require for a period of
three years and one month.All records must be open to examination at any time by thecommissioner or any of the commissioner's duly authorized agents.57-63-08. Officer and manager liability.1.If a business that owns or operates a facility fails for any reason to file a required
return or to pay an assessment due, any of its officers or managers having control or
supervision of, or charged with the responsibility for making a return or payment is
personally liable for the failure. The dissolution of a business does not discharge an
officer's or manager's liability for a prior failure of the business to make a return or
remit the assessment due.2.If any of the officers or managers elect not to be personally liable for the failure to file
the required return or to pay the assessment due, the facility shall make a cash
deposit or post with the commissioner a bond or undertaking executed by a surety
company authorized to do business in this state.The cash deposit, bond, orundertaking must be in an amount equal to the estimated annual assessment liability
of the facility.57-63-09. Commissioner to administer chapter.1.The commissioner is charged with the administration of this chapter and shall
enforce the assessment, levy, and collection of assessments imposed under this
chapter.2.For the purpose of ascertaining the correctness of a return or for the purpose of
ascertaining the number of licensed beds of a facility, the commissioner shall
examine or cause to be examined by an agent or representative designated by the
commissioner any books, papers, records, or memoranda; require by subpoena the
attendance and testimony of witnesses; issue and sign subpoenas; administer
oaths; examine witnesses and receive evidence; and compel witnesses to produce
for examination books, papers, records, and documents relating to any matter which
the commissioner has the authority to investigate or determine.3.If the commissioner finds an officer or manager of a facility has made a fraudulent
return, the costs of a hearing must be assessed to the facility. In all other cases, the
costs must be paid by the state.4.The fees and mileage to be paid witnesses and assessed as costs must be the
same as prescribed by law in proceedings in the district court of this state in civilPage No. 2cases. All costs must be assessed in the manner provided by law in proceedings in
civil cases. When the costs are assessed to the facility, the costs must be added to
the assessment charged against the facility and must be collected in the same
manner. Costs assessed to the state must be certified by the commissioner to the
state treasurer, who shall issue warrants for the amount of the costs.5.In cases of disobedience to a subpoena, the commissioner may invoke the aid of a
court of competent jurisdiction in requiring the attendance and testimony of
witnesses and production of records, books, papers, and documents. The court may
issue an order requiring the person to appear before the commissioner and give
evidence or produce records, books, papers, and documents. A failure to obey an
order of the court may be punished by the court as contempt.6.Testimony on hearings before the commissioner may be taken by a deposition as in
civil cases and an individual may be compelled to appear and depose in the same
manner as witnesses may be compelled to appear and testify as provided by this
section.57-63-10. Lien of assessment - Collection - Action authorized.1.Whenever a facility liable to pay an assessment or penalty imposed refuses or
neglects to pay the same, the amount, including any interest, penalty, or addition to
the assessment, together with the costs that may accrue, is a lien in favor of this
state upon all property and rights to property, whether real or personal, belonging to
the facility. In the case of property in which a deceased owner, officer, or manager
of a facility held an interest as joint tenant or otherwise with right of survivorship at
the time of death, the lien continues as a lien against the property in the hands of the
survivor or survivors to the extent of the deceased owner's, officer's, or manager's
interest, which interest must be determined by dividing the value of the entire
property at the time of the officer's or manager's death by the number of joint tenants
or persons interested therein.2.The lien attaches at the time the assessment becomes due and payable and
continues until the liability for the amount is satisfied.For the purposes of thissubsection, the words "due" and "due and payable" mean the first instant the
assessment becomes due.3.A mortgagee, purchaser, judgment creditor, or lien claimant acquiring an interest in,
or lien on, any property situated in the state, prior to the commissioner filing in the
central indexing system maintained by the secretary of state, a notice of the lien
provided for in section 57-39.2-12, takes free of, or has priority over, the lien.4.The commissioner shall index in the central indexing system the following data:a.The name of the facility.b.The tax identification number of the facility or social security number of the
owner, officer, or manager of the facility.c.The name "State of North Dakota" as claimant.d.The date and time the notice of lien was indexed.e.The amount of the lien.The notice of lien is effective as of eight a.m. the next day following the indexing of
the notice. A notice of lien filed by the commissioner with the recorder may be
indexed in the central indexing system without changing its original priority as to
property in the county where the lien was filed.Page No. 35.The commissioner is exempt from the payment of the filing fees as otherwise
provided by law for the indexing of the notice of lien, or for its satisfaction.6.Upon payment of the assessment as to which the commissioner has indexed notice
in the central indexing system, the commissioner shall index a satisfaction of the lien
in the central indexing system.7.Upon the request of the commissioner, the attorney general shall bring an action at
law or in equity, as the facts may justify, without bond, to enforce payment of any
assessments and any penalties, or to foreclose the lien in the manner provided for
mortgages on real or personal property. The state's attorney of the county in which
the action is pending shall assist the attorney general.8.The remedies of this section are cumulative. Action taken by the commissioner or
attorney general may not be construed to be an election on the part of the state or
any of its officers to pursue any remedy hereunder to the exclusion of any other
remedy provided by law.9.The technical, legal requirements in this section relating to assessment liens on all
real and personal property of the officer or manager of the facility to ensure payment
oftheassessment,includingpenalties,interest,andothercosts,areself-explanatory.57-63-11. Commissioner may require bond. When in the commissioner's judgment itis necessary and advisable to do so in order to secure the collection of the assessment levied
under this chapter, the commissioner may require a person subject to the assessment to file with
the commissioner a bond, issued by a surety company authorized to transact business in this
state and approved by the insurance commissioner as to solvency and responsibility in an
amount the commissioner may fix, to secure the payment of any assessment and penalties due
or which may become due from the person. In lieu of the bond, securities approved by the
commissioner in the amounts as the commissioner prescribes may be deposited with the
commissioner, which securities must be kept in the custody of the commissioner and may be
sold by the commissioner at public or private sale, without notice to the depositor, if it becomes
necessary to do so in order to recover any assessment and penalties due. All moneys deposited
as security with the commissioner under this section must be paid by the commissioner to the
state treasurer and must be credited by the state treasurer into a special fund to be known as the
provider assessment trust fund. If any assessment, penalty, or costs imposed by this chapter are
not paid when due, by the person depositing moneys with the commissioner as security for the
payment of the assessment, penalty, or costs imposed by this chapter, the commissioner shall
certify that information to the director of the office of management and budget who shall transmit
the money to the commissioner who shall apply the money deposited by the person or so much
thereof as is necessary to satisfy the assessment and penalties due.When in thecommissioner's judgment it is no longer necessary to require the deposit to be maintained by the
person, the commissioner shall certify that information to the director of the office of
management and budget who shall pay the unused money to the entitled person.57-63-12. Correction of errors. If it appears that, as a result of a mistake, an amount ofassessment, penalty, or interest has been paid which was not due under this chapter, the amount
must be credited against any assessment due, or to become due, under this chapter from the
person who made the erroneous payment, or the amount must be refunded to the person. The
person who made the erroneous payment shall present a claim for refund or credit to the
commissioner not later than three years after the due date of the return for the period for which
the erroneous payment was made or one year after the erroneous payment was made,
whichever is later.57-63-13. Provider assessment fund. There is a special fund in the state treasuryknown as the provider assessment fund.The fund includes all revenue received fromintermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded for remittance to the fund under this chapter.Page No. 4All moneys designated for the fund from whatever source derived must be deposited with the
state treasurer in the provider assessment fund.Page No. 5Document Outlinechapter 57-63 provider assessment for intermediate care

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