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CHAPTER 58-17TOWNSHIP PARKS58-17-01.Townships - Authority to acquire, operate, and regulate parks.Anytownship may acquire, establish, construct, expand, own, lease, control, equip, improve,
maintain, operate, regulate, and police any park either within or without the geographic limits of
such township and may use for such purposes any available property owned or controlled or
occupied for the purpose or purposes enumerated in this chapter.Any such park must bedeclared to be acquired, owned, leased, controlled, or occupied for a public purpose in
accordance with public need.58-17-02. Townships - Parks - Tax levy for park purposes. In townships supportingparks, a levy not exceeding the limitation in subsection 8 of section 57-15-20.2 may be made for
such purposes, but such levies do not apply to property in any city or park district which levies for
park district purposes.58-17-03. Townships - Parks - Tax levy may be certified by board of supervisors.The board of township supervisors may certify annually to the county auditor the amount of tax to
be levied by such township for park purposes in the same manner as provided by law for other
township levies. The proceeds of such taxes must be deposited in a special fund or account into
which other park revenues of the township are deposited and may be expended by the township
only for park purposes.Page No. 1Document Outlinechapter 58-17 township parks