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CHAPTER 60-03HAY BUYERS60-03-01. Definitions. In this chapter, unless the context or subject matter otherwiserequires:1."Claimant" means any person claiming to be injured by the default of the licensee in
the payment for any hay purchased or marketed by the licensee.2."Commission" means the public service commission.3."Credit-sale contract" means a written contract for the sale of hay under which the
sale price is to be paid or may be paid more than thirty days after the delivery or
release of the hay for sale and which contains the notice required in subdivision g of
subsection 5 of section 60-03-04.1. When a part of the sale price of a contract for
the sale of hay is to be paid or may be paid more than thirty days after the delivery
or release of the hay for sale, only that part of the contract is a credit-sale contract.4."Hay" means alfalfa, clover, and any other grain or grass that has been cut and
stacked or baled for use as feed for livestock.5."Hay buyer" means any person who is in the business of buying hay from the owner
for resale or processing, or markets hay on behalf of the owner. The term does not
include a producer of hay who purchases hay from other producers to complete a
carload or truckload in which the greater portion of the load is hay grown by the
producer or on-farm feedlot operations in which at least fifty percent of the livestock
is owned by the owner of the farm.6."Licensee" means a hay buyer licensed under this chapter.60-03-01.1. Duties and powers of the commission. The commission shall have thepower to:1.Exercise general supervision of the hay buyers of this state.2.Investigate all complaints of fraud and injustice, unfair practices, and unfair
discrimination.3.Examine and inspect during ordinary business hours any books, documents, and
records of any hay buyer.4.Make all proper rules for carrying out and enforcing any law in this state regarding
hay buyers.60-03-02. License - How obtained - Fee. Each hay buyer operating within this statemust obtain a license through the commission to expire on July thirty-first of each year. Each
license must designate the business address of the licensee, and each licensee shall have and
maintain an agent for process within this state. The license fee which must accompany the
application for license is one hundred dollars.60-03-03. Subject to public warehouse laws. Repealed by S.L. 1999, ch. 534,