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CHAPTER 61-29LITTLE MISSOURI STATE SCENIC RIVER ACT61-29-01. Short title. This chapter may be cited as the Little Missouri State Scenic RiverAct.61-29-02. Intent. The purpose of this chapter shall be to preserve the Little MissouriRiver as nearly as possible in its present state, which shall mean that the river will be maintained
in a free-flowing natural condition, and to establish a Little Missouri River commission.61-29-03. Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, unless the context otherwiseindicates:1."Free-flowing" shall mean existing or flowing in a natural condition without
impoundment, diversion, straightening, or other modification of the waterway.2."Little Missouri River" means the river commencing at the North Dakota-South
Dakota state border and terminating at its juncture with Lake Sakakawea, with such
juncture defined as the bridge crossing of state highway twenty-two in section
thirty-four, range ninety-five west, township one hundred forty-eight north, with
boundaries established as the natural channels of the river to the low watermark.61-29-04. Administration. This chapter must be administered by a Little Missouri Rivercommission composed of the director of the parks and recreation department, the state health
officer of the state department of health, the chief engineer of the state water commission, or
their designated representatives, and one member from each of the following counties:
McKenzie, Billings, Slope, Golden Valley, Dunn, and Bowman.The commission membersrepresenting the above-mentioned counties must be appointed by their respective boards of
county commissioners and shall serve without compensation except that each appointing board
of county commissioners may reimburse its county representative for actual and necessary
mileage to and from meetings of the commission at the same rate as state officers. The county
representatives appointed must be resident landowners who live adjacent to the Little Missouri
River with the exception of the Golden Valley County representative. A county representative
unable to attend a meeting of the commission may be represented by a person who has a written
proxy from the representative authorizing that person to act and vote for the representative. The
proxy must be a resident landowner of the county that the proxy is representing, but need not live
adjacent to the Little Missouri River. The county members shall serve terms of office as follows:
two members shall serve one-year terms, two members shall serve two-year terms, and two
members shall serve three-year terms.61-29-05. Powers and duties of commission. The commission may advise local orother units of government to afford the protection adequate to maintain the scenic, historic, and
recreational qualities of the Little Missouri River and its tributary streams. The commission shall
also have the power and duties of promulgating management policies to coordinate all activities
within the confines of the Little Missouri River when such action is deemed necessary.61-29-06. Management. Channelization, reservoir construction, or diversion other thanfor agricultural or recreational purposes and the dredging of waters within the confines of the
Little Missouri scenic river and all Little Missouri River tributary streams are expressly prohibited.
Flood control dikes may be constructed within the floodplain of the Little Missouri River. Diking
and riprapping for bank erosion control shall be permitted within the confines of the Little Missouri
scenic river.The construction of impoundments for any purpose on the Little Missourimainstream shall be prohibited.This chapter shall in no way affect or diminish the rights of owners of the land borderingthe river to use the waters for domestic purposes, including livestock watering, or any other rights
of riparian landowners.Page No. 1Document Outlinechapter 61-29 little missouri state scenic river act