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CHAPTER 61-34LIVESTOCK WATER ASSISTANCE PROGRAM61-34-01. Definitions. In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:1."Commission" means the state water commission.2."Program" means the drought disaster livestock water assistance program.3."State engineer" means the state engineer appointed under section 61-03-01.61-34-02. Drought disaster livestock water assistance program - Administration.The commission shall administer the program for the purpose of providing relief for livestock
water supply problems caused by drought.61-34-03. Advisory committee. The commission shall appoint an advisory committeeof at least three members.The committee shall advise the commission in determining thecriteria for eligibility, in defining expenses covered by the program, and in developing rules.61-34-04.Eligibility - Application for assistance.Applicants with livestock watersupply problems caused by drought may apply for assistance from the program. An applicant
must first apply for water cost-share assistance from the United States department of agriculture
farm service agency.If cost-share assistance is denied by the agency, the applicant mayforward the application to the commission for consideration. An application forwarded to the
commission must include a document from the United States department of agriculture farm
service agency stating the reason for denial of cost-share assistance. The state engineer shall
review all applications received by the commission. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a
water supply project commenced after application for funding is made but without prior approval
of the state engineer is eligible for funding from the program. If the state engineer approves an
application, the applicant may receive up to fifty percent of the cost but in no event more than
three thousand five hundred dollars per project with a limit of three projects per applicant.Thestate engineer shall provide funds for approved applications in accordance with rules and criteria
for eligibility and only to the extent that funding is available. A drought livestock water assistance
program project located on Indian land is eligible for the program.Page No. 1Document Outlinechapter 61-34 livestock water assistance program