The bureau of criminal identification and investigation shall prepare a periodic information bulletin concerning missing children whom it determines may be present in this state. The bureau shall compile the bulletin from information contained in the national crime information center computer. The bulletin shall indicate the names and addresses of these minors who are the subject of missing children cases and other information that the superintendent of the bureau considers appropriate. The bulletin shall contain a reminder to law enforcement agencies of their responsibilities under section 2901.30 of the Revised Code.
The bureau shall send a copy of each periodic information bulletin to the missing children clearinghouse established under section 109.65 of the Revised Code for use in connection with its responsibilities under division (E) of that section. Upon receipt of each periodic information bulletin from the bureau, the missing children clearinghouse shall send a copy of the bulletin to each sheriff, marshal, police department of a municipal corporation, police force of a township police district or joint township police district, and township constable in this state, to the board of education of each school district in this state, and to each nonpublic school in this state. The bureau shall provide a copy of the bulletin, upon request, to other persons or entities. The superintendent of the bureau, with the approval of the attorney general, may establish a reasonable fee for a copy of a bulletin provided to persons or entities other than law enforcement agencies in this or other states or of the federal government, the department of education, governmental entities of this state, and libraries in this state. The superintendent shall deposit all fees collected by him into the missing children fund created by section 109.65 of the Revised Code.
As used in this section, “missing children,” “information,” and “minor” have the same meanings as in section 2901.30 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 10-01-1993